328 research outputs found

    The Southern Extension and Reactivations of the Clarendon-Linden Fault System

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    Gas seeps located near Pike, New York, on the inferred location of the central fault of the Clarendon-Linden Fault System (CLF), were initiated during, or slightly after, the Saguenay earthquake, 1988. Analyses of the gas show that the gas seeps have a Devonian shale source, and a nearby well suggests that the source may be as deep as 330 m. Thus, CLF fractures extending to depths possibly as great as 300+ m were probably opened as a local response to the Saguenay event, allowing the gas to be vented. Published data show that the CLF extends from Lake Ontario to slightly south of Pike. Previously, there were insufficient data available to enable investigators to determine if the fault system continued farther south. Our soil gas survey and analyses of well logs indicate the CLF continues south into Allegany County, which borders the state of Pennsylvania. Closely-spaced wells suggest that the central fault of the CLF is probably a series of step faults, even in units above the Silurian evaporite section, although a monocline cannot be ruled out. Growth-fault geometries of the CLF suggest that the CLF experienced motion during the Taconic and Acadian orogenies. Isopach maps, coupled with the proposed southward extrapolation of the CLF, suggest that in Late Devonian times the CLF motion history recorded the passage of the Appalachian foreland basin axis across the CLF.Des dégagements gazeux survenus près de Pike (État de New York), à l'emplacement supposé de la faille centrale du réseau de Clarendon-Linden (RCL), se sont produits pendant ou aussitôt après le séisme de 1988, au Saguenay. Les analyses du gaz démontrent que les fuites proviennent d'une source de shale dévonien aussi profonde que 330 m. Les fractures du RCL, atteignant plus de 300 m de profondeur, se sont vraisemblablement ouvertes en réponse au séisme du Saguenay, permettant ainsi au gaz de se dégager. Les données publiées montrent que le RCL s'étend du lac Ontario jusqu'au sud de Pike, mais on n'a pu déterminer jusqu'à maintenant si le réseau se poursuit plus au sud. Les levés sur la détection de gaz dans le sol et les analyses de données des puits indiquent que le RCL se poursuit dans le comté d'Allegany, qui borde la Pennsylvanie. À partir d'indices tirés de puits très rapprochés, on croit que la faille centrale du réseau consiste probablement en une série de failles en gradin, même dans les unités au-dessus de la section d'évaporite du Silurien, bien qu'un monoclinal ne puisse être rejeté. La géométrie de la croissance des failles montre que le RCL s'est déplacé au cours des orogénies laconique et acadienne. Les cartes d'isopaques, ainsi que la trajectoire présumée vers le sud du RCL, indique le RCL a enregistré le passage de l'axe de l'avant-bassin appalachien au cours du Dévonien supérieur.Das Entweichen von Gas in der Nàhe von Pike, New York, an der Stelle, die man fur den zentralen Bruch des Clarendon-Linden Verwerfungssystems halt (CLV), hat I988, wàhrend oder kurz nach dem Erdbeben von Saguenay begonnen. Analysen des Gases zeigen, daB das entwichene Gas aus einer Tonschieferquelle des Devon stammt, und ein nahegelegener Brunnen IaRt vermuten, daB die Quelle 330 m tief sein konnte. So haben sich wohl CLV-Brùche, die môglicherweise bis zu 300+ m tief sind, als lokale Reaktion auf das Saguenay-Ereignis geôffnet und haben so das Gas freigelassen. Die veroffentlichten Daten zeigen, daB das CLV sich vom Ontario-See bis etwas sùdlich von Pike ausdehnt. Zuvor waren nicht genùgend Daten verfùgbar, mit denen die Forscher bestimmen konnten, ob das Verwerfungssystem sich weiter sùdlich ausdehnte. Aus Erhebungen ùber Erdgas und Untersuchungen von Angaben aus Brunnen ergibt sich, daB das CLV sich bis in die Grafschaft Allegany fortsetzt, die an Pennsylvanien grenzt. Dicht aufeinanderfolgende Brunnen lassen darauf schlieBen, daB der zentrale Bruch des CLV wahrscheinlich aus einer Série von abgestuften Verwerfungen besteht, selbst in Einheiten oberhalb des Evaporationsabschnittes aus dem Silur, wenn auch ein Monoklinal nicht ausgeschlossen werden kann. Die Wachstumsgeometrie der Bruche des CLV legt nahe, daB das CLV sich wàhrend der takonischen und akadischen Orogenèse bewegt hat. Isopach-Karten sowie die mutmaBliche Sùdwartsbewegung des CLV zeigen, daB die Bewegungsgeschichte des CLV im spàten Devon den Durchzug der Appalachen-Vorlandbeckenachse durch das CLV aufgezeichent hat

    Meeting the Need for ETL Documentation: A Model-driven Framework for Customizable Documentation Generation

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    Within Business Intelligence systems (BI systems), ETL (extract, transform and load) processes move numerous data from heterogeneous sources to a data warehouse and become more complex with growing enterprise size. To keep costs and expenditure of time for maintenance and evolution of those systems slight, ETL processes should be documented. A well-documented system also leads to higher transparency regarding the origin and processing of data, which increases the system’s acceptance by business users. However, the preparation of high-quality software documentation is sophisticated and therefore it usually only takes place in the design or development phase of BI systems. To ensure that the documentation is always updated, an automatic generation is advantageous. The paper at hand presents a conceptual framework for automated configurable ETL documentation generation. The presented framework creates benefits for BI systems developers as well as business users

    German Wage Moderation and European Imbalances: Feeding the Global VAR with Theory

