137 research outputs found

    New aspects of process and formulation development for freeze-drying of proteins

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    Fifty Shades of Oppression: Sadomasochism, Feminism, and the Law

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    Can sadomasochism (S/M) be reconciled with feminism? When pain is pleasure and humiliation is empowerment, how should the law respond? This article investigates S/M under the legal gaze, particularly the manner in which legal theory and legal practice have constructed female masochism. This article argues that the jurisprudence of S/M is formed by the perception of the “sexual other” as a threat to the normative sexual behavior the law has worked tirelessly to maintain. Historically, society – and by extension the law – has been intolerant of behavior that transgresses sexual norms. As Laura A. Rosenbury and Jennifer E. Rothman point out, the law “has long attempted to regulate sexual activity by channeling sex into various forms of state-supported intimacy.” 2 Thus, the legal response has been to categorize masochists as “victims” and sadists as “criminals.” This approach is misguided because it fails to account for the possibility of a pleasurable, healthy sexual experience through S/M. The law has a role to protect women from violence. However, consensual and mutually pleasurable sexual practices should not be subject to arbitrary and oppressive value judgments. By denying the opportunity of empowerment through S/M, what does the law “say” about acceptable female sexuality? This article suggests that the current legal regulation of S/M perpetuates an idealized female sexuality, which does little to improve the female condition. The law cannot, and should not, determine what sex is acceptable. Ultimately, the law should endeavor to promote healthy, consensual, pleasurable sexual practices, or at the very least should not inhibit them. As it currently stands, the jurisprudence of S/M amounts to nothing more than oppressive and patriarchal gender regulation. In Part I, this article analyzes common definitions of S/M, comparing practitioners’ definitions with psychological ones. Readers must consider the definition that the law has accepted, and the reason that this definition may be detrimental for women. In Part II, the article discusses societal acceptance of S/M through an analysis of prominent sexual theorists and pop culture, wherein the article will reveal that society has been unwilling to welcome S/M as a viable sexual practice. This article argues that because S/M threatens the puritanical sexual hierarchy that directly oppresses women, society has worked to tame it. When S/M has been accepted, it has been in limited circumstances: heterosexual, monogamous, marital, and male-dominant/female- submissive. This restricted acceptance of S/M supports and furthers an unrealistic and normative female sexuality. In Part III, this article investigates female sexual submission through the lens of important feminist legal theorists: Catherine MacKinnon, Katherine Franke, and Robin West. Here, the article intends to reach a meaningful conclusion as to the proper role of feminist legal theory concerning S/M. What values should feminist legal theorists promote? This article argues that while female masochism may have undesirable roots and influences, it must be embraced. Feminist legal theory must work to provide grounds for a woman to be simultaneously sexual and empowered. In Part IV, this article analyzes and critique Cheryl Hanna’s assertion that “sex is not a sport.” Hanna maintains that the law should not permit consent as a defense in criminal cases where S/M is concerned. However, this author disagrees, and will provide an alternative approach in Part V. This article intends to provide a solution that protects women from violence, while promoting alternative sexual behaviors that are healthy and pleasurable

    New aspects of process and formulation development for freeze-drying of proteins

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    Detection of Collapse and Crystallization of Saccharide, Protein, and Mannitol Formulations by Optical Fibers in Lyophilization

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    The collapse temperature (Tc) and the glass transition temperature of freeze-concentrated solutions (Tg') as well as the crystallization behavior of excipients are important physicochemical characteristics which guide the cycle development in freeze-drying. The most frequently used methods to determine these values are differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and freeze-drying microscopy (FDM). The objective of this study was to evaluate the optical fiber system (OFS) unit as alternative tool for the analysis of Tc, Tg' and crystallization events. The OFS unit was also tested as a potential online monitoring tool during freeze-drying. Freeze/thawing and freeze-drying experiments of sucrose, trehalose, stachyose, mannitol, and highly concentrated IgG1 and lysozyme solutions were carried out and monitored by the OFS. Comparative analyses were performed by DSC and FDM. OFS and FDM results correlated well. The crystallization behavior of mannitol could be monitored by the OFS during freeze/thawing as it can be done by DSC. Online monitoring of freeze-drying runs detected collapse of amorphous saccharide matrices. The OFS unit enabled the analysis of both Tc and crystallization processes, which is usually carried out by FDM and DSC. The OFS can hence be used as novel measuring device. Additionally, detection of these events during lyophilization facilitates online-monitoring. Thus the OFS is a new beneficial tool for the development and monitoring of freeze-drying processes


