11 research outputs found

    Media and communication studies as a new field of the humanities?

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    W ramach I Ogólnopolskiego Kongresu Politologii, obradującego pod hasłem Demokratyczna Polska w globalizującym się świecie (Warszawa, 22-24 września 2009 r.), odbyło się szereg paneli dyskusyjnych i warsztatów metodologicznych. Jeden z paneli - w związku ze zbliżającą się 10. rocznicą „Studiów Medioznawczych” - poświęcono tematowi „Nauka o mediach i komunikacji społecznej jako nowa dyscyplina nauk humanistycznych?”. Bieżący numer pisma zawiera teksty referatów zaprezentowanych w trakcie panelu, a wygłoszonych przez czołowych medioznawców polskich. Słowo wstępne napisał prof. Tomasz Goban-Klas, a charakterystykę i ocenę formuły wydawniczej „Studiów Medioznawczych” w latach 2000–2009 przedstawił dr hab. Wiesław Sonczyk.During the 1st National Political Science Congress, entitled Democratic Poland within a globalizing world (Warsaw, September 22–24, 2009), took place a number of discussion panels and methodological workshops. One of the panels, in connection with the upcoming 10th anniversary of “Studia Medioznawcze” [“Media Studies”] quarterly, was devoted to the subject “Media and communication studies as a new field of the humanities?”. The current issue of the periodical includes papers presented during the panel by leading Polish media studies experts. The introduction was written by professor Tomasz Goban-Klas while Wiesław Sonczyk, Ph. D., put forward a characterization and assessment of the quarterly between 2000-2009

    Creation of the Polish Association of Newspapers and Magazines in 1928 in the light of the Archives of Modern Records

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    This article discusses the creation and the first period of activity of the largest and most important publishing organization in Poland the inter-war period PZWDiC – the Polish Association of Publishers of Newspapers and Magazines. It was appointed to represent and defend the interests of Polish periodicals. In the period of 1929–1939 its work was widely expanded and further developed as representation of journalistic communities.Artykuł omawia powstanie największej i najważniejszej organizacji wydawców w dwudziestoleciu międzywojennym – Polskiego Związku Wydawców Dzienników i Czasopism (PZWDiC). Powołano go dla reprezentowania i obrony interesów wydawnictw periodycznych, był aktywny w latach 1929–1939, jego działania prowadzono z rozmachem, a zakres i zasięg prac stale rozszerzano. Związek angażował znaczącą część środowiska

    A few words about relations between Mark from Warsaw and Tom from Krakow

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    Theoretical status of media studies – few comments to the discussions

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    Artykuł ma charakter studium teoretycznego ujmującego aktualny stan refl eksji nad statusem dyscypliny „nauki o mediach”. Scharakteryzowano miejsce dyscypliny w nowej klasyfi kacji obszarów i dziedzin nauki. Sformułowano cztery tezy robocze: I. Nauki o mediach sytuują się na przecięciu humanistyki i nauk społecznych [dyscyplina dwuobszarowa]; II. Przedmiotem materialnym nauk o mediach są środki społecznego komunikowania, natomiast przedmiotem formalnym jest sfera społecznego obiegu informacji i komunikacji społecznej; III. Nauki o mediach są dyscypliną o nieostro zakreślonym polu badawczym; IV. Nauki o mediach są dyscypliną o relatywnie niskiej spójności paradygmatycznej. Wszystkie tezy robocze mogą stanowić podstawę do dalszej dyskusji.This article presents theoretical contribution on the status of media studies. With a reference to studies and knowledge classifi cation four hypotheses are being discussed: I. Media studies are situated between humanities and social science; II. Among the subjects of media studies are mass media (material perspective) and the sphere of social circulation of information and communication (formal perspective); III. Media studies is the discipline with vaguely delineated research fi eld; IV. Media studies is a discipline with a relatively low coherence paradigm. All the thesis presented here provide a basis for future discussions

    Social communication and the media – federation, not incorporation

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    Przedmiotem artykułu są konsekwencje wynikające z przyjęcia przez Ministerstwo Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego nowej klasyfikacji nauk. Autorzy uważają, że ten zabieg nie powinien być traktowany jako mechaniczna próba scalenia różnych dyscyplin o zdefiniowanym już przedmiocie badań, metodologii i paradygmatach, ale jako możliwość poszukiwania wspólnych obszarów badawczych. Opowiadają się za koncepcją federacyjną, a nie inkorporacyjną.The article examines consequences of new classification of scientific disciplines by the Poland’s Ministry of Science and Higher Education. The authors argue that the list of scientific disciplines shall not be treated as a mechanical attempt to merge research areas which have defined their subjects, methodologies and paradigms. According to the study activities by the Ministry might be seen rather as an opportunity to search for common areas of interests and collaborations. Therefore, the authors advocate for a federative approach instead of an incorporating one

