14 research outputs found

    Are Women Who Work in Bars, Guesthouses and Similar Facilities a Suitable Study Population for Vaginal Microbicide Trials in Africa?

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    BACKGROUND: A feasibility study was conducted to investigate whether an occupational at-risk cohort of women in Mwanza, Tanzania are a suitable study population for future phase III vaginal microbicide trials. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: 1573 women aged 16-54 y working in traditional and modern bars, restaurants, hotels, guesthouses or as local food-handlers were enrolled at community-based reproductive health clinics, provided specimens for HIV/STI and pregnancy testing, and asked to attend three-monthly clinical follow-up visits for 12-months. HIV positive and negative women were eligible to enter the feasibility study and to receive free reproductive health services at any time. HIV prevalence at baseline was 26.5% (417/1573). HIV incidence among 1156 sero-negative women attending at baseline was 2.9/100PYs. Among 1020 HIV sero-negative, non-pregnant women, HIV incidence was 2.0/100PYs, HSV-2 incidence 12.7/100PYs and pregnancy rate 17.8/100PYs. Retention at three-months was 76.3% (778/1020). Among 771 HIV sero-negative, non-pregnant women attending at three-months, subsequent follow-up at 6, 9 and 12-months was 83.7%, 79.6%, and 72.1% respectively. Older women, those who had not moved home or changed their place of work in the last year, and women working in traditional bars or as local food handlers had the highest re-attendance. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Women working in food outlets and recreational facilities in Tanzania and other parts of Africa may be a suitable study population for microbicide and other HIV prevention trials. Effective locally-appropriate strategies to address high pregnancy rates and early losses to follow-up are essential to minimise risk to clinical trials in these settings

    Indigenous Use of Spinifex Resin for Hafting in North-Eastern Australia

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    Indigenous Use of Spinifex Resin for Hafting in North-Eastern Australia: Resins and gums were an important resource for Indigenous Australians and were commonly used to haft stone blades to timber handles in the manufacture of axes, spears, knives, and adzes. Based on archival research, analysis of museum records and in situ field trials, we reconstruct the geography of historic spinifex resin use as well as other plant exudates in Queensland, eastern Australia. Results indicated that spinifex resin use was probably restricted to the semi-arid zone and north of the Tropic of Capricorn. Toward the coast and in subhumid and tropical areas, a variety of tree exudates were used. By adopting an interdisciplinary approach coupling archival research with field data, this study contributes to a better understanding of traditional plant use in Australia

    Individuals with congenital amusia imitate pitches more accurately in singing than in speaking: implications for music and language processing

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    In this study, we investigated the impact of congenital amusia, a disorder of musical processing, on speech and song imitation in speakers of a tone language, Mandarin. A group of 13 Mandarin-speaking individuals with congenital amusia and 13 matched controls were recorded while imitating a set of speech and two sets of song stimuli with varying pitch and rhythm patterns. The results indicated that individuals with congenital amusia were worse than controls in both speech and song imitation, in terms of both pitch matching (absolute and relative) and rhythm matching (relative time and number of time errors). Like the controls, individuals with congenital amusia achieved better absolute and relative pitch matching and made fewer pitch interval and contour errors in song than in speech imitation. These findings point toward domain-general pitch (and time) production deficits in congenital amusia, suggesting the presence of shared pitch production mechanisms but distinct requirements for pitch-matching accuracy in language and music processing

    The Role of Electrochemistry in Environmental Control

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    Risk for opportunistic disease and death after reinitiating continuous antiretroviral therapy in patients with HIV previously receiving episodic therapy: a randomized trial.

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    Collaboratore per la suddetta ricerca multicentrica in quanto membro di SMART Study Grou