5 research outputs found

    Domain specific modeling and analysis

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    It is desirable to model software systems in such a way that analysis of the systems, and tool development for such analysis, is readily possible and feasible in the context of large scientific research projects. This thesis emphasizes the methodology that serves as a basis for such developments. I focus on methods for the design of data-languages and their corresponding tools.UBL - phd migration 201

    The unified coordination language UnCL.

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    In this paper we show how to use a (subset) of UML as an Unified Coordination Language (UnCL) that is based on a separation of concerns between coordination and computation. As such UnCL provides a general language for the coordination of, in particular, object-oriented applications. The basic idea of UnCL is to use UML as a formalism to specify the `glue code' in terms of state-machines which are added to the classes of the underlying applications. These state-machines describe the coordination of the objects of the underlying applications in terms of sending and receiving events. We introduce a formal semantics of UnCL and discuss its implementation using a new tool for the transformation of XML data which is based on a new Rule Markup Language (RML). Finally, we discuss the incorporation of a more high-level coordination mechanism called MoCha, an exogenous coordination framework for (distributed) communication and collaboration using mobile channels as its mediu

    Enterprise Architecture Analysis with XML

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    This paper shows how XML can be used for static and dynamic analysis of architectures. Our analysis is based on the distinction between symbolic and semantic models of architectures. The core of a symbolic model consists of its signature that specifies symbolically its structural elements and their relationships. A semantic model is defined as a formal interpretation of the symbolic model. This provides a formal approach to the design of architectural description languages and a general mathematical foundation for the use of formal methods in enterprise architectures. For dynamic analysis we define transformations of models of architectures, modeled in XML, and for this purpose the XML vocabulary for an architecture is extended with a few constructs defined in the Rule Markup Language (RML). There are RML tools available that perform the desired transformations. 1. Introductio