125 research outputs found

    Spin-dependent neutrino-induced nucleon knockout

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    We study neutrino-induced nucleon knockout off atomic nuclei and examine the polarization properties of the ejectile. A detailed study of the spin dependence of the outgoing nucleon is presented. The numerical results are derived within a non-relativistic plane-wave impulse-approximation approach. Our calculations reveal large polarization asymmetries, and clear dissimilarities between neutrino- and antineutrino-induced reactions. They reflect the fact that neutrino-induced nucleon knockout is dominated by the transverse axial current and gains its major contributions from forward nucleon emission and backward lepton scattering.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Quasielastic electron- and neutrino-nucleus scattering in a continuum random phase approximation approach

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    We present a continuum random phase approximation approach to study electron- and neutrino-nucleus scattering cross sections, in the kinematic region where quasielastic scattering is the dominant process. We show the validity of the formalism by confronting inclusive (e,e′e,e') cross sections with the available data. We calculate flux-folded cross sections for charged-current quasielastic antineutrino scattering off 12^{12}C and compare them with the MiniBooNE cross-section measurements. We pay special emphasis to the contribution of low-energy nuclear excitations in the signal of accelerator-based neutrino-oscillation experiments.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures. Contribution to the proceedings of the 16th International Workshop on Neutrino Factories and Future Neutrino Beam Facilities (NUFACT-2014

    Quasielastic contribution to antineutrino-nucleus scattering

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    We report on a calculation of cross sections for charged-current quasielastic antineutrino scattering off 12^{12}C in the energy range of interest for the MiniBooNE experiment. We adopt the impulse approximation (IA) and use the nonrelativistic continuum random phase approximation (CRPA) to model the nuclear dynamics. An effective nucleon-nucleon interaction of the Skyrme type is used. We compare our results with the recent MiniBooNE antineutrino cross-section data and confront them with alternate calculations. The CRPA predictions reproduce the gross features of the shape of the measured double-differential cross sections. The CRPA cross sections are typically larger than those of other reported IA calculations but tend to underestimate the magnitude of the MiniBooNE data. We observe that an enhancement of the nucleon axial mass in CRPA calculations is an effective way of improving on the description of the shape and magnitude of the double-differential cross sections. The rescaling of MAM_{A} is illustrated to affect the shape of the double-differential cross sections differently than multinucleon effects beyond the IA.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures. Version published in Physical Review

    Seagull and pion-in-flight currents in neutrino-induced 1N1N and 2N2N knockout

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    [Background] The neutrino-nucleus (νA\nu A) cross section is a major source of systematic uncertainty in neutrino-oscillation studies. A precise νA\nu A scattering model, in which multinucleon effects are incorporated, is pivotal for an accurate interpretation of the data. [Purpose] In νA\nu A interactions, meson-exchange currents (MECs) can induce two-nucleon (2N2N) knockout from the target nucleus, resulting in a two-particle two-hole (2p2h) final state. They also affect single nucleon (1N1N) knockout reactions, yielding a one-particle one-hole (1p1h) final state. Both channels affect the inclusive strength. We present a study of axial and vector, seagull and pion-in-flight currents in muon-neutrino induced 1N1N and 2N2N knockout reactions on 12^{12}C. [Method] Bound and emitted nucleons are described as Hartree-Fock wave functions. For the vector MECs, the standard expressions are used. For the axial current, three parameterizations are considered. The framework developed here allows for a treatment of MECs and short-range correlations (SRCs). [Results] Results are compared with electron-scattering data and with literature. The strengths of the seagull, pion-in-flight and axial currents are studied separately and double differential cross sections including MECs are compared with results including SRCs. A comparison with MiniBooNE and T2K data is presented. [Conclusions] In the 1p1h channel, the effects of the MECs tend to cancel each other, resulting in a small effect on the double differential cross section. 2N2N knockout processes provide a small contribution to the inclusive double differential cross section, ranging from the 2N2N knockout threshold into the dip region. A fair agreement with the MiniBooNE and T2K data is reached.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figure

    Electron-neutrino scattering off nuclei from two different theoretical perspectives

