508 research outputs found

    Um programa de pesquisas comparativas sobre o multilinguismo na produção científica do Cone Sul

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    Apresentação ao dossiê - Monolinguismo ou multilinguismo na produção de conhecimento?Introduction to dossier - Monolingualism or multilingualism in the production of knowledge

    Structure of feeling and autobiography in "The country and the city"

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    In the context of the 50th anniversary of its publication, this article examines Raymond Williams’ The country and  the city under two key aspects. On the one hand, we attempt to explain the uses and meanings of “structure of  feeling”, which organizes the book’s argument as a kind of analytical tool. On the other hand, we will discuss the frequent autobiographical passages that reinforce the reflective and  political tone of this work.Aproveitando a efeméride dos cinquenta anos da publicação de O campo e a cidade, este artigo examina o livro de Raymond Williams sob dois aspectos principais. De um lado, pretendemos elucidar os usos e significados da noção “estrutura de sentimento”, que nesse trabalho organiza toda a argumentação, como uma espécie de operador analítico; de outro, discutimos as frequentes referências autobiográficas, que reforçam seu tom reflexivo e político.  

    no.se São Paulo

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    Investigating the meaning of the intellectual and social experience engendered in São Paulo by the institutionalization of the social sciences, which began with the creation of the Escola Livre de Sociologia e Política -ELSP (Free School of Sociology and Politics) in 1933 and the Faculdade de Filosofia Ciências e Letras -FFCL-USP (Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences and Letters, University of São Paulo) in 1934 1 , requires, first and foremost, some justification. As such, I will separate the analyses conducted by the protagonists of the process from those undertaken by others, mostly from the 1980s on. One of the consequences of the university reform that took place at USP in the 1960s and the nationalization of post-graduate courses the following decade was the effective constitution of academic specialities. While thematic or theoretical groupings sparked a certain progressive differentiation from the 1940s onwards, almost all academic output in the social sciences focused on Brazilian modernization, which saw a shift from the original emphasis that had hitherto rallied the national intelligence, namely a drive to understand the constitutive process of our social, economic, political and cultural formation. Analysis of the changes or possibilities (and impasses) of Brazilian social reform or revolution set the near-compulsory direction for all respected lines of research during the period 2 . The analytical perspectives varied, but the goal was effectively the same for all, which is why, up to the end of the 60s, the relatively small community of social scientists maintained a direct internal dialogue, unlike what came to occur thereafter, when progressive specialization forced a thematic dispersion and the formation of groups as per research area. The abovementioned differentiation between works on the history of the social sciences by those who actually experienced the autonomization of the field and those by authors writing during its later internal segmentation resides in the latter's rupture with the former's inherent goal of taking sides in the debate on Brazilian modernization. Nevertheless, it becomes decisive to position oneself methodologically and theoretically within the specific area under construction, in this case the social sciences themselves. In fact, this speciality typically pits two perspectives against each other: one which retains much of the political dimension that situates it closer to the earlier period and its debate on Brazilian development and a history of ideas; and another that insists on the strictly sociological reconstruction of the academic field with a view to devising a sociology of intellectuals

    Divergências teóricas, divergências políticas: a crítica da USP aos "estudos de comunidades"

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    Neste artigo o autor esmiuça a críticauspiana, realizada entre os anos 1940-1960, em re-lação aos estudos de comunidade, principalmente,aqueles vinculados à Escola Livre de Sociologia ePolítica

    Gerações pioneiras na sociologia paulista (1934-1969)

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    This article examines lines of research and works consolidated during the period when the social sciences were being institutionalized in São Paulo, basing its interpretation on the social and political ties established between agents (individuals, groups and institutions) involved in this process, both inside and outside the intellectual field being formed. As part of this examination, the analysis focuses on a number of careers, looking to bring to light the meanings that guided social practices in this context.Este artigo interpreta linhas de pesquisa e obras consagradas durante o período de institucionalização das ciências sociais em São Paulo a partir dos vínculos sociais e políticos estabelecidos entre agentes (indivíduos, grupos e instituições) desse processo, interna e externamente ao campo intelectual em formação. Nessa direção, algumas trajetórias são privilegiadas na análise, tendo em vista esclarecer sentidos prováveis que teriam direcionado as práticas sociais nesse contexto

    A sociologia paulista nas revistas especializadas (1940-1965)

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    The article analyzes the development of the social sciences in São Paulo in its formative beginnings (1940-1965), from the standpoint of its principal journals at that time. From this perspective, tensions and disputes more characteristic in that specific context among academic institutions, groups and actors are outlined within the different strategies adopted by those mentioned agents operating through the specialized journals in science and culture.O artigo analisa o desenvolvimento das ciências sociais paulistas nas décadas de sua formação (1940-1965), a partir da análise dos principais periódicos editados na época. Desse ponto de vista, as tensões e as disputas - entre instituições acadêmicas, grupos e personagens - mais expressivas do contexto indicado são demarcadas em função das diferentes estratégias adotadas pelos agentes no âmbito das revistas especializadas em ciência e cultura

    A tradição esquecida: estudo sobre a sociologia de Antonio Candido

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    Pierre Bourdieu and Raymond Williams: Correspondence, meeting and cross references

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    The short and enclosed correspondence between Raymond Williams (1921-1988) and Pierre Bourdieu (1930-2002) proves the existence of actual and mutual relations between the Welsh and the French authors, very worthy in order to reflect on the development of the European Sociology of culture during the second half of the twentieth century. The main purpose of this article is to recover the contacts they kept, apart from the correspondence, through crossed citations, a seminar in Paris in 1976 and a critical text by Williams in partnership with Nicholas Garnham, published in 1980, on the work of Bourdieu after the printing of La Distinction in France.A breve e concentrada correspondência entre Raymond Williams (1921-1988) e Pierre Bourdieu (1930-2002) comprova a existência de relações concretas, de mão dupla, entre os autores galês e francês, muito sugestivas para se pensar o desenvolvimento da sociologia da cultura europeia na segunda metade do século xx. O objetivo principal deste texto é recensear os contatos que eles mantiveram, além da correspondência, por meio de citações cruzadas, de um seminário em Paris no ano de 1976 e de um texto crítico de Williams em parceria com Nicholas Garnham, publicado em 1980, sobre a obra de Bourdieu, em seguida à publicação de A distinção na França

    O caudilho da sociologia mexicana: Pablo González Casanova e A democracia no México

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    The article discusses the trajectory of the Mexican sociologist Pablo González Casanova within the process of institutionalization of the social sciences in Mexico, comparing it with those of Gino Germani in Argentina and Florestan Fernandes in Brazil.O artigo discute a trajetória do sociólogo mexicano Pablo González Casanova no interior do proceso de institucionalização das ciências sociais no México, comparando-a com as de Gino Germani, na Argentina, e Florestan Fernandes, no Brasil