64 research outputs found

    Primary Oral Myiasis: A Case Report

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    Myiasis commonly refers to invasion of live human or animal tissue by fly larvae of the Diptera order where they complete their cycle totally or in part, feeding on living or dead tissue, as well as on body fluids. Infestation of tissues of vertebrate species is pandemic but more frequently found in tropical and subtropical countries where poor hygiene, poor housing infrastructure, warm humid climate, and proximity with domestic animals prevail. Its diagnosis is made basically by the presence of larvae. The present paper reports a case of gingival myiasis involving 14–16 larvae in a 12-year-old boy

    Assessment of epidemiological factors and clinical profiles of cerebral infarction cases in tertiary health center in southern Maharashtra and hence evaluating computed tomography as its diagnostic modality: a prospective study

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    Background: Cerebrovascular accidents are one of the leading causes of death in developed countries. The advent of CT in early 1970s greatly facilitated the diagnosis and management of stroke. The present study aims at assessing epidemiological factors and clinical presentation of cerebral infarction cases and hence to evaluate computed tomography as a diagnostic tool for cerebral infarction.Methods: A prospective study was carried out among cases of Cerebral infarction. Every patient was interviewed personally, and detailed history was taken followed by clinical, systemic and neurological examination. Results were analysed comparing clinical diagnosis, sites of lesions, nature of lesions and CT scan findings.Results: Cases showed male predominance with 69% cases and 31% were females. 19% cases presented with headache, 17% with convulsions and 9% with vomiting. Upon eliciting past history of cases, we found that 48% were known cases of hypertension, 23% were having past history of cerebrovascular episodes, 20% cases were smokers and tobacco chewers whereas 15% were known cases of diabetes mellitus.Conclusions: Currently India is facing double burden of communicable and non-communicable diseases, and now a day’s cases of non-communicable diseases have started increasing, following iceberg phenomenon. So, diagnosing these conditions in its initial stage and halting the disease progress will be the priority. The present study recommends a comprehensive model for non-communicable disease prevention and control based on current healthcare needs and disease scenario

    Validated Analytical Method Development for the Quantification of Multicomponent Drugs with Special Emphasis on Herbal and Synthetic Drug Formulations

