490 research outputs found

    Turbulence Fluctuations and New Universal Realizability Conditions in Modelling

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    General turbulent mean statistics are shown to be characterized by a variational principle. The variational functionals, or ``effective actions'', have experimental consequences for turbulence fluctuations and are subject to realizability conditions of positivity and convexity. An efficient Rayleigh-Ritz algorithm is available to calculate approximate effective actions within PDF closures. Examples are given for Navier-Stokes and for a 3-mode system of Lorenz. The new realizability conditions succeed at detecting {\em a priori} the poor predictions of PDF closures even when the classical 2nd-order moment realizability conditions are satisfied.Comment: 4 pages, LaTeX (Version 2.09), 3 figures, Postscript, Submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Fluctuations in the Irreversible Decay of Turbulent Energy

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    A fluctuation law of the energy in freely-decaying, homogeneous and isotropic turbulence is derived within standard closure hypotheses for 3D incompressible flow. In particular, a fluctuation-dissipation relation is derived which relates the strength of a stochastic backscatter term in the energy decay equation to the mean of the energy dissipation rate. The theory is based on the so-called ``effective action'' of the energy history and illustrates a Rayleigh-Ritz method recently developed to evaluate the effective action approximately within probability density-function (PDF) closures. These effective actions generalize the Onsager-Machlup action of nonequilibrium statistical mechanics to turbulent flow. They yield detailed, concrete predictions for fluctuations, such as multi-time correlation functions of arbitrary order, which cannot be obtained by direct PDF methods. They also characterize the mean histories by a variational principle.Comment: 26 pages, Latex Version 2.09, plus seceq.sty, a stylefile for sequential numbering of equations by section. This version includes new discussion of the physical interpretation of the formal Rayleigh-Ritz approximation. The title is also change

    Certain subclasses of multivalent functions defined by new multiplier transformations

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    In the present paper the new multiplier transformations \mathrm{{\mathcal{J}% }}_{p}^{\delta }(\lambda ,\mu ,l) (\delta ,l\geq 0,\;\lambda \geq \mu \geq 0;\;p\in \mathrm{% }%\mathbb{N} )} of multivalent functions is defined. Making use of the operator Jpδ(λ,μ,l),\mathrm{% {\mathcal{J}}}_{p}^{\delta }(\lambda ,\mu ,l), two new subclasses Pλ,μ,lδ(A,B;σ,p)\mathcal{% P}_{\lambda ,\mu ,l}^{\delta }(A,B;\sigma ,p) and P~λ,μ,lδ(A,B;σ,p)\widetilde{\mathcal{P}}% _{\lambda ,\mu ,l}^{\delta }(A,B;\sigma ,p)\textbf{\ }of multivalent analytic functions are introduced and investigated in the open unit disk. Some interesting relations and characteristics such as inclusion relationships, neighborhoods, partial sums, some applications of fractional calculus and quasi-convolution properties of functions belonging to each of these subclasses Pλ,μ,lδ(A,B;σ,p)\mathcal{P}_{\lambda ,\mu ,l}^{\delta }(A,B;\sigma ,p) and P~λ,μ,lδ(A,B;σ,p)\widetilde{\mathcal{P}}_{\lambda ,\mu ,l}^{\delta }(A,B;\sigma ,p) are investigated. Relevant connections of the definitions and results presented in this paper with those obtained in several earlier works on the subject are also pointed out

    Schroedinger equation for joint bidirectional motion in time

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    The conventional, time-dependent Schroedinger equation describes only unidirectional time evolution of the state of a physical system, i.e., forward or, less commonly, backward. This paper proposes a generalized quantum dynamics for the description of joint, and interactive, forward and backward time evolution within a physical system. [...] Three applications are studied: (1) a formal theory of collisions in terms of perturbation theory; (2) a relativistically invariant quantum field theory for a system that kinematically comprises the direct sum of two quantized real scalar fields, such that one field evolves forward and the other backward in time, and such that there is dynamical coupling between the subfields; (3) an argument that in the latter field theory, the dynamics predicts that in a range of values of the coupling constants, the expectation value of the vacuum energy of the universe is forced to be zero to high accuracy. [...]Comment: 30 pages, no figures. Related material is in quant-ph/0404012. Differs from published version by a few added remarks on the possibility of a large-scale-average negative energy density in spac

    Adrenocortical, autonomic, and inflammatory causes of the metabolic syndrome: nested case-control study.

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    BACKGROUND: The causes of metabolic syndrome (MS), which may be a precursor of coronary disease, are uncertain. We hypothesize that disturbances in neuroendocrine and cardiac autonomic activity (CAA) contribute to development of MS. We examine reversibility and the power of psychosocial and behavioral factors to explain the neuroendocrine adaptations that accompany MS. METHODS AND RESULTS: This was a double-blind case-control study of working men aged 45 to 63 years drawn from the Whitehall II cohort. MS cases (n=30) were compared with healthy controls (n=153). Cortisol secretion, sensitivity, and 24-hour cortisol metabolite and catecholamine output were measured over 2 days. CAA was obtained from power spectral analysis of heart rate variability (HRV) recordings. Twenty-four-hour cortisol metabolite and normetanephrine (3-methoxynorepinephrine) outputs were higher among cases than controls (+ 0.49, +0.45 SD, respectively). HRV and total power were lower among cases (both -0.72 SD). Serum interleukin-6, plasma C-reactive protein, and viscosity were higher among cases (+0.89, +0.51, and +0.72 SD). Lower HRV was associated with higher normetanephrine output (r=-0.19; P=0.03). Among former cases (MS 5 years previously, n=23), cortisol output, heart rate, and interleukin-6 were at the level of controls. Psychosocial factors accounted for 37% of the link between MS and normetanephrine output, and 7% to 19% for CAA. Health-related behaviors accounted for 5% to 18% of neuroendocrine differences. CONCLUSIONS: Neuroendocrine stress axes are activated in MS. There is relative cardiac sympathetic predominance. The neuroendocrine changes may be reversible. This case-control study provides the first evidence that chronic stress may be a cause of MS. Confirmatory prospective studies are required

    Holder exponents of irregular signals and local fractional derivatives

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    It has been recognized recently that fractional calculus is useful for handling scaling structures and processes. We begin this survey by pointing out the relevance of the subject to physical situations. Then the essential definitions and formulae from fractional calculus are summarized and their immediate use in the study of scaling in physical systems is given. This is followed by a brief summary of classical results. The main theme of the review rests on the notion of local fractional derivatives. There is a direct connection between local fractional differentiability properties and the dimensions/ local Holder exponents of nowhere differentiable functions. It is argued that local fractional derivatives provide a powerful tool to analyse the pointwise behaviour of irregular signals and functions.Comment: 20 pages, Late