14 research outputs found

    Síntese de um novo complexo de cobre modelo para o sitio ativo da galactose oxidase

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências Físicas e Matemáticas, Curso de Química.A química bioinorgânica tem por objetivo compreender a estrutura e a atividade de metaloenzimas. Dentre as enzimas em estudo estão as monoméricas de cobre do tipo 2. A galactose oxidase, cuja função é catalisar a oxidação de álcoois primários a aldeídos, é classificada neste grupo de metaloenzimas. O seu sitio catalítico tem geometria piramidal de base quadrada, com a base formada por um oxigênio de tirosina trans a um nitrogênio histidinico e uma molécula de água trans a outro nitrogênio histidinico. A posição axial é ocupada por um oxigénio de tirosina. Neste trabalho é descrita a síntese e a caracterização de um complexo potencialmente modelo para o sitio ativo da galactose oxidase Foi sintetizado o precursor H2Bhis (ácido - ([(2-hidroxifenilmetil)-2- aminol-3-(1H-imidazo(-4-il) propanóicop e o seu metil-éster HBHisOMe ([[(2-hidroxifenilmetil)-2-amino]-3-(1H-imidazol-4-il)propanoato de metilap, utilizado como ligante. Estes compostos foram caracterizados por espectroscopia no infravermelho, análise elementar de CHN e ressonância magnética nuclear de próton — RMN H1 . O ligante preparado foi utilizado para complexação com Cull , tendo-se obtido cristais verdes caracterizados por espectroscopia no infravermelho, espectroscopia eletrônica UV-Vis, análise elementar de CNN e cristalografia de ratios X. Pelas propriedades apresentadas pode se afirmar que o composto é modelo estrutural para a galactose oxidase. Testes de atividade frente a açucares e derivados estão sendo iniciados

    Síntese e caracterização de novos complexos modelos para o sítio ativo das fostatases ácidas púrpuras

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências Físicas e Matemáticas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Química, Florianópolis, 2005Complexos de metais de transição com ligantes binucleantes têm sido descritos como modelos para o sítio ativo de inúmeras metaloenzimas. No entanto, algumas delas apresentam sítios bastante difíceis de modelar, devido à sua alta complexidade, tais como as fosfatases ácidas púrpuras (PAP's), que, in vitro, catalisam a hidrólise de ésteres e anidridos fosfóricos. Estas apresentam um sítio ativo binuclear, com conteúdo metálico variável, contendo um átomo de FeIII e um outro metal MII = Fe, Zn ou Mn. Neste trabalho esta descrita a síntese e caracterização de 3 novos complexos com o ligante N, O doador 2 - [ N - ( 2 - piridilmetil ) ( carboxiamidometil ) aminometil ] - 4 - metil - 6 - [ N - ( 2 - hidroxibenzil ) ( 2 - piridilmetil ) aminometil ] fenol (H2L), que contem um grupamento amida visando mimetizar o resíduo de asparagina presente no sítio ativo da enzima

    Síntese, caracterização e avaliação da promiscuidade catalítica de complexos binucleares bioinspirados

