234 research outputs found


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    Both theory and practical experience in the scope of company management prove that formulation and selection of innovation strategy should be preceded and accompanied by analyses of numerous internal and external factors which may strongly influence the functioning and future development of an organization. Thus the implementation of strategic analysis methods in course of the said formulation and selection process should constitute the basis for preparation of every innovation strategy stemming from the innovation process ongoing within a given organisation

    Ekoinnowacje w branży produkcji materiałów budowlanych w Polsce

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    The article discusses the role of eco-innovations in the activities of enterprises in the production of building materials. The analyzed industry is characterized by high growth dynamics, as well as a relatively high level of innovation comparing to the entire construction industry. In turn, eco-innovation is a special type of innovation, which from the perspective of enterprises will gain in importance over the coming years, mainly due to the ongoing economic changes and the coming years, mainly due to the ongoing economic changes and the intensifying global environmental crisis. As a result, the aim of the original survey research was to try to identify the degree of use of eco-innovative solutions along with the perception of their importance and links with innovations in the activities of enterprises operating on the Polish market of building materials. The results of the research conducted in 2022 partially filled the research gap in this area, as they made it possible to identify differences in the use and perception of eco-innovations and innovations by the surveyed enterprises, and also made it possible to determine which types of eco-innovations are considered by them to be the most important. In the end, however, it turned out not very optimistic, that the respondents from the surveyed enterprises still perceive innovations – as opposed to eco-innovations – as more significant for their activities and thus more effective, despite the fact, that they are aware of the concept of eco-innovations.W artykule omówiona została rola ekoinnowacji w działalności przedsiębiorstw z branży produkcji materiałów budowlanych. Analizowana branża cechuje się wysoką dynamiką wzrostu, a także stosunkowo wysokim poziomem innowacyjności w odniesieniu do całego budownictwa. Z kolei ekoinnowacje stanowią szczególny rodzaj innowacji, który z perspektywy przedsiębiorstw będzie na przestrzeni najbliższych lat zyskiwał na znaczeniu, głównie z uwagi na zachodzące zmiany gospodarcze oraz nasilający się globalny kryzys środowiskowy. W efekcie celem autorskich badań ankietowych uczyniono próbę rozpoznania stopnia wykorzystania rozwiązań ekoinnowacyjnych wraz z postrzeganiem ich znaczenia oraz powiązań z innowacjami w działalności przedsiębiorstw funkcjonujących na polskim rynku materiałów budowlanych. Wyniki badań przeprowadzonych w 2022 roku częściowo wypełniły lukę badawczą w tym zakresie, gdyż umożliwiły wskazanie różnic w stosowaniu i postrzeganiu przez badane przedsiębiorstwa ekoinnowacji i innowacji, a także pozwoliły na określenie, które rodzaje ekoinnowacji są przez nie uznawane za najważniejsze. Finalnie niezbyt optymistyczny okazał się jednak fakt, że respondenci z badanych przedsiębiorstw nadal postrzegają ekoinnowacje – w odróżnieniu od innowacji – jako mniej znaczące dla ich działalności i przez to mniej skuteczne, mimo iż mają świadomość pojęcia ekoinnowacji


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    Managing an enterprise requires not only intuition but also appropriate economic knowledge, especially the knowledge of strategic management concept, which constitutes a comprehensive approach towards this issue and offers a selection of methods and tools which facilitate the process of management within an organisation. An example of such method is constituted by the balance scorecard, which through the translation of strategic objectives into operational activities and monitoring of obtained results, allows for the elimination of mistakes connected with the ineffective enterprise management.Zarządzanie przedsiębiorstwem wymaga nie tylko intuicji, ale i odpowiedniej wiedzy ekonomicznej. Przydatna jest zwłaszcza znajomość koncepcji zarządzania strategicznego, która stanowi holistyczne ujęcie tego zagadnienia, dodatkowo oferując zbiór różnorodnych metod i narzędzi, dzięki którym możliwe jest usprawnienie procesu zarządzania organizacją. Przykładem takiej kompleksowej metody, skutecznie wspierającej podejmowanie decyzji biznesowych, jest strategiczna karta wyników, która przekładając cele strategiczne na działania operacyjne i monitorując uzyskiwane wyniki pozwala na eliminowanie błędów dotyczących nieefektywnego zarządzania przedsiębiorstwem

    Zadowolenie pacjentek z opieki świadczonej przez położne podstawowej opieki zdrowotnej na terenie Poznania

