451 research outputs found

    Método de RP-HPLC para la estimación simultánea de atorvastatina cálcica y ramipril de plasma.

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    Solid lipid microparticles (SLMs) loaded with ketoprofen were prepared by single emulsion-solvent evaporation method, in which glyceryl monostearate and Tween 80 were employed. The particle size was found to be 99.80±2.1μm. Microparticles observed by scanning electron microscope (SEM) showed spherical shape. The entrapment efficiency (EE %) and drug loading capacity (DL %) were found to be 72.60±1.6 % and 17.98±0.7% respectively. Results of stability evaluation showed relatively long term stability after storage at 4˚C for 3 months. The in-vivo study revealed slightly better per cent inhibition of pain i.e. 74% in comparison with 68% produced by plain drug.Las micropartículas lipídicas sólidas (MLS) cargadas con ketoprofeno se prepararon a través del método de evaporación del disolvente en emulsión simple, en el que se ha utilizado monoestearato de glicerilo y Tween 80. El tamaño de la partícula resultó ser de 99,80±2,1 μm. Las micropartículas observadas a través del microscopio electrónico de barrido (MEB) mostraron una forma esférica. La eficacia de captura (EC %) y la capacidad de carga (CC %) del fármaco resultaron ser del 72,60±1,6% y 17,98±0,7%, respectivamente. Los resultados de la evaluación de estabilidad mostraron una estabilidad relativa a largo plazo, después de una conservación a 4˚C durante 3 meses. El estudio in vivo reveló un ligero mejor porcentaje en la inhibición del dolor, concretamente, un 74% en comparación con un 68% producido por un fármaco corriente

    Genome-Wide Analysis of Müller Glial Differentiation Reveals a Requirement for Notch Signaling in Postmitotic Cells to Maintain the Glial Fate

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    Previous studies have shown that Müller glia are closely related to retinal progenitors; these two cell types express many of the same genes and after damage to the retina, Müller glia can serve as a source for new neurons, particularly in non-mammalian vertebrates. We investigated the period of postnatal retinal development when progenitors are differentiating into Müller glia to better understand this transition. FACS purified retinal progenitors and Müller glia from various ages of Hes5-GFP mice were analyzed by Affymetrix cDNA microarrays. We found that genes known to be enriched/expressed by Müller glia steadily increase over the first three postnatal weeks, while genes associated with the mitotic cell cycle are rapidly downregulated from P0 to P7. Interestingly, progenitor genes not directly associated with the mitotic cell cycle, like the proneural genes Ascl1 and Neurog2, decline more slowly over the first 10–14 days of postnatal development, and there is a peak in Notch signaling several days after the presumptive Müller glia have been generated. To confirm that Notch signaling continues in the postmitotic Müller glia, we performed in situ hybridization, immunolocalization for the active form of Notch, and immunofluorescence for BrdU. Using genetic and pharmacological approaches, we found that sustained Notch signaling in the postmitotic Müller glia is necessary for their maturation and the stabilization of the glial identity for almost a week after the cells have exited the mitotic cell cycle

    Aplicación de modelos de mejoramiento de procesos utilizando estudios de tiempos en el área de licitaciones de la empresa Mapfre Seguros

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    Trabajo de InvestigaciónEl trabajo va orientado a la elaboración de un plan de mejoramiento en un área específica de la empresa Mapfre Seguros. Este objetivo se logró después de hacer un análisis de la situación actual del área a través de varias herramientas de calidad, diagnóstico del proceso del área mediante un estudio de tiempos, y finalmente se realiza el diseño del plan de mejoramiento que permite perfeccionar el proceso del área investigadaINTRODUCCIÓN 1. GENERALIDADES 2. RECOPILACIÓN Y ANÁLISIS DE LA INFORMACIÓN 3. DIAGNÓSTICO DEL ÁREA DE LICITACIONES 4. PROPUESTA DE MEJORAMIENTO 5. CONCLUSIONES 6. RECOMENDACIONES BIBLIOGRAFÍA ANEXOSPregradoIngeniero Industria