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    The present work involved the development of accurate, precise, simple and rapid Spectroscopic (UV) and Chromatographic (HPLC, HPTLC) methods for simultaneous estimation of the drugs in synthetic and herbal multicomponent formulations containing: - Losartan potassium and Chlorthalidone. - Acebrofylline and Acetylcysteine. - Atovaquone and Proguanil. - Lawsone and p-phenylenediamine. - L- dopa in Zandopa herbal powder. This thesis invoves different chapter providing valuable information about the related topic studied detailed in this thesis. Chapter first deals with the brief introduction about modern analytical techniques like hplc, hptlc, and uv-spectroscopic method and gives brief information about the methods and techniques for the estimation of the multicomponent drug analysis. In this chapter also involves detailed about analytical method developments, analytical method validation, herbal analysis and forced degradation study. The Introduction of present work covers optimum information about the project name entitled here. The objectives of the study were to develop and validate methods for the estimation of drugs in multicomponents drug formulations by using HPLC, HPTLC, and UV Spectrophotometry was explained. In next chapter of this thesis deals with review of literature for the analytical methods available for the estimation of the selected drug formulation either present in single or in the combination with the other drug products. In Fourth chapter discuss about the scope and planning for achieving the objectives of the study explain here. The material and methods chapter described with step by step procedure performed for the optimizing condition for the development of method on HPLC, HPTLC and UV Spectrophotometry methods and validation of the developed method were performed in accordance with ICH guideline and the methods also described the stability indicating assay method carried out by subjecting sample to the stress condition like acid, alkali, peroxide, neutral, thermal and UV light. The optimized chromatographic and spectrophotometric conditions are presented along with data table, graphs, and typical chromatogram were discuss. In the next chapter of this thesis deals with result and discussion are presented in series of tables and figures which includes all the trials chromatograms, the calibration curve, validation data, degradation study data, and herbal analysis of drugs by using modern analytical instruments like HPLC, HPTLC and UV Spectroscopic methods. The over all of the developed methods were summarized below. In the HPLC method developed for losartan potassium and chlorthalidone in tablet (CTD-L) formulations, isocratic mobile phase was found to be unsuitable. Thus gradient conditions were chosen which brought about the elution of losartan potassium and chlorthalidone. The optimized chromatographic conditions were- Injection volume : 10μl. Analytical column : Agilent XDB, C18, 150 × 4.6 mm, 5μ. Detection : 254. Mobile phase : Buffer: acetonitrile in (70:30), pH3.5. The adopted Isocratic system and chromatographic conditions resolved the losartan potassium and chlorthalidone with retention times of 4.63 and 2.17 min respectively. The method was linear in the range of 12.5 – 75 μg/ml for losartan potassium and 1.56 – 9.37 μg/ml for chlorthalidone. The method was validated for system suitability, accuracy, precision, linearity, range, limit of detection (LOD), limit of quantification (LOQ), specificity and robustness The accuracy and precision studies gave very low values of % relative error and % relative standard deviation. Likewise, the HPLC method developed for atovaquone and proguanil in tablet (MALARONE) formulations, isocratic mobile phase was found to be unsuitable. Thus gradient conditions were chosen which brought about the elution of atovaquone and proguanil. The following gradient system was optimized-Mention the mobile phase for gradient elution. The HPLC method was linear from 25 – 150 μg/ml for acebrofylline and 150 – 900 μg/ml for acetylcysteine. The method was validated for system suitability, accuracy, precision, linearity, range, limit of detection(LOD), limit of quantification (LOQ), specificity and robustness with good results. Stability indicating assay is a method that is employed for the analysis of stability samples in pharmaceutical industry. When developing SIMs, forced degradation studies are undertaken particularly when little information is available about potential degradation products. These studies also provide information about the degradation pathway and degradation products that could form during storage. Forced degradation studies help facilitate pharmaceutical development as well as in cases such as formulation development, manufacturing and packaging in which knowledge of chemical behavior can be used to improve a drug product. With this view, forced degradation studies were carried out for the multicomponent combinations of Losartan-Chlorthalidone, Atovaquone-Proguanil and Acebrophylline-Acetylcysteine. The degradation studies were carried out under acidic, alkaline, oxidative, and dry heat (thermal) and photolytic conditions. The degraded samples and standard drug were subjected to chromatographic separation and the conditions required for resolving the drug peak from any potential degradation products were optimized. During forced degradation studies, Losartan (11.16%)and Atovaquone (11.3%) was found to degrade under peroxide degradation conditions and other drug shows % degradation below 10% which is acceptable range. It can be concluded that the stability indicating HPLC method developed for the multicomponent combinations of Losartan-Chlorthalidone, Atovaquone-Proguanil and Acebrophylline-Acetylcysteine is capable of discriminating between the drug and the degradation products. Simultaneous equation method for estimation of drugs in combination is one of the effective methods of multicomponent. Hence UV spectrophotometric methods were developed and validated for simultaneous estimation of Losartan-Chlorthalidone, Atovaquone-Proguanil and Acebrophylline-Acetylcysteine from multicomponent formulations. The method developed for simultaneous estimation of losartan potassium and chlorthalidone showed absorbance maxima at 235nm and 215nm for losartan potassium and chlorthalidone respectively. The developed method was validated as per ICH Guidelines. The method was found to be accurate, precise, specific, robust and linear in the range of 6-16 for losartan and 0.75 - 2 μg /ml for chlorthalidone. The method developed for simultaneous estimation of Atovaquone and Proguanil showed absorbance maxima at 279nm and 254nm for Atovaquone and Proguanil respectively. The developed method was validated as per ICH Guidelines. The method was found to be accurate, precise, specific, robust and linear in the range of 7.5- 20 for Atovaquone and 3 - 8 μg /ml for Proguanil. The method developed for simultaneous estimation of Acetylcysteine and Acebrofylline showed absorbance maxima at 220nm and 273nm for Acetylcysteine and Acebrofylline respectively. The developed method was validated as per ICH Guidelines. The method was found to be accurate, precise, specific, robust and linear in the range of 6 - 36 for Acetylcysteine and 1 - 6 μg /ml for Acebrofylline. The HPTLC method for estimation of Acetylcysteine and acebrofylline made use of unmodified silica plates and solvent system of chloroform : tolune: methanol (6:2:2 V/V/V). The HPTLC method gave linearity for 300 to 1800 ng/spot of the applied quantity for Acetylcysteine and 50 to 300 ng/spot for Acebrofylline. This method gave good results in the validations studies. The HPTLC method for estimation of Atovaquone and Proguanil made use of unmodified silica plates and solvent system of THF : water (6 : 4 V/V). The HPTLC method gave linearity for 500 to 3000 ng/spot of the applied quantity for Atovaquone and 200 to 1200 ng/spot for Proguanil. This method also gave good results in the validations studies. The HPTLC method for estimation of Losartan and Chlorthalidone made use of unmodified silica plates and solvent system of Tolune :chloroform: methanol: ammonia (2.3: 5.0: 2.0: 0.2 V/V/V/V). The HPTLC method gave linearity for 200 to 1500 ng/spot of the applied quantity for Losartan and 31.25 to 187.5 ng/spot for Chlorthalidone. This method also gave good results in the validations studies. The HPTLC method for estimation of Lawsone and Paraphenylenediamine made use of unmodified silica plates and solvent system of n-butanol: acetic acid: water (7: 0.1: 3 V/V/V). The HPTLC method gave linearity for 10 to 70 ng/spot of the applied quantity for Lawsone and 100 to 700 ng/spot for Paraphenylenediamine. The HPTLC method for estimation of L-dopa made use of unmodified silica plates and solvent system of n-butanol n-butanol:water:acetic acid(4:1:1v/v/v). The HPTLC method gave linearity for 100-500ng/spot for L-dopa. This method also gave good results in validation. All analytical methods summarized above were successfully developed and validated HPLC, HPTLC, and UV Spectrophotometric methods are better, improved and innovative, less expensive and time saving as well as sensitive, specific, linear, precise, and accurate, for the quantification of both the herbal and synthetic multicomponent formulations can be used in the routine quality control of the above mentioned multicomponent formulations

