80 research outputs found
Faking like a woman? Towards an interpretative theorization of sexual pleasure.
This article explores the possibility of developing a feminist approach to gendered and sexual embodiment which is rooted in the pragmatist/interactionist tradition derived from G.H. Mead, but which in turn develops this perspective by inflecting it through more recent feminist thinking. In so doing we seek to rebalance some of the rather abstract work on gender and embodiment by focusing on an instance of 'heterosexual' everyday/night life - the production of the female orgasm. Through engaging with feminist and interactionist work, we develop an approach to embodied sexual pleasure that emphasizes the sociality of sexual practices and of reflexive sexual selves. We argue that sexual practices and experiences must be understood in social context, taking account of the situatedness of sex as well as wider socio-cultural processes the production of sexual desire and sexual pleasure (or their non-production) always entails interpretive, interactional processes
Gender and class in Britain and France
This article examines the treatment of women's oppression in feminist theory, focusing on the engagement of second wave feminists with the concept of class and its relation to gender. This examination is carried out with reference to British and French feminisms, identifying the main trends and shifts that have developed over the last 35 years and noting that while these are undoubtedly influenced by a particular national context they are also shaped by increasing European integration and social, political and cultural exchanges at a global level. The authors find evidence of a number of similarities in the questions that feminist theorists have asked in Britain and France but also demonstrate that there are significant differences. They conclude that areas of convergent theoretical interests will extend along with cross-border flows of peoples and information
Feminist Sociology and Sociological Feminism: Recovering the Social in Feminist Thought
Whereas others have considered the interrelationship between feminism and sociology in terms of the impact of the former on the latter, this paper focuses on the influence of sociological thought on feminist theory. Sociological perspectives were much in evidence within feminist thought in the 1970s, but the shifting disciplinary hierarchies associated with the 'cultural turn' of the 1980s have since undermined sociology's influence within feminism - and especially in feminist theory. One consequence of this, I suggest, has been the erasure of some important sociological insights and perspectives from the map of feminist theory. In particular the origins of social constructionism have been forgotten, along with much that was distinctly social in this approach. In charting the course and assessing the effects of the 'cultural turn', I make it clear than not all feminists have followed that route. I argue for the recovery of the social from its eclipsing by the cultural and for the continued importance of a sociologically informed feminism into the 21st century. In making the case for a distinctly sociological approach to central feminist concerns, I will take sexuality as a case study. Here I seek to demonstrate that sociology has more to offer feminism than the cultural focus of queer theory.cultural turn; feminism; feminist sociology; queer theory; sexuality; social constructionism.
Pengantar Teori-teori Feminis Kontemporer
Teori Feminis telah berkembang menjadi suatu bidang yang luas. Para penulis, pemikir, dan aktivis feminis telah menghasilkan sekumpulan pengetahuan yang seringkali membingungkan terkait dengan perbedaan dan keberanekaan; identitas dan ketidaksetaraan; etnisitas, ras, dan kelas. Bagaimanapun di samping pengaruhnya yang berkmbanng, tidak ada teks tunggal yang utuh yang mencakup masa lalu, masa ini, dan masa depan teori feminis. Pengantar Teori-teori Feminis terinspirasi oleh ketidakpuasan terhadap pelbagai buku pengantar yang ada. Yang seringkali gagal untuk sepenuhnya menelusri perubahan dan menangkap perberagaman di dalam pemikiran feminis. Buku ni mengumpulkan jajaran pakar feminis barat untuk merefleksikan keluasan teori juga pergeseran di dalamnya. Tiap bab memetakan perkembangan pemikiran feminis di area tertentu sepanjang masa, dan menyarankan arahan untuk masa depan. Karena merefleksikan keberagaman teori feminis di pelbagai bidang mulai dari sastra dan linguistik hingga sains dan poilitik. Peta multidisipliner pemikiran feminis ini merupakan teks yang ideal untuk bahan diskusi di ruang kelas
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