7 research outputs found

    Neuroendocrine Regulation of Stress Response in Clinical Models

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    Chirurgia zastawki p艂ucnej i drogi odp艂ywu z prawej komory u doros艂ych: 23-letnie do艣wiadczenie

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    聽 Background: Surgery of the pulmonary valve, right ventricular outflow tract, and pulmonary artery falls under the domain of paediatric cardiac surgery. However, 97 adult patients underwent such operations in our institution from 1993 to 2016. Aim: This study aims to analyse preoperative risk factors, intraoperative data, postoperative outcomes, and long-term survival to identify the potential predictors of mortality and high-risk patients. Methods: We divided our patient cohort into three groups in accordance with surgical indications: 17 patients with pulmonary valve endocarditis (group A), 70 patients with congenital defects involving the pulmonary valve (group B), and 10 patients who underwent pulmonary valve surgery for other indications, such as tumour or other acquired valvular disease (group C). Results: Gender distribution was comparable in all the three groups, with about 40% of the total number of patients being female. The mean age was 35.9 卤 15.7 years. Sixty (61.9%) patients had a history of cardiac surgery. Various concomitant cardiac surgical procedures were necessary in 49 (50.5%) cases. There were two (11.8%) in-hospital deaths in group A, two (2.9%) in group B, and none in group C. Within the mean follow-up time of 6.6 卤7.2 years, three (17.7%) patients in group A, two (2.9%) in group B, and four (40%) in group C died. Conclusions: Adult patients with pulmonary valve disease are often previously heart-operated and often need concomitant procedures. The operative risk in patients with pulmonary valve endocarditis is high. Surgery of congenital defects of the pulmonary valve is safe and can be performed with excellent outcomes.Wst臋p: Operacyjne leczenie chor贸b zastawki p艂ucnej, drogi odp艂ywu z prawej komory oraz t臋tnicy p艂ucnej jest domen膮 kardiochirurgii dzieci臋cej. W latach od 1993 do 2016 zosta艂o w naszej klinice przeprowadzonych 97 takich zabieg贸w u doros艂ych pacjent贸w. Cel: Celem pracy by艂a analiza czynnik贸w ryzyka, danych chirurgicznych oraz kr贸tko- i d艂ugoterminowych wynik贸w leczenia, dzi臋ki czemu mo偶liwa by艂a identyfikacja potencjalnych czynnik贸w prognostycznych oraz pacjent贸w obarczonych wysokim ryzykiem. Metody: Podzielili艣my badan膮 kohort臋 na trzy grupy, wed艂ug wskaza艅 do operacji: 17 pacjent贸w z infekcyjnym zapaleniem wsierdzia (grupa A), 70 chorych z wrodzonymi wadami serca obejmuj膮cymi zastawk臋 p艂ucn膮, drog臋 odp艂ywu z prawej komory lub t臋tnic臋 p艂ucn膮 (grupa B), oraz 10 pacjent贸w, u kt贸rych operacja w zakresie wy偶ej wymienionych struktur zosta艂a wykonana z innych wskaza艅, takich jak guzy lub inne nabyte schorzenia (grupa C). Wyniki: We wszystkich trzech grupach oko艂o 40% pacjent贸w stanowi艂y kobiety. 艢redni wiek wynosi艂 35.9 卤15.7 lat. Sze艣膰dziesi臋ciu (61.9%) pacjent贸w by艂o ju偶 wcze艣niej operowanych kardiochirurgicznie. W 49 (50.5%) przypadkach opr贸cz zabiegu na omawianych strukturach, konieczne by艂y r贸偶ne dodatkowe procedury w ramach tej samej operacji. Zaobserwowali艣my dwa (11.8%) zgony w przebiegu pooperacyjnym w grupie A, dwa (2.9%) w grupie B i 偶adnego w grupie C. Podczas obserwacji trwaj膮cej 艣rednio 6.6 卤7.2 lat, zmar艂o trzech (17.7%) pacjent贸w z grupy A, dw贸ch (2.9%) z grupy B oraz czterech (40%) z grupy C. Wnioski: Doro艣li pacjenci operowani z powodu patologii zastawki p艂ucnej cz臋sto byli ju偶 leczeni kardiochirurgicznie i cz臋sto wymagaj膮 dodatkowych procedur. Ryzyko operacyjne u chorych z infekcyjnym zapaleniem wsierdzia jest wysokie. Operacje wad wrodzonych drogi odp艂ywu z prawej komory i zastawki p艂ucnej s膮 obarczone niskim ryzykiem a wyniki takiego leczenia s膮 bardzo dobre

    Diverse impact of xeno-free conditions on biological and regenerative properties of hUC-MSCs and their extracellular vesicles

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    ABSTRACT: Growing evidence indicates that intracellular signaling mediated by extracellular vesicles (EVs) released by stem cells plays a considerable role in triggering the regenerative program upon transplantation. EVs from umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells (UC-MSC-EVs) have been shown to enhance tissue repair in animal models. However, translating such results into clinical practice requires optimized EV collection procedures devoid of animal-originating agents. Thus, in this study, we analyzed the influence of xeno-free expansion media on biological properties of UC-MSCs and UC-MSC-EVs for future applications in cardiac repair in humans. Our results show that proliferation, differentiation, phenotype stability, and cytokine secretion by UC-MSCs vary depending on the type of xeno-free media. Importantly, we found distinct molecular and functional properties of xeno-free UC-MSC-EVs including enhanced cardiomyogenic and angiogenic potential impacting on target cells, which may be explained by elevated concentration of several pro-cardiogenic and pro-angiogenic microRNA (miRNAs) present in the EVs. Our data also suggest predominantly low immunogenic capacity of certain xeno-free UC-MSC-EVs reflected by their inhibitory effect on proliferation of immune cells in vitro. Summarizing, conscious selection of cell culture conditions is required to harvest UC-MSC-EVs with the optimal desired properties including enhanced cardiac and angiogenic capacity, suitable for tissue regeneration. KEY MESSAGE: Type of xeno-free media influences biological properties of UC-MSCs in vitro. Certain xeno-free media promote proliferation and differentiation ability of UC-MSCs. EVs collected from xeno-free cultures of UC-MSCs are biologically active. Xeno-free UC-MSC-EVs enhance cardiac and angiogenic potential of target cells. Type of xeno-free media determines immunomodulatory effects mediated by UC-MSC-EVs. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s00109-016-1471-7) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users