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    Objectives: The main objective of this study was to examine the level of patient satisfaction with the care rendered by community midwives in the area of Poznań. Material and methods: A patient survey was distributed using face-to-face recruitment and with mail collection. Eight hundred new mothers were asked to participate in the study by filling out the questionnaire after eight weeks of the postpartum period. One hundred seventy seven (22.12%) returned completed questionnaires which were then analyzed. Results: This paper provides information on the high level of patient satisfaction with the services provided by community midwives and the important role community midwives play in caring for and supporting women in the post partum period. Conclusions: The results of this study indicate that women in the area of Poznań, are satisfied with the care they receive from midwives. They also indicate a lack of association of patient satisfaction scores between groups of patients based on demographic data and reason for using community midwife services. It was also found that the overall patient satisfaction score depends most heavily on the time frame of receiving community midwife services.Cel badań: Podstawowym celem tej pracy była ocena poziomu zadowolenia pacjentek z opieki świadczonej przez położne podstawowej opieki zdrowotnej na terenie Poznania. Materiał i metody: Narzędziem badawczym był „Kwestionariusz do pomiaru zadowolenia z opieki położnych środowiskowych”, dystrybuowany osobiście i zbierany drogą pocztową. Osiemset położnic zostało poproszonych o wzięcie udziału w badaniu poprzez wypełnienie kwestionariusza w okresie ośmiu tygodni po porodzie. Kwestionariusze zwrócone przez 177 osób (22,12%) zostały poddane analizie. Wyniki: Wyniki przeprowadzonego badania wskazują na wysoki poziom zadowolenia pacjentek z opieki świadczonej przez położne podstawowej opieki zdrowotnej oraz na znaczącą rolę jaką pełnią położne podstawowej opieki zdrowotnej w opiece i wspieraniu kobiety w okresie połogu. Wnioski: Wyniki przeprowadzonych badań wskazują, że kobiety są zadowolone z opieki świadczonej przez położne podstawowej opieki zdrowotnej na terenie Poznania. Wyniki badań wskazują także na brak wpływu zmiennych demograficznych oraz powodu korzystania ze świadczeń położnej podstawowej opieki zdrowotnej na oceny zadowolenia pacjentek. Stwierdzono również, że zadowolenie pacjentek zależy od długości okresu korzystania z opieki świadczonej przez położne podstawowej opieki zdrowotnej

    Preventing congenital toxoplasmosis — implementation of clinical practice guidelines

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     Objectives: The aim of the study was to evaluate obstetric care of pregnant women with regard to prevention of congenital toxoplasmosis. Additionally, we attempted to determine the frequency of markers for past infection with Toxoplasma gondii in order to characterize the current significance of preventive measures in the Polish population. Material and methods: The analysis of the medical records — pregnancy charts of women who presented for delivery — was performed. Patient age, place of residence, and toxoplasmosis test (or lack of it) were evaluated. Also, further diagnostic management, depending on the serologic result, was investigated. Results: Out of 670 pregnant women, 628 (93.73%) underwent at least one toxoplasmosis diagnostic test. Out of those, 502 (73%) had a negative result (IgG –, IgM –), and 2 (0.32%) had a positive result (IgG +, IgM +), while history of infection with Toxoplasma gondii was confirmed (IgG +, IgM –) in 124 (19.75%) cases. Repeat testing was required in 183 (29.14%) out of the 628 women. Conclusions: A high rate of women in whom IgG antibodies were not detected in the first test and a low rate of women who required repeat testing later in pregnancy are noteworthy. Regardless of the healthcare policy, parents should receive reliable information about the nature of the disease and possibilities of prevention, while medical professionals ought to have easy access to research data about the epidemiologic status and recommendations

    The Objectives of Corporate Restructuring in Dynamic and Turbulent Markets

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    Background. The article discusses the problem of making effective restructuring measures, which at times of dynamic and turbulent changes, including those caused by the economic crisis, are considered an important element in achieving and maintaining a strong competitive position. This issue particularly affects Polish enterprises that are forced, beyond competing in local markets, to adapt to the new conditions resulting from the ongoing globalization process. In this article are presented different types of restructuring, both at the micro and macro scale and also the most important stages of restructuring are discussed, bearing in mind that the choice of the type of restructuring strictly determines the scope of the restructuring measures, which the enterprise should apply in order to achieve its target. Apart from that, each restructuring decision should be preceded by a detailed examination of the potential results that will bring this type of action. Research aims. The aim of the research is to identify the approach of Polish companies to the restructuring process. Method. The authors conducted a literature review and a survey among Polish enterprises. The survey was conducted in 2012 among 50 Polish companies. Key findings. The results obtained by the authors of the studies in the field of restructuring directions indicate that the choices made in relation to the restructuring activities should not be limited only to the period of economic downturn and the crisis, but most of all foresee the future. As a result, it is necessary to change the attitude of Polish enterprises to the process of restructuring just in order to be considered in the category of development activities and not remedial

