24,359 research outputs found

    Surface-sampled simulations of turbulent flow at high Reynolds number

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    A new approach to turbulence simulation, based on a combination of large-eddy simulation (LES) for the whole flow and an array of non-space-filling quasi-direct numerical simulations (QDNS), which sample the response of near-wall turbulence to large-scale forcing, is proposed and evaluated. The technique overcomes some of the cost limitations of turbulence simulation, since the main flow is treated with a coarse-grid LES, with the equivalent of wall functions supplied by the near-wall sampled QDNS. Two cases are tested, at friction Reynolds number Reτ_\tau=4200 and 20,000. The total grid node count for the first case is less than half a million and less than two million for the second case, with the calculations only requiring a desktop computer. A good agreement with published DNS is found at Reτ_\tau=4200, both in terms of the mean velocity profile and the streamwise velocity fluctuation statistics, which correctly show a substantial increase in near-wall turbulence levels due to a modulation of near-wall streaks by large-scale structures. The trend continues at Reτ_\tau=20,000, in agreement with experiment, which represents one of the major achievements of the new approach. A number of detailed aspects of the model, including numerical resolution, LES-QDNS coupling strategy and sub-grid model are explored. A low level of grid sensitivity is demonstrated for both the QDNS and LES aspects. Since the method does not assume a law of the wall, it can in principle be applied to flows that are out of equilibrium.Comment: Author accepted version. Accepted for publication in the International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids on 26 April 201

    Integrating Research Data Management into Geographical Information Systems

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    Ocean modelling requires the production of high-fidelity computational meshes upon which to solve the equations of motion. The production of such meshes by hand is often infeasible, considering the complexity of the bathymetry and coastlines. The use of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) is therefore a key component to discretising the region of interest and producing a mesh appropriate to resolve the dynamics. However, all data associated with the production of a mesh must be provided in order to contribute to the overall recomputability of the subsequent simulation. This work presents the integration of research data management in QMesh, a tool for generating meshes using GIS. The tool uses the PyRDM library to provide a quick and easy way for scientists to publish meshes, and all data required to regenerate them, to persistent online repositories. These repositories are assigned unique identifiers to enable proper citation of the meshes in journal articles.Comment: Accepted, camera-ready version. To appear in the Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Semantic Digital Archives (http://sda2015.dke-research.de/), held in Pozna\'n, Poland on 18 September 2015 as part of the 19th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries (http://tpdl2015.info/

    Experimental Demonstration of a Quantum Circuit using Linear Optics Gates

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    One of the main advantages of an optical approach to quantum computing is the fact that optical fibers can be used to connect the logic and memory devices to form useful circuits, in analogy with the wires of a conventional computer. Here we describe an experimental demonstration of a simple quantum circuit of that kind in which two probabilistic exclusive-OR (XOR) logic gates were combined to calculate the parity of three input qubits.Comment: v2 is final PRA versio

    Radiometric temperature analysis of the Hayabusa spacecraft re-entry

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    Hayabusa, an unmanned Japanese spacecraft, was launched to study and collect samples from the surface of the asteroid 25143 Itokawa. In June 2010, the Hayabusa spacecraft completed it’s seven year voyage. The spacecraft and the sample return capsule (SRC) re-entered the Earth’s atmosphere over the central Australian desert at speeds on the order of 12 km/s. This provided a rare opportunity to experimentally investigate the radiative heat transfer from the shock-compressed gases in front of the sample return capsule at true-flight conditions. This paper reports on the results of observations from a tracking camera situated on the ground about 100 km from where the capsule experienced peak heating during re-entry

    Inclusion Polymerization and Doping in Zeolite Channels. Polyaniline

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    Aniline has been polymerized in the three-dimensional channel system of zeolite Y. The monomer was diffused into zeolites with different levels of acidity from hexane solution. Subsequent admission of peroxydisulfate or iodate from aqueous solution yielded the intrazeolite polymers, as demonstrated by FT-IR, electronic absorption data and recovery of the included polymer. With S2O82-, the intrazeolite products are a function of the proton content of the zeolite. Polymer is only formed when a sufficient supply of protons is present in the zeolite host. When neutral iodate solution is used, no polymer is formed in NaY and acid zeolites, but at low pH aniline polymerizes in all zeolites. The open pore system of the zeolite host can be accessed by base such that the intrazeolite protonated polymer is transformed into the corresponding neutral polymer. The polymer chains encapsulated in zeolite hosts represent a new class of low- dimensional electronic materials

    Anomalous Density-of-States Fluctuations in Two-Dimensional Clean Metals

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    It is shown that density-of-states fluctuations, which can be interpreted as the order-parameter susceptibility \chi_OP in a Fermi liquid, are anomalously strong as a result of the existence of Goldstone modes and associated strong fluctuations. In a 2-d system with a long-range Coulomb interaction, a suitably defined \chi_OP diverges as 1/T^2 as a function of temperature in the limit of small wavenumber and frequency. In contrast, standard statistics suggest \chi_OP = O(T), a discrepancy of three powers of T. The reasons behind this surprising prediction, as well as ways to observe it, are discussed.Comment: 4 pp, revised version contains a substantially expanded derivatio

    General practitioners and national health insurance - Results of a national survey

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    OBJECTIVE: To determine the attitudes of South African general practitioners (GPs) to national health insurance (NHI), social health insurance (SHI) and other related health system reforms. DESIGN: A national survey using postal questionnaires and telephonic follow-up of non-responders. SETTING: GPs throughout South Africa. PARTICIPANTS: Four hundred and forty-three GPs were randomly selected from a national sampling frame of 6,781 GPs. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Acceptance of NHI and GP preferences with regard to financing, provision, benefits, coverage and the role of GPs. MAIN RESULTS: A response rate of 82.1% was achieved. Sixty-two per cent of GPs approved of the introduction of some form of social or NHI in South Africa, while 24.1% disapproved. Approval rose to 81.6% if GPs were to maintain their independent status, e.g. own premises and working hours, to 75% if additional private top-up insurance was allowed, and to 79.9% if payment was by fee-for-service. Seventy per cent of GPs in the study stated that they had the capacity to treat more patients. The most important reason given for approving of NHI was to make health care more equitable and accessible to the majority of South Africans. A high proportion of GPs approved of increasing the level of interaction between GPs and district health authorities. CONCLUSIONS: Most GPs approved of some form of social or NHI system, provided that the system did not significantly threaten their professional autonomy or economic and financial situation
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