    Results of surgical treatment of kidney cancer in the Department of Urology, Medical University of Lodz in 2004–2010

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    Introduction. Aim of the study: The only effective treatment method for all forms of the kidney cancer is surgery with possible subsequent institution of neoadjuvant treatment. The standard management involves nephrectomy with or without lymphadenectomy and adrenalectomy. In patients with kidney tumors up to 4 cm in diameter, surgical procedures saving the renal parenchyma (Nephron-Sparing Surgery – NSS) are currently performed. The objective was the retrospective analysis of the treatment results obtained in renal cancer patients who had undergone surgical procedures. The results of the treatment following nephrectomy performed from transperitoneal and retroperitoneal approach were compared with those obtained after NSS type procedures. Material and methods: The study was carried out in 238 patients: 107 women and 131 men with kidney cancer, operated on in the years 2004 – 2010. In 15 patients distant metastases were found. The nephrectomy was performed in 69 patients from transperitoneal access and in 105 patients from retroperitoneal access with NSS procedures in 55 patients. The transperitoneal approach was used in patients with large tumors ranging > 6 cm size. Other patients were operated on with lumbar access, also those with tumors 10 cm during transperitoneal access surgery. The blood loss was compensated in 33 cases by the administration of RBC preparations in 21.74% of the patients after transperitoneal access surgeries and 10.65% of those after lumbar access. Retroperitoneal access was associated with the use of larger quantities of analgesic medications in the postoperative period. Histopathological investigations resulted with clear cell carcinoma in 85% of the patients, in other 15% of the cases, most commonly diagnosed with chromophobe and papillary carcinomas. The malignancy grade of RCC according to Fuhrman scale; Fuhrman 1 – 7.98%, Fuhrman 2 – 61.38%, Fuhrman 3 – 9.66%, Fuhrman 4 – 5.88%. Fuhrman grades 3 and 4 were, however, more common in the patients with the big tumors undergoing transperitoneal access. The local advancement of the removed kidney tumors according to TNM classification: stage pT1 in 156 patients, stage pT2 in 52 and pT3 in 1 patient. The distribution of diagnoses and staging was similar for both surgical approaches. The results of kidney cancer treatment were reflected by the assessment of 5–year survival of the patients. Such analysis was possible only in the subgroup of 115 patients who had undergone the surgery in the years 2004 – 2007. The obtained data indicated the overall 5–year survival rate amounting to 58.3% of the reviewed subgroup, whereas 48 patients, i.e. 41.7% died. The causes of death were not possible to know. It is noteworthy that the group of deaths included all the patients operated on at the metastatic stage of the disease. Conclusions: In large renal tumors > 6 cm size, transperitoneal access nephrectomy was preferred. In the remaining patients lumbar access procedures were performed, including kidney-sparing surgery. Fuhrman grade 3 and 4 clear cell tumors are predominant in the patients operated on with transperitoneal access. The number of intra- and postoperative complications is similar in both groups. The use of transperitoneal access is associated with an increase in the amount of analgesics administered in the postoperative course, longer duration of the surgical procedure and longer hospitalization time. The overall 5–year survival rate for the group of 115 patients operated on in the years 2004–2007 was 58.3%

    ORGINAL PAPER<br>The estimation of erythropoietin levels in the blood serum and cystic fluid in patients with solitary renal cysts

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    Introduction: The role of erythropoietin (EPO) in patients with renal cysts remains unclear. Some authors suggest that EPO may be produced in renal cysts (RC). The aim of the study was to answer the question why concentration of EPO in the cystic fluid (fEPO) is higher than the serum level of EPO. Material and methods: Serum levels of EPO (sEPO) and cystic fluid levels of EPO (fEPO) were determined in a group of 33 patients (age ranging from 24 to 56 years) with renal cysts and no symptoms of either renal insufficiency or anaemia. Similar tests (excluding fEPO) were performed in the healthy controls – K (33 adults, age ranging from 26 to 53 years). Haematological parameters and serum urea (UREA) and creatinine (CREA) concentration were also determined. Results: Levels of EPO in the cystic fluid were, on the average 35 times higher than serum levels of EPO. Levels of sEPO in patients with RC were comparable to the control group C. Significantly higher urea levels, lower reticulocyte count, lower haemoglobin concentration and increased anisocytosis of the red cells were found in the study group compared to the control group. Conclusions: The study suggests that in patients with solitary renal cysts there is no erythropoietin penetration from the cyst fluid into the blood serum. The role of high erythropoietin concentration in renal cyst fluid requires further study