3,129 research outputs found

    The Separation of Carboxylic Acids by Fractional Distribution

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    The quantitative separation of substances by fractionally distributing them between two liquids phases has only recently become of interest; previously the method has been used for the identification of substances. This investigation was undertaken to determine if fractional distribution by a column of adsorbent material on which one of the liquid phases is immobilized and through which the other liquid phase perfuses is a method suitable for large scale development. Partial separation of the similar substances succinic acid and fumaric acid was obtained without using what was considered an excessive quantity of solvent or requiring an inordinate length of time; however, the separation was shown to be improved by increasing the time for flow through the column. Much more complete separation was obtained using columns in series. Silica in either of two forms was found to be superior to all other of the seven adsorbents tested. Agreement between theory and experiment was found adequate to indicate that column action may be calculated from the physical properties of the column. The methods of column separation are believed applicable in the field of fine chemicals

    A Comparison of Assessment Practices Between General and Special Education Teachers

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    The purpose of this study was to determine (a) the types of assessment formats that are being used in classrooms today,; (b) if a significant difference exists between general education and special education teachers\u27 choices of assessment formats,; and, (c) if teachers\u27 assessment training background correlated with the number or type of assessment formats chosen. One hundred thirty two middle school general and special education teachers from the state of Virginia were surveyed with a 22-item survey to determine how often each teacher used certain assessment formats in their classrooms. Results showed that these teachers use a variety of assessment formats within their classrooms . However, the amount of training in assessment did not correlate with the number or types of assessment formats the teachers used. Although no significant difference was found between the five different categories of assessment formats and the type of teacher who uses them, a weak positive correlation was found between the use of a processed-focused assessment format and the amount of assessment training a teacher has receive

    Is It a Small World after all: An Examination of Scientific Collaborations in Public Administration

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    Peer reviewed journal articles are one way in which scholars communicate with each other and the public. Such publications create networks of collaboration. This study uses social network analysis techniques and theory to examine the network of collaborations that occur in public administration. Social network analysis is a perspective that takes into account the structure of relationships that can exist among individuals, organizations or other entities (Wellman, 2008). The small world theory is the specific theoretical framework that guides this study. The small world theory is based on the notion that despite a population being very large, individuals in that population are still connected with each other within a few steps. The author constructs a scientific network of research collaborations by assigning a relationship to two actors who have co-published an article together in the Public Administration Review, American Review of Public Administration, or The Review of Public Personnel Administration during the time periods of January 2003- December 2011. The results of this analysis reveal that the public administration network consists primarily of faculty members. The network also exhibits a high degree of clustering and several cliques. On average, individuals in the network are only slightly farther apart from each other than what would be expected in a small world network. This research contributes to public administration by introducing scientific networks of collaboration to public administration. The field has not ignored who publishes in its journals, but it has not used network analysis techniques to examine such publications. This study demonstrates how network analysis techniques and methodology can be used to examine a large network. Finally, this research contributes to the small world theory by applying it to scientific networks in public administration

    Is It a Small World after all: An Examination of Scientific Collaborations in Public Administration

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    Peer reviewed journal articles are one way in which scholars communicate with each other and the public. Such publications create networks of collaboration. This study uses social network analysis techniques and theory to examine the network of collaborations that occur in public administration. Social network analysis is a perspective that takes into account the structure of relationships that can exist among individuals, organizations or other entities (Wellman, 2008). The small world theory is the specific theoretical framework that guides this study. The small world theory is based on the notion that despite a population being very large, individuals in that population are still connected with each other within a few steps. The author constructs a scientific network of research collaborations by assigning a relationship to two actors who have co-published an article together in the Public Administration Review, American Review of Public Administration, or The Review of Public Personnel Administration during the time periods of January 2003- December 2011. The results of this analysis reveal that the public administration network consists primarily of faculty members. The network also exhibits a high degree of clustering and several cliques. On average, individuals in the network are only slightly farther apart from each other than what would be expected in a small world network. This research contributes to public administration by introducing scientific networks of collaboration to public administration. The field has not ignored who publishes in its journals, but it has not used network analysis techniques to examine such publications. This study demonstrates how network analysis techniques and methodology can be used to examine a large network. Finally, this research contributes to the small world theory by applying it to scientific networks in public administration

    Heat transfer to a gas containing a cloud of particles

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    Heat transfer to gas containing particle clou

    Titanium alloy stress corrosion cracking in presence of dinitrogen tetroxide

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    Study resulting in a satisfactory stress corrosion cracking test with extremely consistent results produced six new analytical methods. Methods detect and determine differences in the minor constituent composition of different types of dinitrogen tetroxide