2 research outputs found


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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the performance, as well as neuromuscular activity, in a strength task in subjects with different training backgrounds. Participants (n = 26) were divided into three groups according to their training backgrounds (aerobic, strength or mixed) and submitted to three sessions: (1) determination of the maximum oxygen uptake during the incremental treadmill test to exhaustion and familiarization of the evaluation of maximum strength (1RM) for the half squat; (2) 1RM determination; and (3) strength exercise, four sets at 80�0of the 1RM, in which the maximum number of repetitions (MNR), the total weight lifted (TWL), the root mean square (RMS) and median frequency (MF) of the electromyographic (EMG) activity for the second and last repetition were computed. There was an effect of group for MNR, with the aerobic group performing a higher MNR compared to the strength group (P = 0.045), and an effect on MF with a higher value in the second repetition than in the last repetition (P = 0.016). These results demonstrated that individuals with better aerobic fitness were more fatigue resistant than strength trained individuals. The absence of differences in EMG signals indicates that individuals with different training backgrounds have a similar pattern of motor unit recruitment during a resistance exercise performed until failure, and that the greater capacity to perform the MNR probably can be explained by peripheral adaptations

    Estudos em modalidades esportivas de combate: estado da arte

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    O objetivo do presente texto foi apresentar o estado da arte dos estudos sobre as modalidades esportivas de combate (MEC). Inicialmente, é destacada a relevância destas modalidades, tanto do ponto de vista histórico, quanto em relação à sua representatividade em competições internacionais, como os Jogos Olímpicos. Também são apresentadas as áreas mais comuns de atuação do profissional de Esporte nas MEC, bem como as iniciativas de organização de eventos, publicações, grupos de estudos e instituições científicas direcionadas às MEC. Posteriormente, estudos com possibilidade de aplicação em diferentes áreas de intervenção - preparação física, técnica e tática, gestão e organização - por parte do profissional do Esporte foram destacados. Finalmente, perspectivas de novos estudos e aspectos relacionados à preparação profissional são evidenciados.The objective of the present text was to present the state of art of studies related to combat sports (CS). Initially, it is presented the relevancy of these sports, from a historical perspective to its representativeness in international competitions, as the Olympic Games. The common areas of Sport's professional intervention, the initiatives of events, publications, research groups and scientific organizations related to the CS are also presented. Additionally, studies applied to different areas of Sport's professional intervention - physical training, technical and tactical preparation, management and organization - were also illustrated. Finally, perspectives of new studies and aspects related to professional preparation were reported