5,152 research outputs found

    The Community Economic Development alumni resource book

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    As stated in the thesis project, "Thirteen years ago, the first students entered the halls of New Hampshire College to further their education in their chosen vocation of Community Economic Development (CED). Since the graduation of the class of 1982, students have followed the same path to New Hampshire from all over North America. The New Hampshire College CED Program also lit a beacon with an international CED program that attracts students from around the world. An intensive database has always been kept on all students. This includes those students who successfully complete their training and those who, for whatever reason, make the decision to return at a later time to finish. Those students that have earned their Masters Degree in the field of Community Economic Development have gone on to become nationally recognized and noted experts in the areas of community loan funds, credit unions, micro-enterprise development programs, peer lending groups, land trust, co-op housing project and much more. Alumni are also recognized as lobbyists in state and federal government to effectively promote equitable promote equitable political change in serving the interest of all communities. Although an intensive database is maintained by the CED Program's administration, the ever present challenge of updating the constantly evolving alumni practitioners mailing list is crying out for HELP. That cry has been heard and I am responding to it." (Library-derived description)Jackson, J. (1996). The Community Economic Development alumni resource book. Retrieved from http://academicarchive.snhu.eduMaster of Science (M.S.)School of Community Economic Developmen

    Neoliberal Multiculturalism and Indigenous Movements

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    Más que un indio (More Than an Indian): Racial Ambivalence and Neoliberal Multiculturalism in Guatemala. By Charles R. Hale. Santa Fe, NM: School of American Research Press, 2006. Pp. xii + 292. 34.05paper.TheStroessnerRegimeandIndigenousResistanceinParaguay.ByReneˊD.HarderHorst.Gainesville:UniversityPressofFlorida,2007.Pp.xi+224.34.05 paper. The Stroessner Regime and Indigenous Resistance in Paraguay. By René D. Harder Horst. Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2007. Pp. xi + 224. 50.05 cloth. Who Defines Indigenous? Identities, Development, Intellectuals, and the State in Northern Mexico. By Carmen Martínez Novo. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2006. Pp. ix + 187. 23.95paper.NowWeAreCitizens:IndigenousPoliticsinPostmulticulturalBolivia.ByNancyGreyPostero.Stanford,CA:StanfordUniversityPress,2007.Pp.xvi+294.23.95 paper. Now We Are Citizens: Indigenous Politics in Postmulticultural Bolivia. By Nancy Grey Postero. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2007. Pp. xvi + 294. 26.05 paper. The four books under review address several of the most compelling issues that have arisen following the democratic transitions of the 1980s and 1990s in Latin American countries with indigenous populations. The main concerns shared by the authors, all anthropologists, are indigenous mobilization, indigenous-state relations, and official multiculturalism. Reforms that sought to bring marginalized indigenous populations into the political process receive particular attention. The paradox of neoliberal multiculturalism, according to Charles R. Hale, “is that a progressive response to past societal ills has a menacing potential to perpetuate the problem in a new guise” (12). The reforms “intended to heal the rift between the state and the populace,” writes Nancy Grey Postero (220), did not work as planned, and the books reviewed here seek to understand why. Although the authors address several other topics, I focus on how they deal with indigenous organizing, neoliberal ideologies and policies, democratization, and the role of structural racism. The differences among the books are substantial, as a result of different research sites and the various interests, methodologies, and research scope of the authors

    Pain and Bodies

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    INTRODUCTION The topic of pain offers a treasure trove of anthropological research projects that pose intriguing intellectual challenges. To begin with an obvious point, pain, especially chronic pain, is a hugely important issue: 40 percent of patients seeking medical attention cite pain as the reason; approximately 45 percent of people will experience chronic pain at some point during their lives (Taylor 2006: 237); an estimated 86 million Americans have some form of chronic pain (Sullivan 2007: 263); and over US $100 billion is spent yearly in treatment-related costs and lost-work productivity due to chronic pain (Sullivan 2007: 268). Also, pain medicine intersects in complex, anthropologically fascinating ways with powerful institutions like the insurance and pharmaceutical industries, and government. Another reason to encourage more research is that new insights emerging from social science investigations can potentially ameliorate the distress experienced by pain sufferers and those around them

    Overview of the Colombian indigenous movement

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    1. INTRODUCTION This essay examines the emergence of Colombia’s indigenous people as a political force, focusing in particular on the unequal relationship between indigenous communities (pueblos) and the state, as well as the effects of the half-century of violence. I first provide some general information about the pueblos and a brief history of indigenous organizing. A summary of changes brought about by the Asamblea Nacional Constituyente (ANC), and the Constitución Política of 1991 follows. I then provide a short overview of the Constitution’s successes and failures with respect to indigenous concerns, a brief comment on language loss, and, finally, Discussion and Conclusions

    Spatio-angular Minimum-variance Tomographic Controller for Multi-Object Adaptive Optics systems

