555 research outputs found

    Ultraviolet Complete Electroweak Model Without a Higgs Particle

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    An electroweak model with running coupling constants described by an energy dependent entire function is utraviolet complete and avoids unitarity violations for energies above 1 TeV. The action contains no physical scalar fields and no Higgs particle and the physical electroweak model fields are local and satisfy microcausality. The WW and ZZ masses are compatible with a symmetry breaking SU(2)L×U(1)Y→U(1)emSU(2)_L\times U(1)_Y \rightarrow U(1)_{\rm em}, which retains a massless photon. The vertex couplings possess an energy scale ΛW>1\Lambda_W > 1 TeV predicting scattering amplitudes that can be tested at the LHC.Comment: 19 pages, no figures, LaTex file. Equation and text corrected. Reference added. Results remain the same. Final version published in European Physics Journal Plus, 126 (2011

    2d Stringy Black Holes and Varying Constants

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    Motivated by the recent interest on models with varying constants and whether black hole physics can constrain such theories, two-dimensional charged stringy black holes are considered. We exploit the role of two-dimensional stringy black holes as toy models for exploring paradoxes which may lead to constrains on a theory. A two-dimensional charged stringy black hole is investigated in two different settings. Firstly, the two-dimensional black hole is treated as an isolated object and secondly, it is contained in a thermal environment. In both cases, it is shown that the temperature and the entropy of the two-dimensional charged stringy black hole are decreased when its electric charge is increased in time. By piecing together our results and previous ones, we conclude that in the context of black hole thermodynamics one cannot derive any model independent constraints for the varying constants. Therefore, it seems that there aren't any varying constant theories that are out of favor with black hole thermodynamics.Comment: 12 pages, LaTeX, to appear in JHE

    Generalized BF Theory in Superspace as Underlying Theory of 11D Supergravity

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    We construct a generalized BF theory in superspace that can embed eleven-dimensional supergravity theory. Our topological BF theory can accommodate all the necessary Bianchi identities for teleparallel superspace supergravity in eleven-dimensions, as the simplest but nontrivial solutions to superfield equations for our superspace action. This indicates that our theory may have solutions other than eleven-dimensional supergravity, accommodating generalized theories of eleven-dimensional supergravity. Therefore our topological theory can be a good candidate for the low energy limit of M-theory, as an underlying fundamental theory providing a `missing link' between eleven-dimensional supergravity and M-theory.Comment: 16 pages, latex, two new paragraphs in section 4 and in Concluding Remarks with two new reference

    Dark mammoth trunks in the merging galaxy NGC 1316 and a mechanism of cosmic double helices

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    NGC 1316 is a giant, elliptical galaxy containing a complex network of dark, dust features. The morphology of these features has been examined in some detail using a Hubble Space Telescope, Advanced Camera for Surveys image. It is found that most of the features are constituted of long filaments. There also exist a great number of dark structures protruding inwards from the filaments. Many of these structures are strikingly similar to elephant trunks in H II regions in the Milky Way Galaxy, although much larger. The structures, termed mammoth trunks, generally are filamentary and often have shapes resembling the letters V or Y. In some of the mammoth trunks the stem of the Y can be resolved into two or more filaments, many of which showing signs of being intertwined. A model of the mammoth trunks, related to a recent theory of elephant trunks, is proposed. Based on magnetized filaments, the model is capable of giving an account of the various shapes of the mammoth trunks observed, including the twined structures.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astrophysics & Space Scienc

    Misaligned spin and orbital axes cause the anomalous precession of DI Herculis

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    The orbits of binary stars precess as a result of general relativistic effects, forces arising from the asphericity of the stars, and forces from additional stars or planets in the system. For most binaries, the theoretical and observed precession rates are in agreement. One system, however -- DI Herculis -- has resisted explanation for 30 years. The observed precession rate is a factor of four slower than the theoretical rate, a disagreement that once was interpreted as evidence for a failure of general relativity. Among the contemporary explanations are the existence of a circumbinary planet and a large tilt of the stellar spin axes with respect to the orbit. Here we report that both stars of DI Herculis rotate with their spin axes nearly perpendicular to the orbital axis (contrary to the usual assumption for close binary stars). The rotationally induced stellar oblateness causes precession in the direction opposite to that of relativistic precession, thereby reconciling the theoretical and observed rates.Comment: Nature, in press [11 pg