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    Playing in the Childhood: Considerations through a Research – The present work was developed at the Laboratory of Teaching –Toy library (Brinquedoteca) of the Univates Academical Center, Lajeado/RS/Brazil. Children in the age group from 0 to 10 years old and their teachers took part on the research. We aimed to investigate in which way a series of ludic activities, organized with materials of low cost, can contribute to the child's development and to subsidize teachers in service and in formation for an innovative pedagogic proposal. The investigation has qualitative character and the used methodology is Analysis of Content, proposed by Bardin, 1977. We intended to make possible to the subjects involved in the research the discussion about the value of some games and toys, analyzing their relationship with the child. Initially we studied, throug the theoretical referential and direct observations close to the children, which were their interests in relation to the games and toys, and based on that it was possible to build 20 games with low cost materials. For those games, we determined, with the children, the objectives, function, theme, age group and rules. This collection of activities was tested with 150 children and 11 teachers, in order to verify the validity of such proposals. The data were collected through semi-structured interviews, which were recorded and transcribed for later analysis. At the end of this work, we have concluded that, when playing reaches a larger space in the activities developed in classroom or when the activities base themselves in playing freely, it will not be necessary the teacher's concern in the development of the children's intellectual part. We believed that it is not enough to "give" to the children the right of playing. To be a significant activity, it is necessary to awake and to maintain awaken their desire for playing. Key words: Education, Childhood, Ludicity.Este trabalho foi desenvolvido no Laboratório de Ensino - Brinquedoteca do Centro Universitário Univates, Lajeado/RS/Brasil, do qual participaram crianças na faixa etária de 0 a 10 anos e seus professores. Buscamos investigar de que modo um banco de atividades lúdicas, organizadas com materiais de baixo custo, pode contribuir para o desenvolvimento da criança e subsidiar professores em serviço e em formação para uma proposta pedagógica inovadora. A investigação é de caráter qualitativo e a metodologia utilizada é Análise de Conteúdo, proposta por Bardin, 1977. Pretendemos possibilitar aos sujeitos envolvidos na pesquisa a discussão sobre o valor de alguns jogos e brinquedos, analisando sua relação com a criança. Inicialmente estudamos, através de referencial teórico e de observações diretas junto às crianças, quais eram seus interesses em relação aos jogos e brinquedos. Diante disso, foi possível construir 20 jogos com materiais de baixo custo, onde determinamos objetivos, função, tema, faixa etária e regras junto às crianças. Este banco de atividades foi testado com 150 crianças e 11 professores, a fim de verificar a validade destas propostas. Os dados foram coletados através de entrevistas semi-estruturadas, as quais foram gravadas e transcritas para análise. Ao término deste trabalho, concluímos que, quando o brincar alcançar um maior espaço nas atividades desenvolvidas em sala de aula ou as atividades apoiarem-se no brincar livremente, não será necessária a preocupação do professor no desenvolvimento da parte intelectiva das crianças. Acreditamos que não basta “dar” às crianças o direito de brincar. Para ser uma atividade significativa, é preciso despertar e manter seu desejo pelo brincar


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    L' esperienza è quello che passiamo, oppure quello che ci succede, o quello che ci colpisce. Il soggetto dell' esperienza sarebbe come un territorio di passaggio, nel quale quello che passa colpisce in alcun modo. La documentazione pedagogica è veduta come una possibilità di diventare visibile la costruzione della memoria del gruppo di bambini nel suo contesto scolastico, portando i concetti di osservazione, registro e riflessione come azioni struturanti, frarelazionate ed inerenti al processo documentale. Pare passo che l'avvenimento esperienza succede nel contesto scolastico, ne rapporti e interazioni tra bambini-bambini e bambini-adulti, la strategia della documentazione pedagogica si fa importante nel senso di rivisitare, ricordare, rivelare gli apprendimenti dei bambini. PAROLE CHIAVE: Esperienza - Documentazione Pedagogica - Scuola Materna - Contesto Scolastico - BambiniEste trabalho apresenta o conceito de experiência fundamentado em Larrosa (2002, 2004) e a sua articulação com a documentação pedagógica. A experiência é o que nos passa, ou o que nos acontece, ou o que nos toca. O sujeito da experiência seria como um território de passagem, na qual aquilo que passa afeta de algum modo. A documentação pedagógica é vista como uma possibilidade de tornar visível a construção da memória do grupo de crianças em seu contexto escolar, trazendo os conceitos de observação, registro e reflexão como ações estruturantes, inter-relacionadas e inerentes ao processo documentar. Na medida em que o acontecimento experiência ocorre no contexto escolar, nas relações e interações entre criança-criança e crianças-adultos, a estratégia da documentação pedagógica se faz importante no sentido de revisitar, relembrar, revelar as aprendizagens das crianças. PALAVRAS CHAVES: Experiência. Documentação Pedagógica. Educação Infantil. Contexto escolar. Criança

    Loss of NGF-TrkA signaling from the CNS is not sufficient to induce cognitive impairments in young adult or intermediate-aged mice

