96 research outputs found

    Research Performance Based Funding Systems: a Comparative Assessment

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    Performance based funding is used by most EU Member States to increase the performance of their public research system. This report analyses the different nature of systems in EU Member States, selected associated and third countries. It aims to inform Member States which are in a process of mutual learning to improve the design of their allocation systems. • Research Performance based funding systems provide incentives to increase scientific performance and concentrates resources in well performing organisations • The nature of systems in place differs widely • The specific features of RPBF assessment designs can generate unintended consequences • The assessment suggests RPBF as a potential avenue for several Member States • The choice for specific designs, taking into accounts costs and potential benefits, should take into account the national contextJRC.J.6-Innovation Systems Analysi

    The Internationalisation of Research and Technology Organisations

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    The aim of this policy brief is to come to a guiding document for RTOs to engage in the process of internationalisation and thus facilitate mutual learning between RTOs. The information in report builds on a joint workshop organised by the JRC and EARTO on 21st June 2016.JRC.B.7-Knowledge for Finance, Innovation and Growt

    RIO Country Report 2016: The Netherlands

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    The 2016 series of the RIO Country Report analyses and assesses the development and performance of the national research and innovation systems of the EU-28 Member States and related policies with the aim of monitoring and evaluating EU policy implementation as well as facilitating policy learning in the Member States.JRC.B.7-Knowledge for Finance, Innovation and Growt

    RIO Country Report 2017: The Netherlands

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    The R&I Observatory country report 2017 provides a brief analysis of the R&I system covering the economic context, main actors, funding trends & human resources, policies to address R&I challenges, and R&I in national and regional smart specialisation strategies. Data is from Eurostat, unless otherwise referenced and is correct as at January 2018. Data used from other international sources is also correct to that date. The report provides a state-of-play and analysis of the national level R&I system and its challenges, to support the European Semester.JRC.B.7-Knowledge for Finance, Innovation and Growt

    The research performance of the European Commission’s Science and Knowledge Service, Joint Research Centre (2007-2015) - A bibliometric analysis

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    This report presents an assessment of the JRC's scientific and technical research activities in the period 2007-2015, focusing on research outputs and citation impact. The aim of the report is to inform a panel of independent experts, who will carry out an implementation review of the JRC half way the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, Horizon 2020. The report provides information on the number of JRC research publications and the scientific impact of those publications, based on data and metrics derived from Thomson Reuter’s InCites platform and the Web of Science database.JRC.B.7-Knowledge for Finance, Innovation and Growt

    Societal Grand Challenges from a technological perspective: Methods and identification of classes of the International Patent Classification IPC

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    [Introduction] The aim of this working paper is the provision of a list of IPC classes assigned to each of the technology-oriented Societal Grand Challenges (SGCs) of Horizon2020 and the description of the methods and workings steps that have led to this list. Patents are a vested right on the exclusive use of a certain technological solution. In consequence, patent data can only be collected for technology-driven or at least partially technology-affected areas. In terms of the Societal Grand Challenges, we see that six out of seven of them have at least in part a technology-affection, while one - namely "Europe in a changing world, inclusive, innovative and reflective societies" - can hardly be defined based on patent classes. We are fully aware of the fact that the Societal Grand Challenges have other, non-technical dimensions, which cannot be grasped on the basis of patents or patent statistics. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to provide a definition of the technological dimensions of the Societal Grand Challenges, while other dimensions will not be addressed. Next to definitions of patent classes for the six Grand Challenges, also definitions of the sub-fields of the Societal Grand Challenges will be provided. [...]This study was funded by the JRC-IPTS (Institute of Prospective Technology Studies) in the project with the title "Collection and analysis of private R&D investment and patent data in different sectors, thematic areas and societal challenges" (JRC/BRU/2014/J.6/0015/OC

    A Regional Innovation Impact Assessment Framework for universities

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    This report provides a framework to assess the impact of universities on their regional innovation ecosystem. The policy context for this work is provided by: a) the Renewed EU agenda for higher education which argued that universities do not attain their full potential; and b) the report by the High Level Group chaired by Pascal Lamy which called for an additional funding stream to support universities to modernise and increase their innovation impact. This report explores what the assessment framework underpinning such an innovation performance based funding instrument could look like. However, it acknowledges that the final form of such a framework would heavily depend on the regional, national or EU level instrument through which it is implemented. The report proposes a system in which universities draft a case study supported by indicators, through which they present evidence of their contribution to regional innovation. It identifies four impact categories and identifies a list of associated indicators. In this "narrative with numbers the universities can both explain how they reach this impact and contextualise their performance with reference to the development level of their region.JRC.B.7-Knowledge for Finance, Innovation and Growt

    Openness and Impact of Leading Scientific Countries

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    The rapid rise of international collaboration over the past three decades, demonstrated in coauthorship of scientific articles, raises the question of whether countries benefit from cooperative science and how this might be measured. We develop and compare measures to ask this question. For all source publications in 2013, we obtained from Elsevier national-level full and fractional paper counts as well as accompanying field-weighted citation counts. Then we collected information from Elsevier on the percent of all internationally coauthored papers for each country, as well as Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) measures of the international mobility of the scientific workforce in 2013, and conducted a principle component analysis that produced an openness index. We added data from the OECD on government budget allocation on research and development (GBARD) for 2011 to tie in the public spending that contributed to the 2013 output. We found that openness among advanced science systems is strongly correlated with impact—the more internationally engaged a nation is in terms of coauthorships and researcher mobility, the higher the impact of scientific work. The results have important implications for policy making around investment, as well as the flows of students, researchers, and technical workers
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