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências Físicas e Matemáticas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Química, Florianópolis, 2010.Desde a descoberta da atuação de íons metálicos para o correto funcionamento de inúmeras enzimas, os químicos de coordenação têm sintetizado e caracterizado compostos que possam mimetizar tanto a estrutura quanto a função dessas enzimas. Neste trabalho foram sintetizados dois novos complexos binucleares com o ligante 2-[N-bis-(2-piridilmetil) aminometil]-4-metil-6-[N-(2-hidroxi-3-formil-5-metilbenzil)(2-piridilmetil)aminometil]fenol (H2py3mff), [(H2O)FeIII(u-OH)ZnII(py3mff)](ClO4)2 (1) e [(H2O)FeIII(u-OH)ZnII(py3mff)](ClO4)2 (2). O novo ligante foi caracterizado por espectroscopias na região do infravermelho e de ressonância magnética nuclear de hidrogênio. Os complexos 1 e 2 foram caracterizados por várias técnicas incluindo, espectroscopia no infravermelho, espectroscopia eletrônica, eletroquímica, titulação potenciométrica e difração de raios X em monocristal. Os dados estruturais levaram a considerar os complexos 1 como modelo estrutural para o sítio ativo da fosfatase ácida púrpura de feijão vermelho, com a unidade [(H2O)FeIII(u-OH)ZnII]. Os complexos também foram testados na atividade de fosfatase, frente à hidrólise do substrato bis(2,4-dinitrofenil)fosfato (2,4-bdnpp). Estes estudos revelaram que os complexos podem ser considerados como modelos funcionais das fosfatases com fatores catalíticos de cerca de 5 mil e 10 mil vezes a reação não catalisada, respectivamente. Destaca-se ainda que o ligante H2py3mff possui um grupo aldeído como substituinte, o que permite o ancoramento em suportes sólidos ou ainda em peptídeos.Uma propriedade importante que algumas enzimas apresentam é a promiscuidade catalítica, que é a capacidade de catalisar mais de um tipo de reação química. A promiscuidade catalítica apresenta um papel fundamental na evolução e acredita-se que esteja envolvida na biosíntese de metabólitos secundários.Devido a dificuldade em se obter grandes quantidades e cristais adequados dessas metaloenzimas e metaloproteínas, o uso de compostos modelos de baixa massa molar que sejam miméticos estruturais e/ou funcionais para estas biomoléculas tem contribuído na elucidação das suas propriedades físico-químicas e mecanismos de reação.Tendo em vista que o conteúdo metálico dos complexos é muito mais exposto que o das enzimas acredita-se que os mesmos possam apresentar promiscuidade catalítica, podendo então ter seu uso de particularmente aumentado.Assim, foi testada a promiscuidade catalítica de compostos já sintetizados e caracterizados [FeIII(?-OAc)2FeII(bpbpmp)](ClO4)2 (3), [FeIII(u-OAc)2FeIII(bpbpmp)](ClO4)3 (4), que mostraram ser promíscuos na catálise de hidrólise do substrato bis(2,4-dinitrofenil)fosfato e na oxidação do substrato 3,5-di-tercbutilcatecol. Foi testada ainda a promiscuidade dos complexos [(H2O)FeIII(u-OH)CuII(bpbpmp)](ClO4)2 (5) e [(H2O)FeIII(u-OH)CuII(bpbpmp-CH3)](ClO4)2 (6). Estes dois últimos complexos já haviam sido testados na hidrólise do substrato bis(2,4-dinitrofenil)fosfato e no presente trabalho foi testada a atividade de oxidação do substrato 3,5-di-tercbutilcatecol. O complexo 6 foi mais reativo que o complexo 5, mostrando que quanto menor a diferença entre os potenciais redox dos dois centros metálicos maior a atividade catalítica do mesmo.São abertas, através do presente trabalho, novas perspectivas de pesquisa, que a partir da derivatização de ligantes pode possibilitar outras aplicações, seja pelo ancoramento de compostos em sílica, nanopartículas magnéticas e nanopartículas de ouro, seja pela utilização de compostos previamente desenhados para certo tipo de atividade catalítica em outras reações, frente a outros substratos de interesse. Abstract : Enzymes are protein molecules with a three-dimensional globular shape. Their main functions are to accelerate chemical reactions in cells, and for that reason are often called biological catalysts. About a third of the enzymes and proteins with known structure have at least one metal ion in its constitution. An important property is that some enzymes show catalytic promiscuity, which is the ability to catalyze more than one type of chemical reaction. Promiscuity has a catalytic role in the evolution and is believed to be involved in the biosynthesis of secondary metabolites. Due to difficulty in obtaining suitable crystals and large amounts of these metalloenzymes and metalloproteins, the use of model complexes of low molecular weight that are structural and / or functional mimetics for these biomolecules has contributed to the elucidation of their physical-chemical properties and reaction mechanisms . Moreover, these compounds can be used as bioinspired catalysts of great interest in Medicine and Biotechnology. This work describes the synthesis, characterization and study of catalytic promiscuity bioinspired complex in hydrolytic enzymes. Thus, we synthesized two new complexes with the ligand H2py3mff (2-[N-bis-(2-piridilmetil)aminomethyl]-4-methyl-6-[N-(2- hydroxy-3-formyl-5-methylbenzyl) (2-piridilmetil) aminomethyl] phenol) FeIII(µ-OH)ZnII(py3mff) (H2O)] (ClO4)2 - complex 1 and FeIII(µ-OH)CuII(py3mff)(H2O)](ClO4)2 - complex 2. Both complexes had their X-ray structure determined showing that they are isostructural. The new complexes were characterized by electrochemical and spectroscopic techniques. pKa values for the coordinated water molecules were obtained by potentiometric titration. Trying to evaluate the catalytic promiscuity of binuclear complexes, the phosphatase and catecholase activities of complexes 1 and 2, and other complexes described in the literature FeIIIFeIIbpbpmp (complex 3), FeIIIFeIIIbpbpmp (complex 4), FeIII(µ-OH)CuII bpbpmp (complex 5), FeIII(µ-OH)CuII bpbpmp-CH3 (complex 6) were studied using the substrates 2,4-bdnpp and 3,5-dtbc

