688 research outputs found


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    This article takes as its starting point a discussion of the essay "A participação engajada no calor dos anos 60" by Heloisa Buarque de Hollanda. We emphasize the separation that the writer proposes between the discourses of different ideological groups in effervescent social, political and cultural life of the 1960s in Brazil. The groups discussed within the intersection of Hollanda’s text and our thematic focus are two: the one covered by the populist perspective of Centro Popular de Cultura (CPC) and the artistic groups of Brazilian vanguard, represented by concrete movement and developers and practitioners of poema-processo and poema-práxis. We address the ideological aspects embedded in the revolutionary speeches of these groups, both in terms of oppositions that these discourses bring up as against the common ground on which both build the foundations of their political engagement. Then we deal with as the poet Ferreira Gullar positioned himself in this ideological debate to, then, take the stance that he thought ideal for the defense of artistic engagement. Therefore, we propose a reading of the narrative poem "João Boa-Morte, cabra marcado para morrer," published in 1962 in the context of so-called literatura de cordel. The poem, we think, can be pointed out as an example of how modernist art, despite the strangeness that it can impose to the people, it is not excluded from political debate wrought by ideological groups of popular orientation, not being poetry in opposite to other forms of artistic expression supposedly better suitable to engagement, as argued Jean-Paul Sartre.O presente artigo tem como ponto de partida uma discussão do ensaio “A participação engajada no calor dos anos 60”, de Heloisa Buarque de Hollanda. Destacamos a separação que a escritora propõe entre os discursos de diferentes grupos ideológicos no efervescente contexto social, político e cultural da década de 1960 no Brasil. Os grupos discutidos no interior da intersecção entre o texto de Hollanda e o nosso recorte temático são dois: aquele abrangido pela perspectiva populista do Centro Popular de Cultura (o CPC) e os grupos artísticos de vanguarda brasileiros, representados pelo movimento concretista e pelos poetas desenvolvedores e praticantes do poema-práxis e do poema-processo. Abordamos os aspectos ideológicos imbricados nos discursos revolucionários desses grupos, tanto em termos das oposições que esses discursos trazem à tona quanto em relação ao terreno comum sobre o qual ambos constroem as bases de seu engajamento político. Em seguida, tratamos de como o poeta Ferreira Gullar posicionou-se nessa luta de ideais para, finalmente, assumir a postura que julgou ideal para a defesa do engajamento artístico. Para tanto, propomos uma leitura do poema narrativo “João Boa-Morte, cabra marcado para morrer”, publicado em 1962, no contexto da chamada literatura de cordel. O poema, pensamos, pode ser apontado como exemplo de que a arte modernista, a despeito do estranhamento que possa impor à sua apreciação pelo povo, não está excluída do debate político forjado por grupos ideológicos de orientação popular, não estando a poesia em posição oposta à de outras formas de expressão artística supostamente melhor aplicáveis ao engajamento, como argumentou Jean-Paul Sartre


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    O presente trabalho pretende discutir os conceitos de cena de enunciação e de ethos discursivo elaborados pelo linguista Dominique Maingueneau (1997, 2008, 2001) a partir de sua reformulação dos estudos aristotélicos sobre retórica, a fim de elucidar como se dá o processo de atribuição de papeis aos sujeitos de um ato de enunciação. A análise discursiva de um pequeno corpus constituído de resenhas críticas de cinema escritas pela jornalista Isabela Boscov para a revista semanal brasileira Veja servirá de instrumento para o cumprimento dos objetivos de nossa investigação. Os pressupostos teórico-metodológicos da Análise do Discurso de linha francesa estarão no centro da discussão, permeando nossas análises e fundamentando nossas tentativas de explicação para o modo de operação do ethos na subjetividade discursiva.PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Análise do discurso; Cena de enunciação; Ethos