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    Multi-object astronomical adaptive-optics (MOAO) is now a mature wide-field observation mode to enlarge the adaptive-optics-corrected field in a few specific locations over tens of arc-minutes. The work-scope provided by open-loop tomography and pupil conjugation is amenable to a spatio-angular Linear-Quadratic Gaussian (SA-LQG) formulation aiming to provide enhanced correction across the field with improved performance over static reconstruction methods and less stringent computational complexity scaling laws. Starting from our previous work [1], we use stochastic time-progression models coupled to approximate sparse measurement operators to outline a suitable SA-LQG formulation capable of delivering near optimal correction. Under the spatio-angular framework the wave-fronts are never explicitly estimated in the volume,providing considerable computational savings on 10m-class telescopes and beyond. We find that for Raven, a 10m-class MOAO system with two science channels, the SA-LQG improves the limiting magnitude by two stellar magnitudes when both Strehl-ratio and Ensquared-energy are used as figures of merit. The sky-coverage is therefore improved by a factor of 5.Comment: 30 pages, 7 figures, submitted to Applied Optic

    An Improved Algorithm for Generating Database Transactions from Relational Algebra Specifications

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    Alloy is a lightweight modeling formalism based on relational algebra. In prior work with Fisler, Giannakopoulos, Krishnamurthi, and Yoo, we have presented a tool, Alchemy, that compiles Alloy specifications into implementations that execute against persistent databases. The foundation of Alchemy is an algorithm for rewriting relational algebra formulas into code for database transactions. In this paper we report on recent progress in improving the robustness and efficiency of this transformation

    Non-verbal Customer-to-Customer Interaction in Retail Setting: An Investigation of Indirect Effects of Perceived Customer Similarity on Important Marketing Outcomes

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    Abstract The purpose of this paper is to empirically examine the causal effects of similarity among customers in retail mall settings on four outcome variables: intent to stay, satisfaction, word-of-mouth generation and repurchase intention. Using structural equation modeling, we tested both direct and mediated effects. Results indicate significant direct influence in the direct model and significant indirect influence in the mediated model. The study suggests that similarity with other customers has a significant influence on outcome variables. Therefore, mall managers should measure and monitor consumers’ perceptions of similarity and enhance these similarities whenever appropriate and feasible. To our knowledge, this is the first paper to test a causal model in order to understand the effects of mere presence of other customers’ retail setting. However, care should be taken when generalizing from student data

    Structuring International Financial Support for Climate Change Mitigation in Developing Countries

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    In the Copenhagen Accord of December 2009, developed countries agreed to provide start-up finance for adaptation in developing countries and expressed the ambition to scale this up to $100 billion per year by 2020. The financial mechanisms to deliver this support have to be tailored to country and sector specific needs so as to enable domestic policy processes and self sustaining business models, and to limit policy risk exposure for investors while complying with budgetary constraints in OECD countries. This paper structures the available financial mechanisms according to the needs they can address, and reports on experience with their application in bilateral and multilateral settings.Financial mechanism, risk guarantee, development, climate policy

    Graphene-coated holey metal films: tunable molecular sensing by surface plasmon resonance

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    We report on the enhancement of surface plasmon resonances in a holey bidimensional grating of subwavelength size, drilled in a gold thin film coated by a graphene sheet. The enhancement originates from the coupling between charge carriers in graphene and gold surface plasmons. The main plasmon resonance peak is located around 1.5 microns. A lower constraint on the gold-induced doping concentration of graphene is specified and the interest of this architecture for molecular sensing is also highlighted.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, Final version. Published in Applied Physics Letter

    Dielectric response of a polar fluid trapped in a spherical nanocavity

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    We present extensive Molecular Dynamics simulation results for the structure, static and dynamical response of a droplet of 1000 soft spheres carrying extended dipoles and confined to spherical cavities of radii R=2.5R=2.5, 3, and 4 nm embedded in a dielectric continuum of permittivity ϵ′≥1\epsilon' \geq 1. The polarisation of the external medium by the charge distribution inside the cavity is accounted for by appropriate image charges. We focus on the influence of the external permittivity ϵ′\epsilon' on the static and dynamic properties of the confined fluid. The density profile and local orientational order parameter of the dipoles turn out to be remarkably insensitive to ϵ′\epsilon'. Permittivity profiles ϵ(r)\epsilon(r) inside the spherical cavity are calculated from a generalised Kirkwood formula. These profiles oscillate in phase with the density profiles and go to a ``bulk'' value ϵb\epsilon_b away from the confining surface; ϵb\epsilon_b is only weakly dependent on ϵ′\epsilon', except for ϵ′=1\epsilon' = 1 (vacuum), and is strongly reduced compared to the permittivity of a uniform (bulk) fluid under comparable thermodynamic conditions. The dynamic relaxation of the total dipole moment of the sample is found to be strongly dependent on ϵ′\epsilon', and to exhibit oscillatory behaviour when ϵ′=1\epsilon'=1; the relaxation is an order of magnitude faster than in the bulk. The complex frequency-dependent permittivity ϵ(ω)\epsilon(\omega) is sensitive to ϵ′\epsilon' at low frequencies, and the zero frequency limit ϵ(ω=0)\epsilon(\omega=0) is systematically lower than the ``bulk'' value ϵb\epsilon_b of the static primitivity.Comment: 12 pages including 17 figure
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