    A systematic review of factors associated with the retention of glass fiber posts

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    This study aimed to identify factors that can affect the retention of glass fiber posts to intra-radicular dentin based on in vitro studies that compared the bond strength (BS) of GFPs cemented with resin cements. Searches were carried out in PubMed and Scopus until December 2013. Bond strength values and variables as type of tooth, presence of endodontic treatment, pretreatment of the post, type of bonding agent (if present), type of cement and mode of cement application were extracted from the 34 included studies. A linear regression model was used to evaluate the influence of these parameters on BS. The presence of endodontic treatment decreased the BS values in 22.7% considering the pooled data (p = 0.013). For regular cement, cleaning the post increased BS when compared to silane application without cleaning (p = 0.032), considering cleaning as ethanol, air abrasion, or phosphoric acid application. Applying the cement around the post and into root canal decreased the resistance compared to only around the post (p = 0.02) or only into root canal (p = 0.041), on the other hand, no difference was found for self-adhesive resin cement for the same comparisons (p = 0.858 and p = 0.067). Endodontic treatment, method of cement application, and post pretreatment are factors that might significantly affect the retention of glass-fiber posts into root canals mainly when cemented with regular resin cement. Self-adhesive resin cements were found to be less technique-sensitive to luting procedures as compared with regular resin cements

    Heterodinuclear Fe(III)Zn(II)-Bioinspired Complex Supported on 3-Aminopropyl Silica. Efficient Hydrolysis of Phosphate Diester Bonds

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    Presented herein is the synthesis and characterization of a new Fe(III)Zn(II) complex containing a Fe(III)-bound phenolate with a carbonyl functional group, which was anchored to 3-aminopropylfunctionalized silica as the solid support. The catalytic efficiency of the immobilized catalyst in the hydrolysis of 2,4-bis (dinitrophenyl) phosphate is comparable to the homogeneous reaction, and the supported catalyst can be reused for subsequent diester hydrolysis reactions.CNPqConselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)CAPESCoordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)INBEBINBEBFAPESCFAPESCINCT-cataliseINCT-Catalis

    The Role of Extracellular Vesicles in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Progression: An Approach on Their Therapeutics Potential

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    Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a fibrosing interstitial lung disease of unknown etiology. Different types of cells are involved in fibrogenesis, which is persistently physical and molecular stimulation, either directly or by interacting with bioactive molecules and extracellular vesicles (EVs). Current evidence suggests that EVs play an essential role in IPF development. EVs are released by a variety of cells, including fibroblasts, epithelial cells, and alveolar macrophages. In addition, EVs can transport bioactive molecules, such as lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids, which play a pivotal role in cellular communication. Several proposed mechanisms show that an acceptor cell can capture, absorb, or interact with EVs through direct fusion with the plasma membrane, ligand–receptor interaction, and endocytotic process, modifying the target cell. During fibrogenesis, the release of EVs is deregulated, increases the EVs amount, and the cargo content is modified. This alteration is closely associated with the maintenance of the fibrotic microenvironment. This review summarizes the current data on the participation of EVs secreted by the cells playing a critical role in IPF pathogenesis