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    We analyze charged-current electron-neutrino cross sections on Carbon. We consider two different theoretical approaches, on one hand the Continuum Random Phase Approximation (CRPA) which allows a description of giant resonances and quasielastic excitations, on the other hand the RPA-based calculations which are able to describe multinucleon emission and coherent and incoherent pion production as well as quasielastic excitations. We compare the two approaches in the genuine quasielastic channel, and find a satisfactory agreement between them at large energies while at low energies the collective giant resonances show up only in the CRPA approach. We also compare electron-neutrino cross sections with the corresponding muon-neutrino ones in order to investigate the impact of the different charged-lepton masses. Finally, restricting to the RPA-based approach we compare the sum of quasielastic, multinucleon emission, coherent and incoherent one-pion production cross sections (folded with the electron-neutrino T2K flux) with the charged-current inclusive electron-neutrino differential cross sections on Carbon measured by T2K. We find a good agreement with the data. The multinucleon component is needed in order to reproduce the T2K electron-neutrino inclusive cross sections

    Impact of low-energy nuclear excitations on neutrino-nucleus scattering at MiniBooNE and T2K kinematics

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    [Background] Meticulous modeling of neutrino-nucleus interactions is essential to achieve the unprecedented precision goals of present and future accelerator-based neutrino-oscillation experiments. [Purpose] Confront our calculations of charged-current quasielastic cross section with the measurements of MiniBooNE and T2K, and to quantitatively investigate the role of nuclear-structure effects, in particular, low-energy nuclear excitations in forward muon scattering. [Method] The model takes the mean-field (MF) approach as the starting point, and solves Hartree-Fock (HF) equations using a Skyrme (SkE2) nucleon-nucleon interaction. Long-range nuclear correlations are taken into account by means of the continuum random-phase approximation (CRPA) framework. [Results] We present our calculations on flux-folded double differential, and flux-unfolded total cross sections off 12^{12}C and compare them with MiniBooNE and (off-axis) T2K measurements. We discuss the importance of low-energy nuclear excitations for the forward bins. [Conclusions] The CRPA predictions describe the gross features of the measured cross sections. They underpredict the data (more in the neutrino than in the antineutrino case) because of the absence of processes beyond pure quasielastic scattering in our model. At very forward muon scattering, low-energy nuclear excitations (ω<\omega < 50 MeV) account for nearly 50% of the flux-folded cross section.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures. Version published in Physical Review

    Angular distributions in Monte Carlo event generation of weak single-pion production

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    One of the substantial sources of systematic errors in neutrino oscillation experiments that utilize neutrinos from accelerator sources stems from a lack of precision in modeling single-pion production (SPP). Oscillation analyses rely on Monte Carlo event generators (MC), providing theoretical predictions of neutrino interactions on nuclear targets. Pions produced in these processes provide a significant fraction of oscillation signal and background on both elementary scattering and detector simulation levels. Thus, it is of critical importance to develop techniques that will allow us to accommodate state-of-the-art theoretical models describing SPP into MCs. In this work, we investigate various algorithms to implement single-pion production models in Monte Carlo event generators. Based on comparison studies, we propose a novel implementation strategy that combines satisfactory efficiency with high precision in reproducing details of theoretical models predictions, including pion angular distributions. The proposed implementation is model-independent, thereby providing a framework that can include any model for SPP. We have tested the new algorithm with the Ghent Low Energy Model for single-pion production implemented in the NuWro Monte Carlo event generator.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figure

    Angular distributions in Monte Carlo event generation of weak single-pion production

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    One of the substantial sources of systematic errors in neutrino oscillation experiments that utilize neutrinos from accelerator sources stems from a lack of precision in modeling single-pion production (SPP). Oscillation analyses rely on Monte Carlo event generators (MC), providing theoretical predictions of neutrino interactions on nuclear targets. Pions produced in these processes provide a significant fraction of oscillation signal and background on both elementary scattering and detector simulation levels. Thus, it is of critical importance to develop techniques that will allow us to accommodate state-of-the-art theoretical models describing SPP into MCs. In this work, we investigate various algorithms to implement single-pion production models in Monte Carlo event generators. Based on comparison studies, we propose a novel implementation strategy that combines satisfactory efficiency with high precision in reproducing details of theoretical models predictions, including pion angular distributions. The proposed implementation is model-independent, thereby providing a framework that can include any model for SPP. We have tested the new algorithm with the Ghent low energy model for single-pion production implemented in the NuWro Monte Carlo event generator

    Neutrinos and duality

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    A phenomenological study of Bloom-Gilman duality is performed in electron and neutrino scattering on nuclei. In the resonance region the structure functions are calculated within the phenomenological models of Ghent and Giessen groups, where only the resonance contribution is taken into account, and the background one is neglected. Structure functions F2 in the resonance region are compared with the DIS ones, extracted directly from the experimental data. The results show, that within the models considered the Bloom-Gilman duality does not work well for nuclei: the integrated strength in the resonance region is considerably lower than in the DIS one
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