14 research outputs found

    Microsatellite data

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    Microsatellite repeat counts for individuals included in the analysis. Column headers indicate individual ID, population origin, and microsatellite loci

    Mate choice data

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    Courtship times from mate choice experiment. Rows correspond to different males. Female pairID is the unique identifier given to each female pair. Columns E and F are time (in seconds) the male spent courting each female in the trial. Column G (response index) was calculated from the courtship times as per methods described in the publication

    Call data

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    Field-collected call data for Ranitomeya imitator. Call parameters were quantified using Raven software. Transect position corresponds to the mimicry transect described in the publication

    Color pattern data and KDA results

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    Columns E-K correspond to kernel discriminant scores, which were used as color pattern metrics for cline analysis. Columns L-Z are spec data results from the Endler's Segment Model analysis done in AVICOL software. Columns AA-AC correspond to arm color data taken in Photoshop. Columns AD-CW correspond to pattern data extracted from the computer-automated image analysis described in the publication