    Seasonal variation of intestinal Trichuris sp. in sheep and goats from Maharashtra State

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    The present paper deals with the seasonal variation of Trichuris sp. of sheep and goats. The high prevalence of Trichuris sp. are recorded in the month of December 2008 and November 2009 i.e. 82.8% and 85.0% respectively followed by in the month of March 2009 and February 2010 i.e. 60% and 70% respectively where as low prevalence are recorded in the month of August 2008 and July 2009 i.e. 50% and 31.5% respectively.Â

    Study of interleukin-6 levels in early diagnosis of neonatal sepsis

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    Background:Neonatal septicemia is one of the commonest causes of neonatal mortality and morbidity. Interleukin-6 Levels appears to be one of the most promising candidate cytokine for early diagnosis of neonatal septicaemia. The aim and objectives of this study was to study the role of IL-6 levels as an early marker for diagnosis of neonatal sepsis and to compare IL-6 levels with other septic markers.  Methods:This is a hospital based prospective study to evaluate the efficacy of IL-6 as an early diagnostic marker of neonatal sepsis. Eighty neonates, delivered in the hospital, having risk factors for neonatal sepsis, along with those coming to hospital with signs and symptoms of sepsis up to 28 days of life (as study group ) along with normal new-borns admitted to the postnatal ward without high risk factors (control group) were enrolled for this study.Results:IL-6 Levels has shown maximum sensitivity of 95.83%, specificity of 87.50%, positive predictive value of 92%, negative predictive value of 93.33% and accuracy of 92.50 %. E. coli was the most common organism responsible for sepsis. CRP was reported to be highly sensitive (84.21%), and  CBC was highly specific (75.00%), IT ratio has sensitivity of 62.5% and specificity of 56.25% while micro-ESR has shown sensitivity of 50.0% and specificity of 62.5%. Out of 80 cases, blood culture (BacTalert) showed growth in 48 cases in study group while two cases in control group. Thus blood culture positivity was 60%.Conclusion:IL-6 test has maximum sensitivity as well as specificity in comparison with other septic markers. Blood culture is the gold standard for the diagnosis of septicemia. CRP is most sensitive while CBC is most specific marker in neonatal sepsis.


