204 research outputs found

    Position-sensitive detection of ultracold neutrons with an imaging camera and its implications to spectroscopy

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    Position-sensitive detection of ultracold neutrons (UCNs) is demonstrated using an imaging charge-coupled device (CCD) camera. A spatial resolution less than 15 μ\mum has been achieved, which is equivalent to an UCN energy resolution below 2 pico-electron-volts through the relation δE=m0gδx\delta E = m_0g \delta x. Here, the symbols δE\delta E, δx\delta x, m0m_0 and gg are the energy resolution, the spatial resolution, the neutron rest mass and the gravitational acceleration, respectively. A multilayer surface convertor described previously is used to capture UCNs and then emits visible light for CCD imaging. Particle identification and noise rejection are discussed through the use of light intensity profile analysis. This method allows different types of UCN spectroscopy and other applications.Comment: 12 figures, 28 pages, accepted for publication in NIM

    Status of the UCNÏ„ experiment

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    The neutron is the simplest nuclear system that can be used to probe the structure of the weak interaction and search for physics beyond the standard model. Measurements of neutron lifetime and β-decay correlation coefficients with precisions of 0.02% and 0.1%, respectively, would allow for stringent constraints on new physics. The UCNτ experiment uses an asymmetric magneto-gravitational UCN trap with in situ counting of surviving neutrons to measure the neutron lifetime, τ_n = 877.7s (0.7s)_(stat) (+0.4/−0.2s)_(sys). We discuss the recent result from UCNτ, the status of ongoing data collection and analysis, and the path toward a 0.25 s measurement of the neutron lifetime with UCNτ

    New result for the neutron β\beta-asymmetry parameter A0A_0 from UCNA

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    The neutron β\beta-decay asymmetry parameter A0A_0 defines the correlation between the spin of the neutron and the momentum of the emitted electron, which determines λ=gAgV\lambda=\frac{g_{A}}{g_{V}}, the ratio of the axial-vector to vector weak coupling constants. The UCNA Experiment, located at the Ultracold Neutron facility at the Los Alamos Neutron Science Center, is the first to measure such a correlation coefficient using ultracold neutrons (UCN). Following improvements to the systematic uncertainties and increased statistics, we report the new result A0=−0.12054(44)stat(68)systA_0 = -0.12054(44)_{\mathrm{stat}}(68)_{\mathrm{syst}} which yields λ≡gAgV=−1.2783(22)\lambda\equiv \frac{g_{A}}{g_{V}}=-1.2783(22). Combination with the previous UCNA result and accounting for correlated systematic uncertainties produces A0=−0.12015(34)stat(63)systA_0=-0.12015(34)_{\mathrm{stat}}(63)_{\mathrm{syst}} and λ≡gAgV=−1.2772(20)\lambda\equiv \frac{g_{A}}{g_{V}}=-1.2772(20).Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, updated to as-published versio

    Adjuvant Chemotherapy Guided by a 21-Gene Expression Assay in Breast Cancer

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    BACKGROUND The recurrence score based on the 21-gene breast cancer assay predicts chemotherapy benefit if it is high and a low risk of recurrence in the absence of chemotherapy if it is low; however, there is uncertainty about the benefit of chemotherapy for most patients, who have a midrange score. METHODS We performed a prospective trial involving 10,273 women with hormone-receptor–positive, human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2)–negative, axillary node–negative breast cancer. Of the 9719 eligible patients with follow-up information, 6711 (69%) had a midrange recurrence score of 11 to 25 and were randomly assigned to receive either chemoendocrine therapy or endocrine therapy alone. The trial was designed to show noninferiority of endocrine therapy alone for invasive disease–free survival (defined as freedom from invasive disease recurrence, second primary cancer, or death). RESULTS Endocrine therapy was noninferior to chemoendocrine therapy in the analysis of invasive disease–free survival (hazard ratio for invasive disease recurrence, second primary cancer, or death [endocrine vs. chemoendocrine therapy], 1.08; 95% confidence interval, 0.94 to 1.24; P=0.26). At 9 years, the two treatment groups had similar rates of invasive disease–free survival (83.3% in the endocrine-therapy group and 84.3% in the chemoendocrine-therapy group), freedom from disease recurrence at a distant site (94.5% and 95.0%) or at a distant or local–regional site (92.2% and 92.9%), and overall survival (93.9% and 93.8%). The chemotherapy benefit for invasive disease–free survival varied with the combination of recurrence score and age (P=0.004), with some benefit of chemotherapy found in women 50 years of age or younger with a recurrence score of 16 to 25. CONCLUSIONS Adjuvant endocrine therapy and chemoendocrine therapy had similar efficacy in women with hormone-receptor–positive, HER2-negative, axillary node–negative breast cancer who had a midrange 21-gene recurrence score, although some benefit of chemotherapy was found in some women 50 years of age or younger

    Phase II Study of Bortezomib and Pegylated Liposomal Doxorubicin in the Treatment of Metastatic Breast Cancer

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    Based on preclinical studies and a phase I trial of the combination of bortezomib and pegylated liposomal doxorubicin (PLD), which both showed activity in breast cancer, we conducted a phase II study of this regimen in patients with metastatic breast cancer
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