14 research outputs found

    Lithium suppression of tau induces brain iron accumulation and neurodegeneration

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    Lithium is a first-line therapy for bipolar affective disorder. However, various adverse effects, including a Parkinson-like hand tremor, often limit its use. The understanding of the neurobiological basis of these side effects is still very limited. Nigral iron elevation is also a feature of Parkinsonian degeneration that may be related to soluble tau reduction. We found that magnetic resonance imaging T2 relaxation time changes in subjects commenced on lithium therapy were consistent with iron elevation. In mice, lithium treatment lowers brain tau levels and increases nigral and cortical iron elevation that is closely associated with neurodegeneration, cognitive loss and parkinsonian features. In neuronal cultures lithium attenuates iron efflux by lowering tau protein that traffics amyloid precursor protein to facilitate iron efflux. Thus, tau- and amyloid protein precursor-knockout mice were protected against lithium-induced iron elevation and neurotoxicity. These findings challenge the appropriateness of lithium as a potential treatment for disorders where brain iron is elevated (for example, Alzheimer’s disease), and may explain lithium-associated motor symptoms in susceptible patients

    Tau-based treatment strategies in neurodegenerative diseases

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    A novel CDK5-dependent pathway for regulating GSK3 activity and kinesin-driven motility in neurons

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    Neuronal transmission of information requires polarized distribution of membrane proteins within axonal compartments. Membrane proteins are synthesized and packaged in membrane-bounded organelles (MBOs) in neuronal cell bodies and later transported to axons by microtubule-dependent motor proteins. Molecular mechanisms underlying targeted delivery of MBOs to discrete axonal subdomains (i.e. nodes of Ranvier or presynaptic terminals) are poorly understood, but regulatory pathways for microtubule motors may be an essential step. In this work, pharmacological, biochemical and in vivo experiments define a novel regulatory pathway for kinesin-driven motility in axons. This pathway involves enzymatic activities of cyclin-dependent kinase 5 (CDK5), protein phosphatase 1 (PP1) and glycogen synthase kinase-3 (GSK3). Inhibition of CDK5 activity in axons leads to activation of GSK3 by PP1, phosphorylation of kinesin light chains by GSK3 and detachment of kinesin from transported cargoes. We propose that regulating the activity and localization of components in this pathway allows nerve cells to target organelle delivery to specific subcellular compartments. Implications of these findings for pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease are discussed