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    Accurate diagnostic indicators are required for prompt intervention in cases of acute coronary syndrome (ACS), a global health concern. Mean Platelet Volume (MPV), sometimes disregarded in standard blood testing, has showed promise in assessing atherothrombosis risk and platelet function. In order to determine whether MPV may be used as a diagnostic tool in ACS, this study looked at how cardiac Troponin I levels related to MPV. Methods: 96 patients were divided into two groups of 48 ACS cases and 48 non-ACS cases for an 18-month descriptive cross-sectional observational study. Statistical analyses were run to assess the connections between MPV and a number of other factors. Results: Patients with ACS reported substantially higher MPV levels compared to those without ACS. Troponin I level had a positive association between them and MPV (p less than 0.0001), indicating that it could be a helpful prognostic marker. In ACS patients with ST-elevation and non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction, there were no discernible MPV changes (p = 0.3). Conclusion: This study demonstrates a strong correlation between MPV and ACS. Combining MPV with established markers could improve ACS diagnoses because it is affordable and simple to measure. When MPV is incorporated into diagnostic protocols, there is a good opportunity for early ACS identification and intervention, which lowers the rates of morbidity and mortality that are related to it

    Risk Factors and Prognostic Role of Neutrophil Lymphocyte Ratio in Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients

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    Background: With high morbidity and mortality, acute ischemic stroke (AIS) is a significant worldwide health concern. Improving patient outcomes requires an understanding of the disease's risk factors and prognostic indicators. Methods: 100 AIS patients were enrolled in this observational study over a period of 18 months, and demographics, hypertension, diabetes, smoking, and neutrophil lymphocyte ratio (NLR) at admission were evaluated. The modified Rankin Scale (mRS), which measures functional status, was one of the outcomes. Results: Lower survival rates at 1 and 2 years were connected with higher NLR quartiles. Smoking exhibited a trend, but multivariate analysis identified hypertension and diabetes as independent predictors of poor functional outcomes (mRS 3). NLR showed a significant correlation with functional results. Conclusion: Improving AIS patient care requires integrating NLR assessment and treating diabetes and hypertension. It is necessary to conduct more study to verify these conclusions and improve stroke treatment

    Association Between Mean Platelet Volume and Cardiac Troponin I in Patients with Suspected Acute Coronary Syndrome: A Diagnostic Efficiency Study

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    Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) is a serious illness that demands prompt diagnosis. Although it may have certain drawbacks, cardiac troponin I (cTnI) has changed the diagnosis of ACS. A routine component of complete blood counts, mean platelet volume (MPV), has shown promise as a biomarker for cardiovascular disorders. The purpose of this study was to determine if MPV and cTnI levels correlate in patients who have been admitted with suspected acute coronary syndrome (ACS) and to assess the effectiveness of MPV as a diagnostic tool for ACS. Methods: A 500 patient prospective cohort study with probable ACS was carried out. MPV and cTnI levels were evaluated, and Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) analysis was used to evaluate the diagnostic efficacy. Analyses of subgroups based on clinical and demographic traits were been out. Results: cTnI levels and MPV showed a substantial positive connection. The best MPV cutoff value, according to ROC analysis, is 9.5 fL, which has a good level of discriminatory power (AUC = 0.75). varied patient categories may have varied MPV-cTnI associations, according to subgroup analyses. Conclusion: MPV has potential as a supplementary diagnostic tool in ACS. Its potential clinical utility is highlighted by its relationship to cTnI levels and diagnostic precision. Validating these results and exploring the clinical ramifications of include MPV in ACS diagnosis and management require additional study.Keywords: Mean Platelet Volume, Cardiac Troponin I, Acute Coronary Syndrome, Diagnostic Efficiency, Biomarker
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