638 research outputs found

    Economic Aid to Egypt: Promoting Progress or Subordination?

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    This article evaluates the political economy of U.S. aid in Egypt, arguing that transnational actors worked symbiotically with political and crony capitalist Egyptian elite to formulate and implement aid policies. The transnational elite project, narratively described as promoting ‘market democracy,’ defined reforms within a narrow frame where political and economic engagement would not challenge the dominant U.S.-Israeli security structure. The aid regime used a dual strategy based on partnerships and privatization, whereby reforms functioned to enhance asymmetric elite profit-making, economic integration into the U.S.-dominated capitalist system, and the geostrategic stability, and hence, dictatorship, within that order. Dictatorial power was central to transnational profits which connected directly to the aid regime and generated greater exclusion and inequality within Egypt. These effects led many critics to view U.S. aid and the changes that it effected as subordinating, both domestically, in terms of socio-political and socio-economic relations, and externally, in terms of Egypt’s stature and foreign policies

    State Sovereignty and Citizen Agency: The Nationalist-Islamic Discourse of Shaykh Muhammad Mahdi Shams al-Din

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    Using the discourse of Shaykh Muhammad Mahdi Shams al-Din, this article examines the contestation of sovereignty in Lebanon. His discourse on questions of sovereignty and agency offers an alternative vision of modernity that is part of an evolving struggle in the Lebanese political system. Lebanon’s consociational democratic system of structured political sectarianism necessitated an enmeshed and interactive theological, organizational, and political response. The article asks how political and ideational challenge – in the sense of empowering a disempowered group – occurs within a dominant political system of democratic exclusion? In addition, the geo-political reality of diminished state-level sovereignty, both vis-à-vis regional and international powers and domestically, in state institutions, functions, and relations, begs the question of how conditions of structured exclusion affect the state’s ability to act autonomously and in the interests of the majority of its citizens? I argue that Shams al-Din’s discourse sought to reform the status quo by emphasizing a post-sectarian accommodative vision. The essence of this vision emphasized the role of the resistant struggle (al-muqawama) for truth, justice, and inclusiveness as integral to the achievement of muwatana or citizenship (ownership / voice in the nation-state) as well as nationalist sovereignty, both of which he contextualized historically and politically within open and constructive relationships with their broader Arab, Islamic, and Human milieus. Shams al-Din’s idealistic but politically-engaged vision drew on the Sunni concept of (consultation) shura and traditional Shi‘i texts to frame just rule as an aspirational struggle and as a post-sectarian framework for political and societal organization based on taqrib (drawing closer, searching for commonalities) that stretches beyond borders. This vision outlined an interactive and interdependent relationship whereby national sovereignty is fortified for being embedded in its society and in the agency of its citizens, and vice versa

    Does enhancing epidermal barrier function with moisturizing topical products improve acne vulgaris in adult patients compared to non-moisturizing products or non-intervention?

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    Introduction: Acne is a common skin disorder with multifactorial causes that can persist beyond adolescence or appear for the first time in adulthood. Treatments of varying potency exist, ranging from over-the-counter face washes and creams to prescription topical and oral treatments. Current treatment guidelines target sebum production, exfoliation of excess skin cells, and the bacteria Propionibacterium acnes. Research as early as 1995 suggests dysfunctions of the skin barrier, such as abnormal ceramide levels and increased water loss, play a role in the pathophysiology of acne and are not addressed by current treatments. This review analyzes the role of moisturizing products (I) in improving acne (O) in adult patients (P) compared to standard non-moisturizing treatments (C). Methods: A literature search was conducted in PubMed, Journals@Ovid and Google Scholar in the fall of 2018 using the terms “skin barrier”, “acne”, and “adult” joined with the MeSH term “AND.” A total of eight articles including randomized controlled trials, case-control, and cohort studies were analyzed. The five most relevant articles are reviewed in this paper. Results: When moisturizers were applied in conjunction with standard acne treatments, participants showed visible improvement in acne appearance as well as improved treatment tolerability and reduced transepidermal water loss (an indicator of skin barrier health). Visible improvement was also seen when moisturizers were used as part of a dermatologist designed skincare routine or in a novel treatment formulation. Discussion: Moisturizers reduce the appearance of acne and improve skin barrier health markers such as transepidermal water loss and ceramide levels when used as part of an anti-acne regimen or in conjunction with standard treatments. However, moisturizers are consumer products and most studies are funded by skincare or pharmaceutical companies with an interest in the product’s success, leaving the research open to bias. Conclusion: The connection between skin barrier health and acne is unclear, however, moisturizers that improve skin barrier health markers may be beneficial when used in conjunction with standard acne treatment regimens. Moisturizers are a safe, readily available adjuvant treatment that improve standard acne treatment tolerability and help improve the appearance of acne-affected skin