    Decolorization and partial mineralization of a polyazo dye by Bacillus firmus immobilized within tubular polymeric gel

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    The degradation of C.I. Direct red 80, a polyazo dye, was investigated using Bacillus firmus immobilized by entrapment in tubular polymeric gel. This bacterial strain was able to completely decolorize 50 mg/L of C.I. Direct red 80 under anoxic conditions within 12 h and also degrade the reaction intermediates (aromatic amines) during the subsequent 12 h under aerobic conditions. The tubular gel harboring the immobilized cells consisted of anoxic and aerobic regions integrated in a single unit which was ideal for azo dye degradation studies. Results obtained show that effective dye decolorization (97.8%), chemical oxygen demand (COD) reduction (91.7%) and total aromatic amines removal were obtained in 15 h with the immobilized bacterial cell system whereas for the free cells, a hydraulic residence time of 24 h was required for an equivalent performance in a sequential anoxic and aerobic process. Repeated-batch experiments indicate the immobilized cells could decolorize C.I. Direct red 80 and reduce medium COD in five successive batch runs with enhanced activity obtained after each consecutive run, thus suggesting its stability and potential for repeated use in wastewater treatment. UV–visible spectrophotometry and HPLC analysis were used to confirm the partial mineralization of the dye. Data from this study could be used as a reference for the development of effective industrial scale biotechnological process for the removal of dyes and their metabolites in textile wastewater

    Finding the engram.

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    Many attempts have been made to localize the physical trace of a memory, or engram, in the brain. However, until recently, engrams have remained largely elusive. In this Review, we develop four defining criteria that enable us to critically assess the recent progress that has been made towards finding the engram. Recent \u27capture\u27 studies use novel approaches to tag populations of neurons that are active during memory encoding, thereby allowing these engram-associated neurons to be manipulated at later times. We propose that findings from these capture studies represent considerable progress in allowing us to observe, erase and express the engram

    Nano-motion Dynamics are Determined by Surface-Tethered Selectin Mechanokinetics and Bond Formation

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    The interaction of proteins at cellular interfaces is critical for many biological processes, from intercellular signaling to cell adhesion. For example, the selectin family of adhesion receptors plays a critical role in trafficking during inflammation and immunosurveillance. Quantitative measurements of binding rates between surface-constrained proteins elicit insight into how molecular structural details and post-translational modifications contribute to function. However, nano-scale transport effects can obfuscate measurements in experimental assays. We constructed a biophysical simulation of the motion of a rigid microsphere coated with biomolecular adhesion receptors in shearing flow undergoing thermal motion. The simulation enabled in silico investigation of the effects of kinetic force dependence, molecular deformation, grouping adhesion receptors into clusters, surface-constrained bond formation, and nano-scale vertical transport on outputs that directly map to observable motions. Simulations recreated the jerky, discrete stop-and-go motions observed in P-selectin/PSGL-1 microbead assays with physiologic ligand densities. Motion statistics tied detailed simulated motion data to experimentally reported quantities. New deductions about biomolecular function for P-selectin/PSGL-1 interactions were made. Distributing adhesive forces among P-selectin/PSGL-1 molecules closely grouped in clusters was necessary to achieve bond lifetimes observed in microbead assays. Initial, capturing bond formation effectively occurred across the entire molecular contour length. However, subsequent rebinding events were enhanced by the reduced separation distance following the initial capture. The result demonstrates that vertical transport can contribute to an enhancement in the apparent bond formation rate. A detailed analysis of in silico motions prompted the proposition of wobble autocorrelation as an indicator of two-dimensional function. Insight into two-dimensional bond formation gained from flow cell assays might therefore be important to understand processes involving extended cellular interactions, such as immunological synapse formation. A biologically informative in silico system was created with minimal, high-confidence inputs. Incorporating random effects in surface separation through thermal motion enabled new deductions of the effects of surface-constrained biomolecular function. Important molecular information is embedded in the patterns and statistics of motion