28,927 research outputs found

    Healthiness from Duality

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    Healthiness is a good old question in program logics that dates back to Dijkstra. It asks for an intrinsic characterization of those predicate transformers which arise as the (backward) interpretation of a certain class of programs. There are several results known for healthiness conditions: for deterministic programs, nondeterministic ones, probabilistic ones, etc. Building upon our previous works on so-called state-and-effect triangles, we contribute a unified categorical framework for investigating healthiness conditions. We find the framework to be centered around a dual adjunction induced by a dualizing object, together with our notion of relative Eilenberg-Moore algebra playing fundamental roles too. The latter notion seems interesting in its own right in the context of monads, Lawvere theories and enriched categories.Comment: 13 pages, Extended version with appendices of a paper accepted to LICS 201

    Experimental Demonstration of a Quantum Circuit using Linear Optics Gates

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    One of the main advantages of an optical approach to quantum computing is the fact that optical fibers can be used to connect the logic and memory devices to form useful circuits, in analogy with the wires of a conventional computer. Here we describe an experimental demonstration of a simple quantum circuit of that kind in which two probabilistic exclusive-OR (XOR) logic gates were combined to calculate the parity of three input qubits.Comment: v2 is final PRA versio

    A New GrĂĽnwald-Letnikov Derivative Derived from a Second-Order Scheme

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    A novel derivation of a second-order accurate GrĂĽnwald-Letnikov-type approximation to the fractional derivative of a function is presented. This scheme is shown to be second-order accurate under certain modifications to account for poor accuracy in approximating the asymptotic behavior near the lower limit of differentiation. Some example functions are chosen and numerical results are presented to illustrate the efficacy of this new method over some other popular choices for discretizing fractional derivatives

    Finite element analysis of gradient coil deformation and vibration in NMR microscopy

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    Resolution degradation due to gradient coil deformation and vibration in NMR microscopy is investigated using finite element analysis. From the analysis, deformations due to the Lorentz force can be as large as 1-10 ÎĽm depending on the gradient strength and coil frame material. Thus, these deformations can be one of the major resolution limiting factors in NMR microscopy. Coil vibration, which depends on the input current waveform and resolution degradation due to time-variant deformation and time-invariant deformation are investigated by numerical simulations

    Variation of proton flux profiles with the observer's latitude in simulated gradual SEP events

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    We study the variation of the shape of the proton intensity-time profiles in simulated gradual Solar Energetic Particle (SEP) events with the relative observer's position in space with respect to the main direction of propagation of an interplanetary (IP) shock. Using a three-dimensional (3D) magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) code to simulate such a shock, we determine the evolution of the downstream-to-upstream ratios of the plasma variables at its front. Under the assumption of an existing relation between the normalized ratio in speed across the shock front and the injection rate of shock-accelerated particles, we model the transport of the particles and we obtain the proton flux profiles to be measured by a grid of 18 virtual observers located at 0.4 and 1.0 AU, with different latitudes and longitudes with respect to the shock nose. The differences among flux profiles are the result of the way each observer establishes a magnetic connection with the shock front, and we find that changes in the observer's latitude may result in intensity changes of up to one order of magnitude at both radial distances considered here. The peak intensity variation with the radial distance for the pair of observers located at the same angular position is also derived. This is the first time that the latitudinal dependence of the peak intensity with the observer's heliocentric radial distance has been quantified within the framework of gradual SEP event simulations.Comment: 20 pages, 6 Figures, 2 Table

    Combinatorial models of rigidity and renormalization

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    We first introduce the percolation problems associated with the graph theoretical concepts of (k,l)(k,l)-sparsity, and make contact with the physical concepts of ordinary and rigidity percolation. We then devise a renormalization transformation for (k,l)(k,l)-percolation problems, and investigate its domain of validity. In particular, we show that it allows an exact solution of (k,l)(k,l)-percolation problems on hierarchical graphs, for k≤l<2kk\leq l<2k. We introduce and solve by renormalization such a model, which has the interesting feature of showing both ordinary percolation and rigidity percolation phase transitions, depending on the values of the parameters.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figure

    Involutive Categories and Monoids, with a GNS-correspondence

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    This paper develops the basics of the theory of involutive categories and shows that such categories provide the natural setting in which to describe involutive monoids. It is shown how categories of Eilenberg-Moore algebras of involutive monads are involutive, with conjugation for modules and vector spaces as special case. The core of the so-called Gelfand-Naimark-Segal (GNS) construction is identified as a bijective correspondence between states on involutive monoids and inner products. This correspondence exists in arbritrary involutive categories

    Centrality Measures in Spatial Networks of Urban Streets

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    We study centrality in urban street patterns of different world cities represented as networks in geographical space. The results indicate that a spatial analysis based on a set of four centrality indices allows an extended visualization and characterization of the city structure. Planned and self-organized cities clearly belong to two different universality classes. In particular, self-organized cities exhibit scale-free properties similar to those found in the degree distributions of non-spatial networks.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    On coalgebras with internal moves

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    In the first part of the paper we recall the coalgebraic approach to handling the so-called invisible transitions that appear in different state-based systems semantics. We claim that these transitions are always part of the unit of a certain monad. Hence, coalgebras with internal moves are exactly coalgebras over a monadic type. The rest of the paper is devoted to supporting our claim by studying two important behavioural equivalences for state-based systems with internal moves, namely: weak bisimulation and trace semantics. We continue our research on weak bisimulations for coalgebras over order enriched monads. The key notions used in this paper and proposed by us in our previous work are the notions of an order saturation monad and a saturator. A saturator operator can be intuitively understood as a reflexive, transitive closure operator. There are two approaches towards defining saturators for coalgebras with internal moves. Here, we give necessary conditions for them to yield the same notion of weak bisimulation. Finally, we propose a definition of trace semantics for coalgebras with silent moves via a uniform fixed point operator. We compare strong and weak bisimilation together with trace semantics for coalgebras with internal steps.Comment: Article: 23 pages, Appendix: 3 page
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