    Educational Theory-Embedded Training for Construction Industry Professionals

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    Workforce training is needed throughout the construction industry to create and maintain competent workers; unfortunately, most construction training and education research focuses on university student education. The focus of this dissertation research is the current state of educational-theory embedded construction workforce training, how such trainings are effective, and how they may be further optimized based on established educational theory. This is accomplished through a review of construction training for current industry professionals, an evaluation of the assessment criteria used to measure effectiveness, followed by the creation of a framework for construction training. There is a lack of recommendations for improvement of construction training across the industry. To establish the current state of construction industry training, a review of education theory-integrated training for construction professionals is undertaken. To measure the extent of educational theory integration, this dissertation summarizes studies that meet inclusion criteria, identifies the frequency of occurrence of Bloom’s Taxonomy verbs as a measure of student learning outcomes, and identifies and compares commonly used words within the identified construction training literature and foundational educational theory literature. The results provide a baseline of education theory-integrated construction training research, from which gaps and best practices can be identified. Existing construction training programs are not properly measured for effectiveness. A review of the current methodologies used in construction trainings published in archival literature is conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of training programs. These practices are compared against the Kirkpatrick Model, an evaluation framework. The assessment methodologies in the literature are synthesized with corresponding levels found in the Kirkpatrick Model. Properly integrating educational theory into construction workforce training has the potential to improve industry training; however, there is a dearth of studies that present details of this integration process. To address this gap, a training framework is created to educate material installers on material properties, selection, and installation. This framework is based on andragogical and Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles. An assessment tool provides a method of evaluating similar training agendas to improve instructional design before training implementation. The created framework culminates by establishing linkages from educational theory to proposed training modules

    The Historical Validity of Marx's Theory of Historical Materialism

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    The current study aims to shed light on the historical validity of Marx's materialist theory which is considered the economic ties as the basis of the social ties. The study also showed that Marx though that it was in three directions: German Philosophy, British Classical Economics, and French Socialism. These components help in producing Marx's historical materialism that succeeds in defining the economic doctrine and the social system of each historical stage of human life. They also rejected the idea of any economic and social doctrine that could be able to accommodate several different historical roles. Marx explained that the origin of historical conflicts is the disparity between the situation of the forces of production and the patterns of relations of production.  He also claimed that the class struggles in societies is   only a social expression of the imbalance between production forces on the one hand, and production relations on the other. His theory also stressed that it is not the consciousness of men that determines their existence, but their social existence that determines their consciousness. The current study also explained the forms of social consciousness such as political, religious and moral. Keywords: Historical materialism, dialectical materialism, Karl Marx, Marx's theory

    Civil Liability for Compensation of Non-Material Damage in the Law of Jordan

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    This study aims to explore the possibility of compensation of non-material damage in detail, as in the other laws, through define the relationship between the non-material damage and material damage.This study includes two chapters;the first one discussed the nature of non-material damage, and the second one discussed the compensation of non-material damage. Keywords: Material Damage, Non-Material Damage, Compensation. DOI: 10.7176/JLPG/122-02 Publication date:July 31st 202

    Asygnowanie opłat kanałowych przez przewoźników prowadzących międzynarodowy transport morski – zagadnienie dyskryminacji prawnej

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    The article is of a scientific nature and its main goal is to determine whether there is discrimination in the regulatory provisions regarding the payment of canal dues by international overseas carriers. The methodological basis of the research is the use of the comparative approach (comparison of various concepts and provisions regarding the payment of canal dues) and the empirical analysis (study of court practice). The method of the discrimination test is of decisive importance for this paper. The most important conclusions on the discriminatory nature of the regulatory provisions regarding the payment of canal dues by international carriers were formulated due to the use of the discrimination test. It has been proven that the changes in the legislation, which introduced the canal dues for Ukrainian carriers that carry out international overseas transportation, are not discriminatory. It was argued that the discrimination test of the disputed subject and the arguments of its participants should be applied in the process of resolving the dispute regarding the discrimination of legal norms.Artykuł ma charakter badawczy, a jego celem jest określenie występowania zjawiska dyskryminacji w przepisach prawnych dotyczących uiszczania opłat kanałowych przez morskich przewoźników międzynarodowych. Podstawę metodologiczną badań stanowi zastosowanie podejścia porównawczego (porównanie różnych koncepcji i regulacji dotyczących rozliczania opłat kanałowych) oraz analizy empirycznej (badanie praktyki sądowej). Decydujące znaczenie dla opracowania ma metoda testu dyskryminacji. Najważniejsze wnioski na temat dyskryminacyjnego charakteru przepisów prawnych dotyczących uiszczania opłat kanałowych przez przewoźników międzynarodowych zostały sformułowane dzięki przeprowadzeniu testu dyskryminacji. Dowiedziono, że zmiany w prawie, które wprowadziły opłaty kanałowe dla przewoźników ukraińskich prowadzących międzynarodowy transport morski, nie mają charakteru dyskryminacyjnego. Podniesiono, że test dyskryminacji użyty w stosunku do danej kwestii spornej oraz argumentację uczestników można wykorzystywać w procesie rozstrzygania sporów na tle dyskryminacyjnych regulacji prawnych

