851 research outputs found

    Development of cisgenic apples with durable resistance to apple scab

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    Most of the apple (Malus × domestica) growers are facing serious disease problems with apple scab which is caused by the fungus Venturia inaequalis. Developing a resistant variety in apple through classical breeding is very slow and inefficient. So, we aim at improving existing apple varieties through a new concept called “cisgenesis” which saves time and effort compared to classical breeding. Malus floribunda proved to be a good source of natural scab resistance genes. The genes HcrVf1 and HcrVf2, consisting of promoter, coding and terminator sequences in their natural configuration, were isolated from Malus floribunda and cloned into the binary vector pMF1. Apple cv. ‘Gala’ was transformed with pMF1 containing HcrVf1 and HcrVf2, individually or in combination. pMF1 can be used to obtain marker-free plants by recombinase-based excision of a fragment carrying undesired gene sequences, such as antibiotic-selection marker genes, leaving behind only the gene(s)-of-interest and one recombination site. Using this vector it is therefore possible to stack several genes by retransformation using the same selection procedure. In order to obtain durable resistance, we have the intention to combine different resistance genes from Malus either by stacking them one by one or by introducing them all together in one T-DNA. Performance of all different types of cisgenic plants will be evaluated by monitoring scab resistance levels phenotypically and by determining gene expression profiles through quantitative RT-PC

    On Immunotherapies and Cancer Vaccination Protocols: A Mathematical Modelling Approach

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    In this paper we develop a new mathematical model of immunotherapy and cancer vaccination, focusing on the role of antigen presentation and co-stimulatory signaling pathways in cancer immunology. We investigate the effect of different cancer vaccination protocols on the well-documented phenomena of cancer dormancy and recurrence, and we provide a possible explanation of why adoptive (i.e. passive) immunotherapy protocols can sometimes actually promote tumour growth instead of inhibiting it (a phenomenon called immunostimulation), as opposed to active vaccination protocols based on tumour-antigen pulsed dendritic cells. Significantly, the results of our computational simulations suggest that elevated numbers of professional antigen presenting cells correlate well with prolonged time periods of cancer dormancy. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Loop B is a major structural component of the 5-HT3 receptor

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    The 5-HT3 receptor belongs to a family of therapeutically important neurotransmitter-gated receptors whose ligand binding sites are formed by the convergence of six peptide loops (A-F). Here we have mutated 15 amino acid residues in and around loop B of the 5-HT3 receptor (Ser-177 to Asn-191) to Ala or a residue with similar chemical properties. Changes in [3H]granisetron binding affinity (Kd) and 5-HT EC50 were determined using receptors expressed in human embryonic kidney 293 cells. Substitutions at all but one residue (Thr-181) altered or eliminated binding for one or both mutants. Receptors were nonfunctional or EC50 values were altered for all but two mutants (S182T, I190L). Homology modeling indicates that loop B contributes two residues to a hydrophobic core that faces into the β-sandwich of the subunit, and the experimental data indicate that they are important for both the structure and the function of the receptor. The models also show that close to the apex of the loop (Ser-182 to Ile-190), loop B residues form an extensive network of hydrogen bonds, both with other loop B residues and with adjacent regions of the protein. Overall, the data suggest that loop B has a major role in maintaining the structure of the region by a series of noncovalent interactions that are easily disrupted by amino acid substitutions

    Feasibility of screening and referring women experiencing marital violence by engaging frontline workers: Evidence from rural Bihar

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    The Population Council, together with partners, the Centre for Catalyzing Change, and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, with support from UKaid, implemented the Do Kadam Barabari Ki Ore (Two Steps Towards Equality) project in rural areas of Patna district in Bihar, India. The project engaged frontline workers (FLWs) to screen women for their experience of marital violence, inform them about their options in case of such an experience, and provide basic counseling and referral to women reporting the experience. Overall, the findings from the implementation of the Do Kadam program have been encouraging. They suggest that interactions between FLWs and women on violence-related issues increased significantly and that project activities could be incorporated into the regular responsibilities of FLWs. Yet, several recommendations emerge, including the need to recognize that domestic violence is both a public health concern and a violation of women’s rights, on the one hand; and to understand, on the other, the importance of incorporating screening, counseling, and referrals of women experiencing violence into the responsibilities of FLWs

    Modifying behaviours and notions of masculinity: Effect of a programme led by locally elected representatives

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    The Population Council, together with the Centre for Catalyzing Change and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, and with support from UKaid, implemented the Do Kadam Barabari Ki Ore (Two Steps Towards Equality) program. The project, situated in Patna district, India aimed to orient and engage locally elected leaders—namely, members of Gram Panchayats and Gram Kachehris—in changing community norms relating to the acceptability of violence against women, and preventing violence against women as well as one factor closely associated with the perpetration of such violence, namely alcohol abuse. Specifically, it assessed: 1) the feasibility of sensitizing and training members of the Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs, local self-governance bodies) to act as change agents to transform gender norms among men and women in their communities; 2) the effect of the intervention on generating egalitarian gender-role attitudes among PRI members and a reduction in violence against women and girls (VAWG) perpetrated/experienced by them; and 3) the effect of the intervention on changing gender-role attitudes, including attitudes about marital violence among men and women at the community level, and reduction in VAWG and alcohol misuse at the community level