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    German labor market reforms in the 1990s and 2000s are generally believed to have driven the large increase in the dispersion of current account balances in the Euro Area. We investigate this hypothesis quantitatively. We develop a 3-region open economy New Keynesian model with search and matching frictions from which we derive robust sign restrictions for wage bargaining and matching efficiency shocks which we term wage moderation shocks. We impose these restrictions on a Global VAR consisting of Germany and 8 EMU countries to identify a wage moderation shock in Germany. Our results show that, although the German current account was significantly affected by wage moderation shocks, their contribution to European current account imbalances was negligible. We conclude that the German labor market reforms cannot be the lone driver of European imbalances

    Innovative Methodology for Detection of Fracture-Controlled Sweet Spots in the Northern Appalachian Basin

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    During this reporting period, Fortuna retrieved the first oriented horizontal core from the Trenton/Black River in the northern Appalachian Basin. The core came from central New York State, the ''hottest'' play in the Appalachian Basin. A complete well log suite was also collected in the horizontal hole, including an FMI log. After reassembling the core sections, and orienting the core, we analyzed the whole core before it was cut for full-diameter core analyses (e.g., permeability) and before the core was split, in order that we did not miss any features that may be lost during cutting. We recognized and mapped along the core 43 stylolites, 99 veins and several large partially filled vugs. Kinematic indicators suggest multiple phases of strike-slip motion. Master-abutting relationships at intersections (primarily determined from which feature ''cuts'' which other feature) show three stages of stylolite growth: sub horizontal, nearly vertical, and steeply dipping. These development stages reflect vertical loading, tectonic horizontal loading, and finally oblique loading. Hydrothermal dolomite veins cut and are cut by all three stages of the stylolites. A set of horizontal veins indicates vertical unloading. Analyses of the core will continue, as well as the well logs

    Implementing Health Reform at the State Level: Access and Care for Vulnerable Populations

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    The Affordable Care Act1 (ACA) promises to improve access to coverage and care for two vulnerable groups: low-income persons who are excluded by a lack of resources and chronically ill and disabled people who are excluded by the dysfunction of our existing insurance and care delivery systems. ACA’s sprawling provisions raise a wealth of implementation challenges that are exacerbated by the compromises required to move reform through Congress. In particular, the compromise between regulatory/public program advocates and advocates for private, market-driven programs requires thoughtful regulatory coordination between public and private health systems. The anticipated increase in coverage is roughly split between expansions in Medicaid and private enrollment, each of which is projected to cover approximately 16 million Americans.2 How ACA will be implemented has been the subject of constant attention since its enactment, and federal regulators have been generating program and regulatory information with commendable assiduity. However, state-level reform will be crucial to the effectiveness of the ACA implementation for low-income and chronically ill people. Federal structural regulations will be implemented and interpreted at the state level. As learned from the varied implementation of Medicaid and other state/ federal programs, state efforts can either effectuate or frustrate the intent of health coverage measures. This article is focused on five key implementation issues states face as they turn to new tasks in the governance of Medicaid and private non-group and small group coverage. The Medicaid reforms and the extension of private coverage through Exchanges raise separate challenges. However, as described here, many key implementation issues apply to both systems

    A Case Study of the Solar and Lunar Semidiurnal Tide Response to the 2013 Sudden Stratospheric Warming

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    This study investigates the response of the semidiurnal tide (SDT) to the 2013 major sudden stratospheric warming (SSW) event using meteor radar wind observations and mechanistic tidal model simulations. In the model, the background atmosphere is constrained to meteorological fields from the Navy Global Environmental Model—High Altitude analysis system. The solar (thermal) and lunar (gravitational) SDT components are forced by incorporating hourly temperature tendency fields from the ERA5 forecast model, and by specifying the M2 and N2 lunar gravitational potentials, respectively. The simulated SDT response is compared against meteor wind observations from the CMOR (43.3°N, 80.8°W), Collm (51.3°N, 13.0°E), and Kiruna (67.5°N, 20.1°E) radars, showing close agreement with the observed amplitude and phase variability. Numerical experiments investigate the individual roles of the solar and lunar SDT components in shaping the net SDT response. Further experiments isolate the impact of changing propagation conditions through the zonal mean background atmosphere, non-linear wave-wave interactions, and the SSW-induced stratospheric ozone redistribution. Results indicate that between 80 and 97 km altitude in the northern hemisphere mid-to-high latitudes the net SDT response is driven by the solar SDT component, which itself is shaped by changing propagation conditions through the zonal mean background atmosphere and by non-linear wave-wave interactions. In addition, it is demonstrated that as a result of the rapidly varying solar SDT during the SSW the contribution of the lunar SDT to the total measured tidal field can be significantly overestimated

    Umfrage 2011: „Dokumentation von Business-Intelligence-Systemen“ – Ergebnisse und Auswertung

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    Die Nachwuchsforschergruppe Computer-Aided Warehouse Engineering (CAWE) arbeitet seit August 2010 an einem vollständig modellgetriebenen Vorgehen zur Unterstützung des Lebenszyklus von Business-Intelligence-Systemen (BI-Systemen). Eine wichtige Funktionalität des in Bearbeitung befindlichen Prototyps besteht in der automatischen Erzeugung von BI-Systemdokumentation (Re-Dokumentation). Um das aktuelle Dokumentationsgeschehen sowie die Dokumentationsbedarfe für BI-Systeme in der Praxis zu erfassen, wurde in 2011 im Rahmen des Projektes eineUmfrage zu diesemThema beiPraxisvertretern durchgeführt.Der vorliegende Beitrag thematisiert die relevanten Forschungsaspekte, beschreibt das methodische Vorgehen zur Durchführung der Umfrage, stellt ausgewählte Ergebnisse vor und wertet diese aus
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