77 research outputs found

    Pour une nouvelle vitrine de la francophonie au Burkina Faso

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    C\u27est une course folle vers la modernité. En dix mois, l\u27Institut français de Ouagadougou a transformé sa bibliothÚque vieillotte en une médiathÚque performante. Bibliothécaires de France et d\u27Afrique en sont les acteurs. Avec une enveloppe de 215 000 , ils restructurent l\u27espace et l\u27organisation interne de l\u27établissement. Récit de cette coopération franco-africaine

    Benchmarking clinical management of spinal and non-spinal disorders using quality of life: results from the EPI3-LASER survey in primary care

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    Concerns have been raised regarding sub-optimal utilization of analgesics and psychotropic drugs in the treatment of patients with chronic musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) and their associated co-morbidities. The objective of this study was to describe drug prescriptions for the management of spinal and non-spinal MSDs contrasted against a standardized measure of quality of life. A representative population sample of 1,756 MSDs patients [38.5% with spinal disorder (SD) and 61.5% with non-spinal MSDs (NS-MSD)] was drawn from the EPI3-LASER survey of 825 general practitioners (GPs) in France. Physicians recorded their diagnoses and prescriptions on that day. Patients provided information on socio-demographics, lifestyle and quality of life using the Short Form 12 (SF-12) questionnaire. Chronicity of MSDs was defined as more than 12 weeks duration of the current episode. Chronic SD and NS-MSD patients were prescribed less analgesics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs than their non-chronic counterpart [odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI), respectively: 0.4, 0.2–0.7 and 0.5, 0.3–0.6]. They also had more anxio-depressive co-morbidities reported by their physicians (SD: 16.1 vs.7.4%; NS-MSD: 21.6 vs. 9.5%) who prescribed more antidepressants and anxiolytics with a difference that was statistically significant only for spinal disorder patients (OR, 95% CI: 2.0, 1.1–3.6). Psychotropic drugs were more often prescribed in patients in the lower quartile of SF-12 mental score and prescriptions of analgesics in the lower quartile of SF-12 physical score (P < 0.001). In conclusion, anxiety and depressive disorders were commonly reported by GPs among chronic MSD patients. Their prescriptions of psychotropic and analgesic drugs were consistent with patients’ self-rated mental and physical health

    Mener un projet international

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    Internet, construction europĂ©enne, mondialisation
 : notre horizon ne s'arrĂȘte plus Ă  nos frontiĂšres. Du jumelage Ă  la coopĂ©ration dĂ©centralisĂ©e, les municipalitĂ©s demandent Ă  leurs services de participer Ă  des projets Ă  dimension internationale. Processus de Bologne, formation tout au long de la vie, internationalisation des Ă©tudes, les universitĂ©s font elles aussi appel Ă  leurs services pour les accompagner dans ces Ă©volutions. C'est dans ce contexte que s'inscrit ce volume, avec l'ambition de fournir Ă  tous les professionnels des bibliothĂšques des clĂ©s de comprĂ©hension de ces nouveaux enjeux ainsi que des exemples concrets d'actions de coopĂ©ration soutenus par des apports mĂ©thodologiques. Comment travailler et partager avec des partenaires Ă©trangers ? Quelles sont les Ă©tapes fondamentales d'une coopĂ©ration : de la convention Ă  l'Ă©valuation ? Qui sont nos relais en France et Ă  l'Ă©tranger pour de tels projets ? C'est Ă  travers ces questions que s'organise l'ouvrage, en proposant des Ă©lĂ©ments de prĂ©paration pratiques pour mener ces actions internationales et les pĂ©renniser. CoordonnĂ© par RaphaĂ«lle Bats, conservateur chargĂ©e des relations internationales Ă  l'enssib, et Ă©crit par diffĂ©rents acteurs du terrain, l'ouvrage traite Ă©galement de la mobilitĂ© des professionnels et des voyages d'Ă©tude, du bibliothĂ©caire-formateur ou expert, d'action culturelle et de politique documentaire (du don des documents Ă  l'avenir du patrimoine en Europe en passant par la lecture pour les enfants)

    The poetry of Celtic places

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    This paper examines the radical shift in the place of Celts in the French imagination during the course of the nineteenth century, by focusing on two versions of a passage describing Wales by Michelet: the first written in his travel journal (1834), the second published by his widow (1893). Wales, by virtue of being a Celtic place, allows Michelet to deepen his understanding of France. Whereas juxtaposition of the two versions of his text reveals something of the French state’s attitude toward the ambiguously domestic and exotic Celtic “other.

    Antenatal Magnesium Sulfate and Outcomes for School-aged Children

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