    GOES-R Geostationary Lightning Mapper Performance Specifications and Algorithms

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    The Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM) is a single channel, near-IR imager/optical transient event detector, used to detect, locate and measure total lightning activity over the full-disk. The next generation NOAA Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES-R) series will carry a GLM that will provide continuous day and night observations of lightning. The mission objectives for the GLM are to: (1) Provide continuous, full-disk lightning measurements for storm warning and nowcasting, (2) Provide early warning of tornadic activity, and (2) Accumulate a long-term database to track decadal changes of lightning. The GLM owes its heritage to the NASA Lightning Imaging Sensor (1997- present) and the Optical Transient Detector (1995-2000), which were developed for the Earth Observing System and have produced a combined 13 year data record of global lightning activity. GOES-R Risk Reduction Team and Algorithm Working Group Lightning Applications Team have begun to develop the Level 2 algorithms and applications. The science data will consist of lightning "events", "groups", and "flashes". The algorithm is being designed to be an efficient user of the computational resources. This may include parallelization of the code and the concept of sub-dividing the GLM FOV into regions to be processed in parallel. Proxy total lightning data from the NASA Lightning Imaging Sensor on the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) satellite and regional test beds (e.g., Lightning Mapping Arrays in North Alabama, Oklahoma, Central Florida, and the Washington DC Metropolitan area) are being used to develop the prelaunch algorithms and applications, and also improve our knowledge of thunderstorm initiation and evolution

    Generation and quality control of lipidomics data for the alzheimers disease neuroimaging initiative cohort.

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    Alzheimers disease (AD) is a major public health priority with a large socioeconomic burden and complex etiology. The Alzheimer Disease Metabolomics Consortium (ADMC) and the Alzheimer Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) aim to gain new biological insights in the disease etiology. We report here an untargeted lipidomics of serum specimens of 806 subjects within the ADNI1 cohort (188 AD, 392 mild cognitive impairment and 226 cognitively normal subjects) along with 83 quality control samples. Lipids were detected and measured using an ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography quadruple/time-of-flight mass spectrometry (UHPLC-QTOF MS) instrument operated in both negative and positive electrospray ionization modes. The dataset includes a total 513 unique lipid species out of which 341 are known lipids. For over 95% of the detected lipids, a relative standard deviation of better than 20% was achieved in the quality control samples, indicating high technical reproducibility. Association modeling of this dataset and available clinical, metabolomics and drug-use data will provide novel insights into the AD etiology. These datasets are available at the ADNI repository at http://adni.loni.usc.edu/

    The Deformable Universe

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    The concept of smooth deformations of a Riemannian manifolds, recently evidenced by the solution of the Poincar\'e conjecture, is applied to Einstein's gravitational theory and in particular to the standard FLRW cosmology. We present a brief review of the deformation of Riemannian geometry, showing how such deformations can be derived from the Einstein-Hilbert dynamical principle. We show that such deformations of space-times of general relativity produce observable effects that can be measured by four-dimensional observers. In the case of the FLRW cosmology, one such observable effect is shown to be consistent with the accelerated expansion of the universe.Comment: 20 pages, LaTeX, 3 figure

    Bridges of hope

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    This study explores the stories of students who had stopped formal schooling and experienced being in the Alternative Learning System (ALS), which is another form of education that is not commonly taken, for those who want to get back into the educational system. Using Narrative Inquiry, specifically Labov and Waletzky’s six-part narrative analysis for the construction (The Abstract, Orientation, Complicating Action, Evaluation, Resolution, and Coda), seven (7) informants were interviewed about their stories and experiences throughout the entirety of their academic pursuit with ALS. Five (5) main plots emerged from the interviews, namely: (a) “The Wanderer’s Quandary”; (b) “The Fork at the End of the Road”; (c) “The Path Less Traveled”; (d) “The Unceasing River”; and (e) “The Open Field.” Each main plot has corresponding subplots for each informant. The findings revealed that the experience of being an ALS student is not easy. Being in a different form of education, different from what society usually pursues, comes stigma. Strong will and perseverance had lead these people to go through with ALS. It became their bridge of hope to a second chance towards their pursuit through education