    The Hawking-Page crossover in noncommutative anti-deSitter space

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    We study the problem of a Schwarzschild-anti-deSitter black hole in a noncommutative geometry framework, thought to be an effective description of quantum-gravitational spacetime. As a first step we derive the noncommutative geometry inspired Schwarzschild-anti-deSitter solution. After studying the horizon structure, we find that the curvature singularity is smeared out by the noncommutative fluctuations. On the thermodynamics side, we show that the black hole temperature, instead of a divergent behavior at small scales, admits a maximum value. This fact implies an extension of the Hawking-Page transition into a van der Waals-like phase diagram, with a critical point at a critical cosmological constant size in Plank units and a smooth crossover thereafter. We speculate that, in the gauge-string dictionary, this corresponds to the confinement "critical point" in number of colors at finite number of flavors, a highly non-trivial parameter that can be determined through lattice simulations.Comment: 24 pages, 6 figure, 1 table, version matching that published on JHE

    Quaternion-Octonion Analyticity for Abelian and Non-Abelian Gauge Theories of Dyons

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    Einstein- Schroedinger (ES) non-symmetric theory has been extended to accommodate the Abelian and non-Abelian gauge theories of dyons in terms of the quaternion-octonion metric realization. Corresponding covariant derivatives for complex, quaternion and octonion spaces in internal gauge groups are shown to describe the consistent field equations and generalized Dirac equation of dyons. It is also shown that quaternion and octonion representations extend the so-called unified theory of gravitation and electromagnetism to the Yang-Mill's fields leading to two SU(2) gauge theories of internal spaces due to the presence of electric and magnetic charges on dyons

    Salerno's model of DNA reanalysed: could solitons have biological significance?

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    We investigate the sequence-dependent behaviour of localised excitations in a toy, nonlinear model of DNA base-pair opening originally proposed by Salerno. Specifically we ask whether ``breather'' solitons could play a role in the facilitated location of promoters by RNA polymerase. In an effective potential formalism, we find excellent correlation between potential minima and {\em Escherichia coli} promoter recognition sites in the T7 bacteriophage genome. Evidence for a similar relationship between phage promoters and downstream coding regions is found and alternative reasons for links between AT richness and transcriptionally-significant sites are discussed. Consideration of the soliton energy of translocation provides a novel dynamical picture of sliding: steep potential gradients correspond to deterministic motion, while ``flat'' regions, corresponding to homogeneous AT or GC content, are governed by random, thermal motion. Finally we demonstrate an interesting equivalence between planar, breather solitons and the helical motion of a sliding protein ``particle'' about a bent DNA axis.Comment: Latex file 20 pages, 5 figures. Manuscript of paper to appear in J. Biol. Phys., accepted 02/09/0

    Deficit of wide binaries in the eta Chamaeleontis young cluster

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    We have carried out a sensitive high-resolution imaging survey of stars in the young (6-8 Myr), nearby (97 pc) compact cluster around eta Chamaeleontis to search for stellar and sub-stellar companions. Given its youth and proximity, any sub-stellar companions are expected to be luminous, especially in the near infrared, and thus easier to detect next to their parent stars. Here, we present VLT/NACO adaptive optics imaging with companion detection limits for 17 eta Cha cluster members, and follow-up VLT/ISAAC near-infrared spectroscopy for companion candidates. The widest binary detected is ~0.2", corresponding to the projected separation 20 AU, despite our survey being sensitive down to sub-stellar companions outside 0.3", and planetary mass objects outside 0.5". This implies that the stellar companion probability outside 0.3" and the brown dwarf companion probability outside 0.5" are less than 0.16 with 95% confidence. We compare the wide binary frequency of eta Cha to that of the similarly aged TW Hydrae association, and estimate the statistical likelihood that the wide binary probability is equal in both groups to be < 2e-4. Even though the eta Cha cluster is relatively dense, stellar encounters in its present configuration cannot account for the relative deficit of wide binaries. We thus conclude that the difference in wide binary probability in these two groups provides strong evidence for multiplicity properties being dependent on environment. In two appendices we derive the projected separation probability distribution for binaries, used to constrain physical separations from observed projected separations, and summarize statistical tools useful for multiplicity studies.Comment: Accepted by ApJ. 13 pages, 10 figure