    The Role of Media in Raising Awareness of the Right of Persons with Disabilities in Jordanian Legislation

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    This study aimed at demonstrating the role of the media in raising awareness of the rights of persons with disabilities stipulated in Jordanian legislation, and to identify the areas and nature of these rights; to educate members of society, and to raise the level of public awareness of these rights.  As the media has an impact on changing perceptions and ideas about disability and creating a sound mental image rather than the sympathy and compassion view towards the disabled persons. The legislations have guaranteed their rights in clear legislative texts to be achieved by the public and private bodies where the disabled work and for the aim of integrating disabled people in the society. And that is by answering the following questions: What is the nature of the rights of the persons with disability that Jordanian legislation guarantees? What is the role of the media in raising awareness of the rights of persons with disabilities mentioned in Jordanian legislation? To answer the study's questions, the researcher used the descriptive analytical method, for examining the contents of the legislative texts of the disabled people, it was analyzed logically linguistically. The rights of the persons with disability were represented in the areas of social life and institutional care; higher education; vocational training; health care; customs exemptions, tax and environmental facilities; rights of the disabled in public and political life; sports, culture and recreation. In addition to their rights to litigate. The study also addresses the role of the media in raising awareness of the rights of persons with disabilities in a way that enhances the process of integrating them into society. The study concluded some recommendations including encouraging scientific research in the disability field, giving it a special priority, and the necessity of holding scientific conferences and seminars that study issues of the persons with disability and their rights within society. Keywords: Persons with disability, legislation, Media, Persons with disability rights. DOI: 10.7176/JEP/11-14-15 Publication date:May 31st 202

    The Reality of Prison Libraries in the Hashmiat Kingdom of Jordan from the Point of View of their Employees

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    This study aims to identify the reality of prisons libraries in the Hashmiat Kingdom of Jordan, identify the different aspects of this reality, and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of their resources, systems and services in order to present a proposal for improvement and development of them. The study aims to know the views of prisoners in prison libraries In terms of their reality, practice and contents.The study has used questionnaire and interview tools to answer the study questions and test its hypotheses. The questionnaire was distributed to a sample of (52) prisoner representing (88%) of the study target society , which includes workers and working inmates in prison libraries in Jordan.The results of the study show that all prison inmates need different libraries to get information and improve their knowledge. The result also show that there is no relation between the existence of a prison library and the education and cultural background of the prisoners ,the lack of flexibility in the future for expansion of the library. The results also show a shortage in the financial support to fund the prison libraries in general, as well as the lack of qualified and trained clerks.According to the results, the study introduces many recommendations hoping they will be considered by the managers and decision makers. The most important of these recommendations is the need to establish cooperative relationships between prison libraries and other public and privet libraries in the community, which may help to provide more and modern services. Also, the study recommends to courage having administrative decision to establish independent library building in each prison in Jordan. Due to there is a relationship between the existence of a library in the scientific sense inside the prison and the conviction of those responsible for the importance of its role in the reforming and rehabilitation of inmates, the study recommends to pay more attention to the importance of prison libraries

    The Lammia of Amr Ibn Sha\u27s and the Mu\u27llaqa of Imru\u27 Alqays: An Opposition

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    This study reveals Amr Ibn Sha\u27s\u27 (Lammia) in which he followed Imru\u27 al –Qays\u27 popular Mu\u27allaqa in a prescribed way which is very close to that of an opposition, and that is due to the content of its ingredients, However it also contained three verses in which Amr Ibin Sha\u27s is proud of himself over Imru\u27 al – Qays for murdering his father, and for the victory of Bani Asad over Kinda. And so, if it weren\u27t for these three lines it would have been considered a complete opposition, and this is evidence that opposition deeply exists, if permitted, in our old Arabic poetry, or if I might say in the art of poetic fencing. The study depends basically on the text to begin with, to read/analyze, similarize and to contemplate the methods of imagery, composition and language and what is in store in terms of metaphor and symbolism, primarily depending on historical and social framing and its incorporation of psychological dimensions. And for that very purpose, the study reveals some contributive historicizing before the discussion/analysis of the two poems; how they are similar and different, and how each poet presented his own poetic experiences and points of view, to reveal the capability of Amr Ibn Sha\u27s to produce a scholarly strong Mu\u27allaqa and his capability to keep up with it in a way where it is not a repeated copy, on the contrary, it is another original manuscript for creativity which is digested and secreted once more