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    Many molecules expressed in the CNS contribute to cognitive functions either by modulating neuronal activity or by mediating neuronal trophic support and/or connectivity. An ongoing discussion is whether signaling of nerve growth factor (NGF) through its high-affinity receptor TrkA contributes to attention behavior and/or learning and memory, based on its expression in relevant regions of the CNS such as the hippocampus, cerebral cortex, amygdala and basal forebrain. Previous animal models carrying either a null allele or transgenic manipulation of Ngf or Trka have proved difficult in addressing this question. To overcome this problem, we conditionally deleted Ngf or Trka from the CNS. Our findings confirm that NGF-TrkA signaling supports survival of only a small proportion of cholinergic neurons during development; however, this signaling is not required for trophic support or connectivity of the remaining basal forebrain cholinergic neurons. Moreover, comprehensive behavioral analysis of young adult and intermediate-aged mice lacking NGF-TrkA signaling demonstrates that this signaling is dispensable for both attention behavior and various aspects of learning and memory

    PLCγ-activated signalling is essential for TrkB mediated sensory neuron structural plasticity

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    BACKGROUND: The vestibular system provides the primary input of our sense of balance and spatial orientation. Dysfunction of the vestibular system can severely affect a person's quality of life. Therefore, understanding the molecular basis of vestibular neuron survival, maintenance, and innervation of the target sensory epithelia is fundamental. RESULTS: Here we report that a point mutation at the phospholipase Cγ (PLCγ) docking site in the mouse neurotrophin tyrosine kinase receptor TrkB (Ntrk2) specifically impairs fiber guidance inside the vestibular sensory epithelia, but has limited effects on the survival of vestibular sensory neurons and growth of afferent processes toward the sensory epithelia. We also show that expression of the TRPC3 cation calcium channel, whose activity is known to be required for nerve-growth cone guidance induced by brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), is altered in these animals. In addition, we find that absence of the PLCγ mediated TrkB signalling interferes with the transformation of bouton type afferent terminals of vestibular dendrites into calyces (the largest synaptic contact of dendrites known in the mammalian nervous system) on type I vestibular hair cells; the latter are normally distributed in these mutants as revealed by an unaltered expression pattern of the potassium channel KCNQ4 in these cells. CONCLUSIONS: These results demonstrate a crucial involvement of the TrkB/PLCγ-mediated intracellular signalling in structural aspects of sensory neuron plasticity

    The genome sequence of <i>Trypanosoma brucei gambiense</i>, causative agent of chronic Human African Trypanosomiasis

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    &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;Background:&lt;/b&gt; &lt;i&gt;Trypanosoma brucei gambiense&lt;/i&gt; is the causative agent of chronic Human African Trypanosomiasis or sleeping sickness, a disease endemic across often poor and rural areas of Western and Central Africa. We have previously published the genome sequence of a &lt;i&gt;T. b. brucei&lt;/i&gt; isolate, and have now employed a comparative genomics approach to understand the scale of genomic variation between &lt;i&gt;T. b. gambiense&lt;/i&gt; and the reference genome. We sought to identify features that were uniquely associated with &lt;i&gt;T. b. gambiense&lt;/i&gt; and its ability to infect humans.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;Methods and findings:&lt;/b&gt; An improved high-quality draft genome sequence for the group 1 &lt;i&gt;T. b. gambiense&lt;/i&gt; DAL 972 isolate was produced using a whole-genome shotgun strategy. Comparison with &lt;i&gt;T. b. brucei&lt;/i&gt; showed that sequence identity averages 99.2% in coding regions, and gene order is largely collinear. However, variation associated with segmental duplications and tandem gene arrays suggests some reduction of functional repertoire in &lt;i&gt;T. b. gambiense&lt;/i&gt; DAL 972. A comparison of the variant surface glycoproteins (VSG) in &lt;i&gt;T. b. brucei&lt;/i&gt; with all &lt;i&gt;T. b. gambiense&lt;/i&gt; sequence reads showed that the essential structural repertoire of VSG domains is conserved across &lt;i&gt;T. brucei&lt;/i&gt;.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;Conclusions:&lt;/b&gt; This study provides the first estimate of intraspecific genomic variation within &lt;i&gt;T. brucei&lt;/i&gt;, and so has important consequences for future population genomics studies. We have shown that the &lt;i&gt;T. b. gambiense&lt;/i&gt; genome corresponds closely with the reference, which should therefore be an effective scaffold for any &lt;i&gt;T. brucei&lt;/i&gt; genome sequence data. As VSG repertoire is also well conserved, it may be feasible to describe the total diversity of variant antigens. While we describe several as yet uncharacterized gene families with predicted cell surface roles that were expanded in number in &lt;i&gt;T. b. brucei&lt;/i&gt;, no &lt;i&gt;T. b. gambiense&lt;/i&gt;-specific gene was identified outside of the subtelomeres that could explain the ability to infect humans.&lt;/p&gt