165 research outputs found

    Multi-partite entanglement in Davies environment

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    We analyse dynamics of genuinely multi-partite entanglement of N-qubit states initially prepared in the form of so called X-matrices with one qubit coupled to a Davies-type environment. We develop an analytic formula for genuinely multi-partite concurrence of the investigated states as a function of time and analyze its time evolution with an emphasis on the qualitative di erence between systems a ected by a pure decoherence only and those which do dissipate energy at nite temperature

    PyQBench: a Python library for benchmarking gate-based quantum computers

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    We introduce PyQBench, an innovative open-source framework for benchmarking gate-based quantum computers. PyQBench can benchmark NISQ devices by verifying their capability of discriminating between two von Neumann measurements. PyQBench offers a simplified, ready-to-use, command line interface (CLI) for running benchmarks using a predefined parametrized Fourier family of measurements. For more advanced scenarios, PyQBench offers a way of employing user-defined measurements instead of predefined ones.Comment: 49 pages, 8 figure

    Norfloxacin degradation by Bacillus subtilis strains able to produce biosurfactants on a bioreactor scale

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    The discharge of antibiotics into the environment has become a major concern since this group of pharmaceuticals influence on microbial communities not only by its mode of action, but also because of the risk of a worldwide dispersal of antibiotic resistance genes (ARG). Antibiotics residues have been found in various environments such as waters, sediments, and soils. Moreover, most WWTPs are not designed to treat such kind of pollutants, which remain incompletely removed. Currently, biodegradation processes which involved bacterial strains with increased degradation capabilities is one of the most promising technique. The aim of this study was to evaluate the norfloxacin biodegradation potential of the three Bacillus subtilis strains named T-1, T′-1 and I′-1a on a bioreactor scale. The aerobic degradation was conducted in a 5-liter bioreactor on minimal salts medium in co-metabolic culture supplemented with glucose. The degradation rate of norfloxacin was determined with the HPLC technique. The surface tension was determined using ring method in order to observe the changes in biosurfactants production. Also, the biofilm formation abilities of the bacteria with two quantitative methods, crystal violet (CV) method and TTC-based test and enzymes production were evaluated

    Properties of Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria Isolated from Onsite Wastewater Treatment Plant in Relation to Biofilm Formation

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    The aim of the present study was to determine some properties of antibiotic-resistant bacterial strains isolated from onsite wastewater technology in relation to biofilm formation, e.g., autoaggregation and motility. Additionally, biosurfactant production by the isolates was also evaluated. The ability of selected strains to develop a biofilm was assessed by using the crystal violet method, which allows to indirectly quantify the attached bacterial biomass (live, dead cells, and polysaccharides as well). Obtained results showed that 19 of the analyzed strains were able to produce biofilm after 72 h of incubation. The low values of surface tension in the range between 28 and 36 mN/m were observed in the bacteria, which are not able to produce biofilm or be classified as weak biofilm producers. Among biofilm-forming strains the highest autoaggregation index was observed for Mycobacterium brumae and Bacillus alcalophilus. Noteworthy, that some strains capable of biofilm formation showed no aggregation abilities or were characterized by low autoaggregative properties. The results of visual autoaggregation assay showed no visible flocs after given time of incubation. The results from motility test demonstrated that most of the analyzed strains were motile. Noteworthy, that up to now literature data about physiology, biofilm formation, and autoaggregative capabilities of bacteria isolated from onsite wastewater technology are very limited and this paper gives the information on the antibiotic-resistant bacteria with ability to form biofilm. Thus, the present study points to develop novel bioinocula in antibiotic degradation and to reach novel biofilm-dispersing agents produced by various bacteria that can be used as disinfectants or surface-coating agents to prevent microbial surface colonization and biofilm development