    The Objectives of Corporate Restructuring in Dynamic and Turbulent Markets

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    Background. The article discusses the problem of making effective restructuring measures,which at times of dynamic and turbulent changes, including those caused by the economiccrisis, are considered an important element in achieving and maintaining a strong competitiveposition. This issue particularly affects Polish enterprises that are forced, beyond competingin local markets, to adapt to the new conditions resulting from the ongoing globalizationprocess. In this article are presented different types of restructuring, both at the micro andmacro scale and also the most important stages of restructuring are discussed, bearing inmind that the choice of the type of restructuring strictly determines the scope of the restructuringmeasures, which the enterprise should apply in order to achieve its target. Apart fromthat, each restructuring decision should be preceded by a detailed examination of the potentialresults that will bring this type of action.Research aims. The aim of the research is to identify the approach of Polish companies tothe restructuring process.Method. The authors conducted a literature review and a survey among Polish enterprises.The survey was conducted in 2012 among 50 Polish companies.Key findings. The results obtained by the authors of the studies in the field of restructuringdirections indicate that the choices made in relation to the restructuring activities should notbe limited only to the period of economic downturn and the crisis, but most of all foresee thefuture. As a result, it is necessary to change the attitude of Polish enterprises to the processof restructuring just in order to be considered in the category of development activities andnot remedial

    Varicella — a potential threat to maternal and fetal health

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    Objectives: The aim of the study was to evaluate the following: i) number of midwives and nurses at risk for contracting varicella; ii) effectiveness of infectious disease prevention among healthcare personnel; iii) attitude of healthcare person­nel towards immunization. Material and methods: A total of 524 midwives and nurses from obstetric, neonatal, and pediatric wards were investigated. Quantitative data analysis was performed. Results: Overall, 14.7% potentially seronegative respondents were identified. Out of those with a positive history of varicella, 6.56% contracted the disease after starting work, and > 70% had contact with the varicella-zoster virus. Overall, 9.54% of the respondents had a history of varicella, 3.12% were informed about the possibility of immunization, and 1.56% of those with a negative history of the disease were offered a state-funded vaccine. In the same group, the number of vaccinated people amounted to 13.28%, and 26.13% would accept a state-funded vaccine. Conclusions: Varicella may constitute a significant threat to maternal and fetal health at obstetric, neonatal, and pediatric wards, which must be considered when providing care to women in the reproductive age. Occupational health physicians should confirm the immunity status of the patients and suggest immunization to seronegative subjects. Regular workshops are necessary to update the knowledge of medical professionals and patients in order to shape their attitudes and beliefs about immunization

    Interleukin-2 (IL-2) expression in livers of patients with chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection.

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    The studies performed till now have pointed to an increased serum levels of interleukin 2 (IL-2) in infection with hepatitis C virus (HCV). The present study was aimed at examining intrahepatic expression of IL-2 in children (n=15) and in adults (n=11) with chronic hepatitis C as well as its correlations with histological lesions and selected clinical data. The immunocytochemical techniques and in situ hybridization method were applied at light and electron microscopy level. Under the light microscope, expression of IL-2 was analysed semiquantitatively. As compared to the control material, in livers of both groups of chronic hepatitis C patients augmented expression of IL-2 was demonstrated. The reaction product was localized mainly in the cytoplasm of hepatocytes which was confirmed by hybridocytochemistry. The mean proportion of cells with positive reaction for IL-2 mRNA was significantly lower than the proportion of cells positive for the respective protein. No correlation was disclosed between IL-2 expression on one hand and grading or staging, alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and HCV RNA levels in serum on the other. At the ultrastructural level, IL-2 in hepatocytes was present mainly in the endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria. Our studies have confirmed augmented expression of IL-2 in livers of patients with chronic hepatitis C and have demonstrated that hepatocytes represent the principal source of the cytokine in HCV in vivo infection. Moreover, expression of IL-2 in the infection was examined for the first time at the ultrastructural level. Mitochondrial localization of IL-2 suggests a direct involvement of the cytokine in disturbed function of the organelles

    Otoczenie zamku w Pasłęku w świetle badań archeologicznych

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    Artykuł prezentuje wyniki badań archeologicznych przeprowadzonych na terenie przyległym od zachodu do zamku krzyżackiego w Pasłęku. Miały one na celu weryfikację anomalii zaobserwowanej podczas prospekcji z wykorzystaniem metod nieinwazyjnych, pierwotnie interpretowanej jako pozostałość murowanej struktury łączącej zamek z pobliskim kościołem, a także rozpoznanie charakteru nawarstwień kulturowyc