340 research outputs found

    Hospital Tort Liability

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    Public Benefit Activities of a hospital, university or welfare agency have been looked upon with special favor by the law for many decades-a genuine kind of legalistic paternalism. They being institutions of beneficent motive, the policy of the judiciary has been to aid them through notable departures from the rules. Arguments to the contrary met a stone wall of public policy. One such departure is exemplified in the immunity from liability for the tortious conduct of their employees that hospitals have enjoyed. Thus, a patient injured through negligence while in the care of a hospital often had no recourse, no matter how severe the injury or how gross the negligence, in the past; and if he died, his dependents were similarly left without remedy

    Pre-trial in the Courts: An Opinion

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    No claim is made, it is true, that pre-trial is the panacea for what ail the courts. But in adopting it, there seems to have been a haste which has bypassed the usual introspective examination characteristic of our judiciary. A critical examination, as seen by this writer, would take the form of two broad questions: One- Is pre-trial, viewed in the overall perspective of the administration of justice, a healthy additive to the courts? Two- If so, is it an end in itself, or is it simply one of a number of modernizing influences, without all of which it remains ineffectual

    Court Calendar Congestion Causes and Cures

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    Attention focused on court calendar delay has reached its highest concentration in the history of the American judiciary. While delays are hardly new, lawyers today pale at the spectacle of jurisdictions laboring under multi-thousand case loads and delays measured in years

    Hospital Tort Liability

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    Public Benefit Activities of a hospital, university or welfare agency have been looked upon with special favor by the law for many decades-a genuine kind of legalistic paternalism. They being institutions of beneficent motive, the policy of the judiciary has been to aid them through notable departures from the rules. Arguments to the contrary met a stone wall of public policy. One such departure is exemplified in the immunity from liability for the tortious conduct of their employees that hospitals have enjoyed. Thus, a patient injured through negligence while in the care of a hospital often had no recourse, no matter how severe the injury or how gross the negligence, in the past; and if he died, his dependents were similarly left without remedy

    COSC 301

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    This course focuses on the major requirements and design challenges of operating systems—software that safely and fairly shares hardware resources (CPU, memory, disk, etc.) among multiple, simultaneously running applications. Through a combination of activities, you will learn the theory and application of: CPU sharing and scheduling Memory virtualization and management Persistent storage devices and filesystems Primitives for supporting concurrent program execution You’ll also learn and gain experience using the: C programming language Linux command shell Git version control system Valgrind and GDB debugging tool

    Understanding lipid rafts and other related membrane domains

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    Evidence in support of the classical lipid raft hypothesis has remained elusive. Data suggests that transmembrane proteins and the actin-containing cortical cytoskeleton can organize lipids into short-lived nanoscale assemblies that can be assembled into larger domains under certain conditions. This supports an evolving view in which interactions between lipids, cholesterol, and proteins create and maintain lateral heterogeneity in the cell membrane

    Characterization of Pallid Sturgeon (\u3ci\u3eScaphirhynchus albus\u3c/i\u3e) Spawning Habitat in the Lower Missouri River

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    Acipenseriformes (sturgeons and paddlefish) globally have declined throughout their range due to river fragmentation, habitat loss, overfishing, and degradation of water quality. In North America, pallid sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus albus) populations have experienced poor to no recruitment, or substantial levels of hybridization with the closely related shovelnose sturgeon (S. platorynchus). The Lower Missouri River is the only portion of the species’ range where successful reproduction and recruitment of genetically pure pallid sturgeon have been documented. This paper documents spawning habitat and behavior on the Lower Missouri River, which comprises over 1,300 km of unfragmented river habitat. The objective of this study was to determine spawning locations and describe habitat characteristics and environmental conditions (depth, water velocity, substrate, discharge, temperature, and turbidity) on the Lower Missouri River. We measured habitat characteristics for spawning events of ten telemetry-tagged female pallid sturgeon from 2008–2013 that occurred in discrete reaches distributed over hundreds of kilometers. These results show pallid sturgeon select deep and fast areas in or near the navigation channel along outside revetted banks for spawning. These habitats are deeper and faster than nearby river habitats within the surrounding river reach. Spawning patches have a mean depth of 6.6 m and a mean depth-averaged water-column velocity of 1.4 m per second. Substrates in spawning patches consist of coarse bank revetment, gravel, sand, and bedrock. Results indicate habitat used by pallid sturgeon for spawning is more common and widespread in the present-day channelized Lower Missouri River relative to the sparse and disperse coarse substrates available prior to channelization. Understanding the spawning habitats currently utilized on the Lower Missouri River and if they are functioning properly is important for improving habitat remediation measures aimed at increasing reproductive success. Recovery efforts for pallid sturgeon on the Missouri River, if successful, can provide guidance to sturgeon recovery on other river systems; particularly large, regulated, and channelized rivers
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