    Warschau als polnische Metropole

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    Warschau als Polens Metropole des 21. Jahrhunderts stellt alle anderen polnischen Großstädte in Hinblick auf die Konzentration von Macht, Kapital und Prestige in den Schatten und kann mit anderen Metropolen Europas mithalten. Die Veränderung der politischen und wirtschaftlichen Verhältnisse nach 1989 brachte für die polnische Hauptstadt einen deutlichen Wandel in den Berufs- und Gesellschaftsstrukturen als Folge der zunehmenden Stärkung des Dienstleistungssektors. Mit dem Wandel ist auch die räumliche Umgestaltung der Stadt verbunden, die zum großen Teil dem Zustrom des ausländischen Kapitals zu verdanken ist: Die Entstehung der Hochhaus-Skyline im Zentrum der Stadt, die große Anzahl von Gewerbeparks, Logistikzentren, Einkaufs- und Unterhaltungspassagen. Parallel dazu bildet sich eine „Metropolenschicht“ aus jungen, gut ausgebildeten „Trägern des Kompetenzkapitals“: Managern, Finanzfachleuten, Unternehmensberatern, Juristen, Journalisten. Ihren Trends, Gewohnheiten und ihrem Lebensstil folgen private wie öffentliche Stadt-Räume: geschützte Shopping-Malls, Apartmenthäuser und so genannte „gated communities“ als Inseln des Wohlstands im weiten Mosaik von Durchschnitt und Hässlichkeit

    Biodegradation of paracetamol by microbial consortium and evaluation of selected bacterial properties related with immobilization

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    tekst w j. pol. i ang.Celem pracy była biodegradacja paracetamolu z zastosowaniem konsorcjum mikroorganizmów w bioreaktorze typu bench-scale oraz ocena wybranych właściwości bakterii warunkujących efektywną immobilizację, w tym zdolność do produkcji biofilmu, cząsteczek sygnałowych QS oraz sideroforów

    Parallel in time dynamics with quantum annealers

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    Recent years have witnessed an unprecedented increase in experiments and hybrid simulations involving quantum computers. In particular, quantum annealers. There exist a plethora of algorithms promising to outperform classical computers in the near-term future. Here, we propose a parallel in time approach to simulate dynamical systems designed to be executed already on present-day quantum annealers. In essence, purely classical methods for solving dynamics systems are serial. Therefore, their parallelization is substantially limited. In the presented approach, however, the time evolution is rephrased as a ground-state search of a classical Ising model. Such a problem is solved intrinsically in parallel by quantum computers. The main idea is exemplified by simulating the Rabi oscillations generated by a two-level quantum system (i.e. qubit) experimentally

    A comprehensive study on bisphenol A degradation by newly isolated strains Acinetobacter sp. K1MN and Pseudomonas sp. BG12

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    Bisphenol A (BPA) is an endocrine disrupting chemical. Its extensive use has led to the wide occurrence of BPA in various environmental ecosystems, at levels that may cause negative effects to the ecosystem and public health. Although there are many bacteria able to BPA utilization, only a few of them have a strong capacity for its biodegradation. Therefore, it is important to search for new bacteria strains, investigate their BPA biodegradation ability and potential effect of pH and other organic compounds on the process. These tasks have become the object of the present study. The results of our research show that for the newly isolated strains Acinetobacter sp. K1MN and Pseudomonas sp. BG12 after 15 days, with an initial BPA concentration of 100 mg L- 1, the highest BPA removal was achieved at pH 8, while sodium glutamate as a biostimulant best accelerated BPA degradation. Kinetic data for BPA biodegradation by both strains best fitted the Monod model. The specific degradation rate and the half saturation constant were estimated respectively as 8.75 mg L- 1 day- 1 and 111.27 mg L- 1 for Acinetobacter sp. K1MN, and 8.6 mg L- 1 day- 1 and 135.79 mg L- 1 for Pseudomonas sp. BG12. The half-maximal effective concentration (EC50) of BPA for Acinetobacter sp. K1MN was 120 mg L- 1 and for Pseudomonas sp. BG12 it was 123 mg L- 1. The toxicity bioassay (Microtox test) showed that elimination of BPA by both strains is accompanied by reduction of its toxic effect. The ability of tested strains to degrade BPA combined with their high resistance to this xenobiotic indicates that Acinetobacter sp. K1MN and Pseudomonas sp. BG12 are potential tools for BPA removal during wastewater treatment plant