4 research outputs found

    Social interactions and morphometric analysis of populations of Blue-Tongued Skink (Tiliqua gigas)

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    Tiliqua gigas je vzácný, s oblibou chovaný druh velkého scinka. Sociální struktura tohoto charismatického druhu však zůstává téměř neznámá. Vzh- ledem k vysoké agresivitě tohoto druhu a jeho obtížnému studiu v přírodě, se experiment založený na pachové diskriminaci jeví jako vhodný nástroj k jejímu lepšímu pochopení. Naše výsledky ukázaly, že reakce na pachový stimul je obecně slabá a má silně individuální charakter. Zájem jedince vzbuzují především látky produkované skrze kůži v oblasti hřbetu a nezdá se, že by pach jiného jedince vedl k útěkové reakci. Behaviorální analýza byla také doplněna o podrobnou analýzu hlav druhů T. gigas a T. scincoides. Je známo, že tyto druhy se dělí na několik diferencovaných poddruhů, které jsou dále tvořeny geograficky odlišnými populacemi. Zajímalo nás, zda se jednotlivé populace dají od sebe rozlišit na základě geometrické mor- fometrie a zda je dané rozdělení v souladu s jejich příbuzností. Ukázalo se, že po sloučení do větších skupin na základě genetické příbuznosti, se populace jeví jako distinktní, a jsou tím podpořeny výsledky fylogenet- ické analýzy. Nicméně zdá se, že tvar hlavy se neliší mezi pohlavími a nepoukazuje tak na pohlavní dimorfismus ve...A Blue-tongued skink ( Tiliqua gigas) is a rare exotic species which is very popular between breeders. Nevertheless, the social structure of this charismatic skink remains almost unknown. Because of its high aggressive- ness and difficulties connected with study in its natural habitat, experiments based on the odor discrimination looks like a good alternative for its bet- ter understanding. Our results revealed that the reaction on the odor is generally poor and is very individual. We observed the highest response of interest on odors produced throught dorsal parts of skin. The reaction on conspecific's odor did not lead to escape behavior. Behavioral analysis was complemented by morphological analysis of heads in T. gigas and T.scincoides. These species are divided into separate subspecies, which are formed by geographically distinct populations. We wondered whether it is possible to separate these populations by geometric morphometrics and whether this separation is consistent with phylogenetic studies. We found out that if the populations are united in bigger groups based on their congeniality they seem to be distinct according to the head shape. Our results also revealed the monomorphy in head shape. Unfortu- nately, it is very difficult to distinguish between sexes due to the absence of sexual dimorphism....Katedra zoologieDepartment of ZoologyPřírodovědecká fakultaFaculty of Scienc

    Selfrecognition, selfawareness and other cognitive functions in cetaceans

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    Vědomí sebe sama u zvířat je v současnosti v oblasti kognitivních věd velmi diskutovaným tématem. Experimenty na behaviorální úrovni (zrcadlový test, referenční použití specifické části těla) většinou dokazují, že si zvířata dokáží uvědomit části vlastního těla. U kytovců (Cetacea) existuje velká experimentální evidence těchto typů testů a kytovci v nich prokazují, že si jsou schopni uvědomit hranice vlastního těla (self awareness). U kytovců se také vyskytuje mnoho komplexních kognitivních schopností, které mohou být predispozicí či provázet sebeuvědomění a prokazovat u kytovců uvědomování si svého vědomí (self consciousness). Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)Self recognition is highly discused topic in cognitive sciences. Experiments on a level of behavioral (mirror test, reference tests of body parts using) show that animals usually are able to realize parts of their own body. There are several experimental evidence among cetaceans of this kind that proved that they are conscious of their own body parts (self awareness). There are also many other complex cognitive skills that can be predisposition to self recognition or that can prove that cetaceans are conscious of they own mind (self consciousness). Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)Katedra zoologieDepartment of ZoologyPřírodovědecká fakultaFaculty of Scienc

    Selfrecognition, selfawareness and other cognitive functions in cetaceans

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    Self recognition is highly discused topic in cognitive sciences. Experiments on a level of behavioral (mirror test, reference tests of body parts using) show that animals usually are able to realize parts of their own body. There are several experimental evidence among cetaceans of this kind that proved that they are conscious of their own body parts (self awareness). There are also many other complex cognitive skills that can be predisposition to self recognition or that can prove that cetaceans are conscious of they own mind (self consciousness). Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org

    Social interactions and morphometric analysis of populations of Blue-Tongued Skink (Tiliqua gigas)

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    A Blue-tongued skink ( Tiliqua gigas) is a rare exotic species which is very popular between breeders. Nevertheless, the social structure of this charismatic skink remains almost unknown. Because of its high aggressive- ness and difficulties connected with study in its natural habitat, experiments based on the odor discrimination looks like a good alternative for its bet- ter understanding. Our results revealed that the reaction on the odor is generally poor and is very individual. We observed the highest response of interest on odors produced throught dorsal parts of skin. The reaction on conspecific's odor did not lead to escape behavior. Behavioral analysis was complemented by morphological analysis of heads in T. gigas and T.scincoides. These species are divided into separate subspecies, which are formed by geographically distinct populations. We wondered whether it is possible to separate these populations by geometric morphometrics and whether this separation is consistent with phylogenetic studies. We found out that if the populations are united in bigger groups based on their congeniality they seem to be distinct according to the head shape. Our results also revealed the monomorphy in head shape. Unfortu- nately, it is very difficult to distinguish between sexes due to the absence of sexual dimorphism...