38 research outputs found

    Enfisema buloso en la infancia

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    Síndrome disentérico en el lactante distrófico

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    Rad se bavi tematikom iz područja marketinga i ekonomije povezujući teorijski dio sa stručnom literaturom praktične analize koja je temeljena na istraživanju cilja kako je marketinška komunikacija usmjerena djeci. Upućenost današnje, a i buduće generacije djece u tehnologiju i medije te njihovo znanje i snalažljivost, upotreba medija na pravilan ili nepravilan način, reklame koje iskaču sa svih strana plijene pažnju najmlađim potrošačima koji imaju veliki utjecaj na svoje roditelje prilikom obiteljske kupovine. Popularne zvijezde i glazba su najjači fenomen kako mogu utjecati na djecu i odrediti njihovo ponašanje, odjeću, karakter, budućnost. Utjecaj roditelja postaje sve minimalan, i tako kompanije iskorištavaju radne obaveze roditelja i vrijeme kako bi ušli u glavice mališana putem medija. Djeca sve ranije postaju samostalna pa najveći broj mišljenja i interesa kreiraju izvan kuće u društvu.This paper workdeals with the topic in marketing and economics by linking theoretical part of professional literature practical analysis that is based on objective research to the marketing communication directed to children. The involvement of today's and future generations of children in technology and media, as well as their knowledge and resourcefulness, the use of media in the right or wrong way, ads that pop up on all sides, attract the attention of the youngest consumers who have a great influence on their parents when making family purchases. Popular stars and music are the strongest phenomena of how they can influence children and determine their behavior, clothing, character, future. Parental influence is becoming minimal, and so companies are leveraging parents' work commitments and time to get into the minds of toddlers through the media. Children are becoming more independent, so most of their opinions and interests are created outside the home in society

    Síndrome disentérico en el lactante distrófico

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    Neumopatías por hidrocarburos

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    Diarreas infantiles

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    Complicaciones cerebrales agudas de las glomerulonefritis

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    Estudios en el lactante distrófico

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    Cloramfenicol(Cloromicetina) en el tratamiento de la fiebre tifoidea del niño

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    Perforacion intestinal en la fiebre tifoidea del niño

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    Pediatr\ueda Meneghello

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