    Series study of the One-dimensional S-T Spin-Orbital Model

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    We use perturbative series expansions about a staggered dimerized ground state to compute the ground state energy, triplet excitation spectra and spectral weight for a one-dimensional model in which each site has an S=\case 1/2 spin Si{\bf S}_i and a pseudospin Ti{\bf T}_i, representing a doubly degenerate orbital. An explicit dimerization is introduced to allow study of the confinement of spinon excitations. The elementary triplet represents a bound state of two spinons, and is stable over much of the Brillouine zone. A special line is found in the gapped spin-liquid phase, on which the triplet excitation is dispersionless. The formation of triplet bound states is also investigated.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figure

    Palaeoproterozoic magnesite: lithological and isotopic evidence for playa/sabkha environments

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    Magnesite forms a series of 1- to 15-m-thick beds within the approximate to2.0 Ga (Palaeoproterozoic) Tulomozerskaya Formation, NW Fennoscandian Shield, Russia. Drillcore material together with natural exposures reveal that the 680-m-thick formation is composed of a stromatolite-dolomite-'red bed' sequence formed in a complex combination of shallow-marine and non-marine, evaporitic environments. Dolomite-collapse breccia, stromatolitic and micritic dolostones and sparry allochemical dolostones are the principal rocks hosting the magnesite beds. All dolomite lithologies are marked by delta C-13 values from +7.1 parts per thousand to +11.6 parts per thousand (V-PDB) and delta O-18 ranging from 17.4 parts per thousand to 26.3 parts per thousand (V-SMOW). Magnesite occurs in different forms: finely laminated micritic; stromatolitic magnesite; and structureless micritic, crystalline and coarsely crystalline magnesite. All varieties exhibit anomalously high delta C-13 values ranging from +9.0 parts per thousand to +11.6 parts per thousand and delta O-18 values of 20.0-25.7 parts per thousand. Laminated and structureless micritic magnesite forms as a secondary phase replacing dolomite during early diagenesis, and replaced dolomite before the major phase of burial. Crystalline and coarsely crystalline magnesite replacing micritic magnesite formed late in the diagenetic/metamorphic history. Magnesite apparently precipitated from sea water-derived brine, diluted by meteoric fluids. Magnesitization was accomplished under evaporitic conditions (sabkha to playa lake environment) proposed to be similar to the Coorong or Lake Walyungup coastal playa magnesite. Magnesite and host dolostones formed in evaporative and partly restricted environments; consequently, extremely high delta C-13 values reflect a combined contribution from both global and local carbon reservoirs. A C- 13-rich global carbon reservoir (delta C-13 at around +5 parts per thousand) is related to the perturbation of the carbon cycle at 2.0 Ga, whereas the local enhancement in C-13 (up to +12 parts per thousand) is associated with evaporative and restricted environments with high bioproductivity

    Lepton polarization correlations in BKττ+B \to K^* \tau^- \tau^+

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    In this work we will study the polarizations of both leptons (τ\tau) in the decay channel BKττ+B\to K^* \tau^- \tau^+. In the case of the dileptonic inclusive decay BK+B\to K^* \ell^- \ell^+, where apart from the polarization asymmetries of single lepton \ell, one can also observe the polarization asymmetries of both leptons simultaneously. If this sort of measurement is possible then we can have, apart from decay rate, FB asymmetry and the six single lepton polarization asymmetries (three each for \ell^- and +\ell^+), nine more double polarization asymmetries. This will give us a very useful tool in more strict testing of SM and the physics beyond. We discuss the double polarization asymmetries of τ\tau leptons in the decay mode BKττ+B\to K^* \tau^- \tau^+ within the SM and the Minimal Supersymmetric extensions of it.Comment: 21 pages, 21 figures; version to match paper to appear in PR

    Using the past to constrain the future: how the palaeorecord can improve estimates of global warming

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    Climate sensitivity is defined as the change in global mean equilibrium temperature after a doubling of atmospheric CO2 concentration and provides a simple measure of global warming. An early estimate of climate sensitivity, 1.5-4.5{\deg}C, has changed little subsequently, including the latest assessment by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. The persistence of such large uncertainties in this simple measure casts doubt on our understanding of the mechanisms of climate change and our ability to predict the response of the climate system to future perturbations. This has motivated continued attempts to constrain the range with climate data, alone or in conjunction with models. The majority of studies use data from the instrumental period (post-1850) but recent work has made use of information about the large climate changes experienced in the geological past. In this review, we first outline approaches that estimate climate sensitivity using instrumental climate observations and then summarise attempts to use the record of climate change on geological timescales. We examine the limitations of these studies and suggest ways in which the power of the palaeoclimate record could be better used to reduce uncertainties in our predictions of climate sensitivity.Comment: The final, definitive version of this paper has been published in Progress in Physical Geography, 31(5), 2007 by SAGE Publications Ltd, All rights reserved. \c{opyright} 2007 Edwards, Crucifix and Harriso