    Catalytic promiscuity: Catecholase-like activity and hydrolytic DNA cleavage promoted by a mixed-valence Fe(III)Fe(II) complex

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    Catalytic promiscuity has emerged as an important property of many enzymes since the relationship of this property to enzymatic evolution became clear. Simultaneously, the development of suitable biomimetic catalytic systems capable of mimicking the promiscuous catalytic properties of such enzymes represents a new challenge for bioinorganic chemists. In this paper we report on the X-ray structure, the solution studies and the promiscuous catalytic activity of the mixed-valence complex [(bpbpmp)Fe-III(mu-OAc)(2)Fe-II](ClO4), (1), containing the unsymmetrical dinucleating ligand 2-{[(2-hydroxybenzyl)(2-pyridylmethyl)aminomethyl]-4-methyl-6-[bis(2-pyridylmethyl)aminomethyl]}phenol (H(2)bpbpmp). Potentiometric and spectrophotometric titrations and kinetics studies showed that this coordination compound generates active species that promote hydrolytic cleavage of double strand DNA (dsDNA), with a rate enhancement of 1.9x10(8) over the non-catalyzed reaction, as well as promote oxidation of 3,5-di-tert-butylcatechol (3,5-dtbc), with k(cat) = 1.16 x 10(-2)s(-1) and K-M = 7.1 x 10(-4) mol L-1. Thus, complex 1 shows both hydrolase and oxidoreductase activities and can be regarded as a man-made model for studying catalytic promiscuity

    Spectroscopic and catalytic characterization of a functional (FeFeII)-Fe-III biomimetic for the active site of uteroferrin and protein cleavage

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    A mixed-valence complex, [Fe(III)Fe(II)L1(mu-OAc)(2)]BF4 center dot H2O, where the ligand H(2)L1 = 2-{[[3-[((bis-(pyridin-2-ylmethyl)amino)methyl)-2-hydroxy-5-methylbenzyl](pyridin-2-ylmethyl)amino]methyl]phenol}, has been studied with a range of techniques, and, where possible, its properties have been compared to those of the corresponding enzyme system purple acid phosphatase. The (FeFeII)-Fe-III and Fe-2(III) oxidized species were studied spectroelectrochemically. The temperature-dependent population of the S = 3/2 spin states of the heterovalent system, observed using magnetic circular dichroism, confirmed that the dinuclear center is weakly antiferromagnetically coupled (H = -2JS(1).S-2, where J = -5.6 cm(-1)) in a frozen solution. The ligand-to-metal charge-transfer transitions are correlated with density functional theory calculations. The (FeFeII)-Fe-III complex is electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR)-silent, except at very low temperatures

    miRNAs Contained in Extracellular Vesicles Cargo Contribute to the Progression of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis: An In Vitro Aproach

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    Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a chronic, progressive lung disease. Lesions in the lung epithelium cause alterations in the microenvironment that promote fibroblast accumulation. Extracellular vesicles (EVs) transport proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids, such as microRNAs (miRNAs). The aim of this study was to characterize the differentially expressed miRNAs in the cargo of EVs obtained from the LL97 and LL29 fibroblast cell lines isolated from IPF lungs versus those derived from the CCD19 fibroblast cell line isolated from a healthy donors. We characterized EVs by ultracentrifugation, Western blotting, and dynamic light scattering. We identified miRNAs by small RNA-seq, a total of 1144 miRNAs, of which 1027 were known miRNAs; interestingly, 117 miRNAs were novel. Differential expression analysis showed that 77 miRNAs were upregulated and 68 were downregulated. In addition, pathway enrichment analyses from the Gene Ontology and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genomes identified several miRNA target genes in the categories, cell proliferation, regulation of apoptosis, pathways in cancer, and proteoglycans in cancer. Our data reveal that miRNAs contained in EVs cargo could be helpful as biomarkers for fibrogenesis, diagnosis, and therapeutic intervention of IPF