21 research outputs found

    Introductory Game Development and Programming Course Materials

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    "Teeme ise arvutimänge" on e-kursus Tartu Ülikoolis. Antud kursusel on kaks peamist eesmärki. Esimene eesmärk on programmeerimisega tutvumine õpilastele, kellel on huvi jätkata oma õpinguid kutsekoolis või ülikoolis programmeerimisega seotud õppekavadel. Teine eesmärk on gümnasistidele programmeerimise ning mänguarenduse õpetamine. Kursus on peamiselt mõeldud gümnaasiumiealistele õpilastele, kuid on sobilik ka vanematele ja edasijõudnud noorematele osavõtjatele.Käesolev töö annab esmalt detailse ülevaate esialgsest kursusest. Tuvastatakse kursuse probleemid. Seejärel kirjeldatakse lahendusi ning lisasid kursusele. Suur osa tööst on uued videomaterjalid. Kursusel juurutati uusi keerukamaid ülesandeid ning tekstilisi materjale, et tutvustada graafikat varasemalt. Selle eesmärk on kursuse varasema osa põnevamaks muutmine ning selliste õpilastega tegelemine, kes tulid kursusele peamiselt mänguarendust õppima. Töö käigus lisati kursusele uuendused ning kursust katsetati uute õpilaste peal. Viimaks arutletakse uuendatud kuruse kvaliteedi üle.The course “Teeme ise arvutimänge” (translated “Let’s Make Computer Games”), is an online course conducted in the University of Tartu. The course has two main aims. One is to teach programming and game development skills to secondary school pupils. The other goal is engaging pupils, who might be interested in continuing to learn in programming related vocational or university study programs. The course is foremost meant to suit pupils in secondary school age, but it is also suitable for older and more advanced younger pupils.The thesis provides a thorough analysis of the course materials as they were before the work of this thesis. Problems are identified regarding the course. Then the thesis describes the solutions to the found problems and general additions to the course. A large part of the work is new video materials, which are described in detail. Several new complex tasks and textual materials were introduced to the course with the intent of introducing graphics early. The goal of introducing graphics early is to engage pupils, who came mainly for the game development part of the course, sooner and to make the first part of the course more exciting in general. During the work of the thesis, the additions and revisions were implemented in the course and tested on new pupils. Finally, the quality of the revised course is discussed

    Java library for parallel computing of simplex noise

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    Käesolev bakalaureusetöö kirjeldab protsessi, mille käigus loodi Java teek Libjsimplex, mis suudab arvutada simplex müra. Teek suudab arvutusi teha paralleelselt graafikaprotsessoril või selle puudumisel tavalisel protsessoril. Teek pakub ka mitmeid võimalusi määrata parameetreid, mis müra omadusi muudavad. Toetatud on erinevad võimalused müra graafiliseks töötluseks. Teeki saab kasutada müra piltideks ja RGB massiivideks muutmiseks. On võimalik muuta mitmeid parameetreid, mis määravad müra väljanägemise. Selgitatakse ka müra mõistet ning antakse ülevaade müra kasutusvõimalustest. Implementatsiooni jõudlust võrreldakse Stefan Gustavsoni algse koodiga.The thesis gives an overview of the process of writing the Java library Libjsimplex for parallel calculation of simplex noise. The library can execute its calculations on a GPU if it is available. If not, it falls back to using the CPU. The library allows the user to set various parameters, which alter the properties of the generated noise. The library can be used to transform generated noise into images or arrays of RGB data. Several parameters can be adjusted to dictate the look of visualized noise. An overview is given about the concept of noise and its possible use cases. The implementation's performance is compared to Stefan Gustavson's original code

    Identification of microstructured materials by phase and group velocities

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    An inverse problem to determine parameters of microstructured solids by means of group and phase velocities of wave packets is studied. It is proved that in the case of normal dispersion the physical solution is unique and in the case of anomalous dispersion two physical solutions occur. Numerical tests are presented. First published online: 14 Oct 201

    Reconstruction of a source term in a parabolic integro-differential equation from final data

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    The identification of a source term in a parabolic integro-differential equation is considered. We study the existence of the quasi-solution to this problem, Tikhonov regularization and a related gradient method

    Inverse Problem to Determine Two Time-Dependent Source Factors of Fractional Diffusion-Wave Equations from Final Data and Simultaneous Reconstruction of Location and Time History of a Point Source

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    In this paper, two inverse problems for the fractional diffusion-wave equation that use final data are considered. The first problem consists in the determination of two time-dependent source terms. Uniqueness for this inverse problem is established under an assumption that given space-dependent factors of these terms are “sufficiently different”. The proof uses asymptotical properties of Mittag–Leffler functions. In the second problem, the aim is to reconstruct a location and time history of a point source. The uniqueness for this problem is deduced from the uniqueness theorem for the previous problem in the one-dimensional case

    Identification of Weakly Singular Relaxation Kernels in Three-Dimensional Viscoelasticity

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    AbstractExistence and uniqueness theorems for solutions of inverse problems for determining weakly relaxation kernels in three-dimensional isotropic viscoelasticity are proved

    Inverse Problems with Unknown Boundary Conditions and Final Overdetermination for Time Fractional Diffusion-Wave Equations in Cylindrical Domains

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    Inverse problems to reconstruct a solution of a time fractional diffusion-wave equation in a cylindrical domain are studied. The equation is complemented by initial and final conditions and partly given boundary conditions. Two cases are considered: (1) full boundary data on a lateral hypersurface of the cylinder are given, but the boundary data on bases of the cylinder are specified in a neighborhood of a final time; (2) boundary data on the whole boundary of the cylinder are specified in a neighborhood of the final time, but the cylinder is either a cube or a circular cylinder. Uniqueness of solutions of the inverse problems is proved. Uniqueness for similar problems in an interval and a disk is established, too

    Determination of the order of fractional derivative and a kernel in an inverse problem for a generalized time fractional diffusion equation

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    A generalized time fractional diffusion equation containing a lower order term of a convolutional form is considered. Inverse problem to determine the order of a fractional derivative and a kernel of the lower order term from measurements of states over the time is posed. Existence, uniqueness and stability of the solution of the inverse problem are proved

    Recovering a time- and space-dependent kernel in a hyperbolic integro-differential equation from a restricted Dirichlet-to-Neumann Operator

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    We prove that a space- and time-dependent kernel occurring in a hyperbolic integro-differential equation in three space dimensions can be uniquely reconstructed from the restriction of the Dirichlet-to-Neumann operator of the equation into a set of Dirichlet data of the form of products of a fixed time-dependent coefficient times arbitrary space-dependent functions