1,384 research outputs found

    Data Mining Technique for Preventional Analysis of Work Accidents

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    There are many oil companies operating in Macaé-RJ, Campos basin, they value the safety of work and the lives of its employees. These companies do a study to verify the health status of their employees' spine and result in a database with six attributes, such as: Pelvic incidence, Pelvic inclination, Lumbar lordosis angle, Sacral inclination, Pelvic radius and Degree of Spondylolisthesis. For in Brazil, recently, Social Security has released statistical studies that show back pain as leaders in the ranking of departures in the first half of 2016, a fact that directly affects the productivity of companies and health of their employees. This article aims to apply the KDD process, specifically the task of Data Mining classification, ie, classify if the employee will be fit or unfit for the job. The decision tree was the technique chosen through the algorithm J48 to verify the possibilities of treatment of the collaborators in the prevention and improvement in the working environment, and even, a change in the management was made from the results found. It resulted in inadequate staff postures, inadequate service stations, lack of training in equipment handling, lack of knowledge about cargo handling

    O programa de controle e erradicação da brucelose e tuberculose bovina no Pantanal.

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    bitstream/item/80000/1/ADM131.pdfFormato eletrônico. Disponível também em: AgoraMS, Agronline, ZooNews, BBC News, Infobibos Navirai Noticias, Portal Bonito, Grupo Cultivar

    Qualidade da carne: podemos evitar a extinção de raças bovinas naturalizadas?

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    bitstream/item/53553/1/ADM149.pdfFormato eletronico. Disponivel também em: douradosagora; portaldoagronegocio, campograndenews; canaldoprodutor, ruraldemiranda

    Considerações sobre sistema produtivo de ovinos no município de Corumbá.

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    bitstream/item/79938/1/ADM148.pdfFormato eletronico. Disponivel também em: Zoo News, Capital News, Agora MS, WJ News, Revista Pantaneira, Hertape Calier, Agrolink

    Avaliação da prevenção e controle da anemia infecciosa equina no Pantanal.

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    Impact of sound attenuation on ultrasound-driven yield improvements during olive oil extraction

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    High frequency ultrasound can enhance olive oil extractability industrially. However, the ultrasound attenuation phenomena and their implications on extractability, are not well understood. This work aims at evaluating the ultrasound attenuation effects on the oil extraction efficiency, while providing deeper insights into the physics behind the ultrasound extraction in a heterogeneous medium. Olives were collected and processed both in Italy and Uruguay during their respective harvest seasons. Sound pressure distribution was characterized in a high frequency ultrasound reactor, carrying 3 kg of water or paste, by using an indirect contact hydrophone device at 0.4 MHz or 2 MHz. A through-transmission ultrasonic technique was applied to determine attenuation profiles and coefficients in paste at the central frequency of each transducer, with various paste to water ratios and reactor sizes. Other ultrasound improvements on extractability were evaluated including reduction of malaxation time (10, 30 min), sonication time (2.5, 5 min) and power level (174, 280 W) without water addition and in a reactor with a 14.5 cm transducer to wall distance. However, no sound pressure levels in paste were detectable beyond 9 cm from the transducer at both frequencies. Among the various effects evaluated, an emission frequency of 0.4 MHz better improved extractability compared to 2 MHz. The attenuation profiles corroborated these findings with attenuation coefficients of 3.9 and 5.3 dB/cm measured near the respective frequencies. Improvements in oil extractability due to increasing sonication time and power level were significant (p < 0.05) also when sonicating beyond 14.5 cm and without water addition. Oil extractability improvements were observed even when sound pressure was undetectable beyond 9 cm from the transducer, suggesting that the standing wave oil trapping effect is not the governing mechanism for separation in high attenuation media for large scale systems

    Composição centesimal da torta da amêndoa de bocaiuva obtida após extração mecânica do óleo.

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    Foram caracterizados alguns parâmetros da composição centesimal da torta da amêndoa da bocaiuva obtida após extração mecânica do óleo. Os frutos de bocaiuva foram coletados na região de Corumbá, MS, durante a safra de 2016. Posteriormente, foram homogeneizados, selecionados, secos em estufa de circulação de ar a 60 oC e processados mecanicamente para a separação das diversas partes dos frutos em equipamentos protótipos. A amêndoa foi submetida a um processo de extração mecânica do óleo em prensa tipo expeller obtendo-se como coproduto a torta. A torta obtida foi caracterizada nos laboratórios da Embrapa Pantanal quanto aos teores de proteínas, lipídeos, material mineral e matéria seca. Os resultados obtidos foram comparados aos disponibilizados na literatura e serviram como prévia avaliação para nortear futuros estudos sobre a validação das diversas etapas que envolvem o processamento mecânico dos frutos da espécieSinatex