31 research outputs found

    Clinimetric evaluation of active range of motion measures in patients with non-specific neck pain: a systematic review

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    The study is to provide a critical analysis of the research literature on clinimetric properties of instruments that can be used in daily practice to measure active cervical range of motion (ACROM) in patients with non-specific neck pain. A computerized literature search was performed in Medline, Cinahl and Embase from 1982 to January 2007. Two reviewers independently assessed the clinimetric properties of identified instruments using a criteria list. The search identified a total of 33 studies, investigating three different types of measurement instruments to determine ACROM. These instruments were: (1) different types of goniometers/inclinometers, (2) visual estimation, and (3) tape measurements. Intra- and inter-observer reliability was demonstrated for the cervical range of motion instrument (CROM), Cybex electronic digital instrument (EDI-320) and a single inclinometer. The presence of agreement was assessed for the EDI-320 and a single inclinometer. The CROM received a positive rating for construct validity. When clinical acceptability is taken into account both the CROM and the single inclinometer can be considered appropriate instruments for measuring the active range of motion in patients with non-specific neck pain in daily practice. Reliability is the aspect most frequently evaluated. Agreement, validity and responsiveness are documented less frequently

    Long-term monitoring of reclaimed sites

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    Monographs Information system on Environmental Technology - Contaminated soil

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    Abstract niet beschikbaarThis report contains 16 monographs of techniques used in the field of treatment of contaminated soil. It is the second report of a series of four, containing techniques in the field of waste, water, air and soil treatment. The source of this information is the information system on environmental techniques (IT) that is in development at RIVM. A reprint of an article on this has been suppleted as appendix. Authors of the different contributions work at the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO), Delft University of Technology (TU-Delft) and the National Institute of Public Health and Environmental Protection (RIVM) and can be considered as experts on their field of technology. The aim of this report is to present the state of the art of the techniques.DGM/B DGM/

    Monografieen informatiesysteem technieken. Compartiment Water

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    This report contains 17 monographs of techniques used in the field of treatment of waste water. It is the fourth report in a series of four, containing techniques in the field of waste, water, air and soil treatment. The source of this information is the information system on environmental techniques (IT) that is in development at RIVM. A reprint of an article on this has been suppleted as appendix. Authors of the different contributions work at the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO) and can be considered as experts on their field of technology. The aim of this report is to present the state of the art of the techniques.<br

    Monographs Information system on Environmental Technology. Waste water

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    This report contains 17 monographs of techniques used in the field of treatment of waste water. It is the fourth report in a series of four, containing techniques in the field of waste, water, air and soil treatment. The source of this information is the information system on environmental techniques (IT) that is in development at RIVM. A reprint of an article on this has been suppleted as appendix. Authors of the different contributions work at the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO) and can be considered as experts on their field of technology. The aim of this report is to present the state of the art of the techniques.DGM/ADGM/

    Reproducibility of the cervical range of motion (CROM) device for individuals with sub-acute whiplash associated disorders

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    Purpose: The objective of this study was to evaluate the reproducibility of the cervical range of motion device when measuring both active and passive range of motion in a group of individuals with sub-acute Whiplash Associated Disorders (WAD). Methods: Participants were recruited as part of a large multi-centre Randomised Controlled Trial from UK emergency departments. Experienced research physiotherapists measured active and passive cervical spine movements in all directions. Both intra- and inter-observer reliability and agreement were assessed using the intra-class correlation coefficient, standard error of measurement and limits of agreement methods. Results: Different groups of 39 and 19 subjects were included in the intra and inter-observer studies, respectively. The CROM device demonstrated substantial intra- and inter-observer reliability and agreement for all the active and passive half-cycle movements (ICC range 0.82–0.99) with the exception of one (passive right lateral flexion for inter-observer; ICC 0.77). Conclusions: The CROM device has proven to be a reproducible measurement method for a symptomatic WAD population using the measurement protocol described and can be used with confidence to differentiate individuals according to a single measurement

    Integrated criteria document Hexachlorocyclohexanes

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    Van dit rapport is een engelse vertaling en bij dit rapport behoort een appendix beide onder nummer 758473011.&lt;br&gt;Onderhavig document omvat gegevens over hexachloorcyclohexanen inzake de bronnen en het verspreidingspatroon (bodem, water, lucht, biota), de risico's op basis van afweging van blootstellingsconcentraties en blootstellingsroutes enerzijds en schadelijke concentraties voor de mens, (onderdelen van) ecosystemen en materialen anderzijds, en de technische mogelijkheden en economische gevolgen met betrekking tot reductie van deze risico's. Deze informatie dient als wetenschappelijke basis voor het formuleren en het effectgericht normstellingsbeleid.DGMH/BWS-S /Cornet JPWijnen HLT

    Ontwerp basisdocument Hexachloorcyclohexanen

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    Bij dit rapport behoort een appendix onder nummer 758473011 getiteld: Appendix to report Integrated Criteria Document Hexachlorocyclohexanes Effects. Betreft de engelse versie van rapport 758473004Dit rapport bevat een systematisch overzicht en een kritische evaluatie van de belangrijkste gegevens over de prioritaire stofgroep hexachloorcyclohexanen ten behoeve van het effectgericht milieubeleid.DGM/SR /Cornet J