179 research outputs found

    Replacement of Maize/Soybean Meal Concentrate by High Moisture Maize Grain Plus Wholeseed Soybean Silage for Cattle

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    Ensiling high moisture maize grain with wholeseed soybean can increase quality of silage, mainly in relation to protein and energy (Jobim et al., 2002) working as concentrate. This fact contributes to reduced use of concentrate and costs for milk and beef production, and costs related to grain storage on the farms. The objective of this study was to evaluate the nutritive value of high moisture maize grain plus wholeseed soybean silage through partial and total digestibility in cattle

    Subjectivation machines, surveillance capitalism and algorithms: an approach from the brazilian case

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    Sob o big data e os algoritmos escondem-se complexas tecnologias de poder que compõem a racionalidade neoliberal, e que almejam prever e condicionar o comportamento coletivo tanto para a manutenção da ordem quanto para a produção de receitas econômicas. O trabalho objetiva analisar o capitalismo de vigilância, a extração e categorização de emoções e traços psíquicos a partir dos dados, ações e padrões comportamentais para o exercício de poder, compreendendo como se produzem essas máquinas de subjetivação, e de que maneira os desejos podem ser manejados para determinados fins políticos. Por fim, o contexto brasileiro encontra-se numa posição de destaque para este estudo, principalmente após as últimas eleições presidenciais e as atuais estratégias utilizadas pelo governo Bolsonaro.Under big-data and algorithms lurk the complex technologies of power that make up neoliberal rationality, and which aim to predict and condition collective behavior for the maintenance of order and the production of economic revenues. The paper aims to analyze surveillance capitalism, the extraction and categorization of emotions and psychic traits from the data, actions and behavioral patterns for the exercise of power, understanding the functioning of these subjectivation machines, and how desires can be channeled or transformed for economic or political purposes, that is, how these strategies of power work, resonate, and produce. Finally, the Brazilian context is in a prominent position for this study, especially after the latest electoral dynamics in 2018 and the current practices of the Bolsonaro government.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad CSO2016-78386-


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    Este libro nace con la voluntad de compilar algunos de los trabajos que, desde la llamada frontera del conocimiento, dan cuenta de lo que he venido en denominar Algoritarismos, esto es, las complejas relaciones contemporáneas entre la tecnología y la vida

    Topcrosses in the selection of testers and inbred lines S3 for the yield and bromatological quality of silage maize.

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    The study aiming to evaluate the combining ability of maize partially inbred lines (S3) in crosses with testers ofnarrow genetic base aiming at the selection of the inbred lines, testers and topcross hybrids. Three simple latticetrials with 81 treatments were carried out in the 2014/2015 and 2015/2016 growing seasons. For each growingseason, trials were used to evaluate the topcross hybrids obtained in combination with the testers AG8088,DKB330 (single-cross hybrids) and 9.H33.3 (line). The hybrid AG8088 and line 9.H3.33 were the best testers forgrain yield. The line 9.H3.33 was the best tester for the traits related to yield and quality of silage maize. Theinbred lines that stood out for their combining abilities and capacity of generating great topcross hybrids with thetesters (i.e., 201-23.2, 201-59.1, 201-80.2, 201-81.5, 203-195.3, 201-100.4, 201-145.4, 201-169.3, 202-155, 202-159, 203-23, 203- 31, 203-32, 203-38, 203-75, 203-98, 203-111, 203-135, 203-139, 203-150, 203-188, 203-235,and 203-237) should be maintained in the UEM silage maize breeding program. Progenies 201-59.01, 201-100.4,203-135, 203-150, 203-235 and 203-254 were selected as tester lines of progenies derived from selfing of thetesters AG8088 and DKB330 to improve the silage maize quality. The topcross hybrids 201-95.3 x 9.H3.33, 203-71x 9.H3.33, 203-72 x 9.H3.33, 203-88 x 9.H3.33, 203-139 x 9.H3.33, and 203-150 x 9.H3.33 were selected for goodperformance for agronomic and bromatological silage maize traits. These hybrids are indicated for evaluationsin more environments, with a view to recommending commercial cultivars for grain and silage production in thefuture

    Original articles Nutritional value of ten earless corn hybrids used for silage ¤ Valor nutricional de diez híbridos de maíz sin mazorca utilizados para ensilaje Valor nutritivo de dez híbridos de milho sem espiga utilizados para silagem

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    Summary Background: corn plant silage is characterized by its high nutritional value and high energy content. However, it is important to determine corn silage characteristics that affect its nutritional value, such as the cell wall constituents. Objective: the objective of this experiment was to evaluate the chemical-bromatological composition and apparent digestibility of 10 corn hybrids (DK265 m , DK265, HS5, HS6, HTV2, HTV27, Anjou285, Mexxal, Pistachio and Buxxil). Methods: the hybrids were planted at INRA (Unité of Génétique Amélioration des Plantes Fourragères, Lusignan, France) in an area of 150 m 2 . The experiment was conducted in triplicate. All evaluations were conducted in whole corn plants without ears. Results: the DK265 m hybrids presented the best values for enzymatic solubility and cell wall digestibility; it was associated with reduced cell wall KL and esterified p-coumaric acid content compared with the other hybrids. The corn hybrids were evaluated before ensilage using Near Infrared Spectrometry, and a significant difference for chemical composition was found among treatments. Conclusion: DK265 m showed superior digestibility of DM, OM, cellulose, NDF and IVDMD compared to the other hybrids

    A pecuária de corte no Paraná – desenvolvimento, caracterização e o papel das pastagens

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    Esta revisão procura analisar, para o caso do estado do Paraná, Brasil, o desenvolvimento  e as características da pecuária de corte, bem como a distribuição, o papel e o potencial produtivo das pastagens. As alterações nas áreas de pastagens são discutidas. A pecuária de corte no Paraná está baseada quase que no uso  exclusivo de pastagens utilizadas sob pastejo. O clima no estado é o determinante para a ampla adaptação e a maior utilização de gramíneas que crescem nas estações da primavera e verão. As gramíneas forrageiras, além de prover alimento (pasto, feno, silagem) para a indústria bovina,  apresentam importante papel paisagístico, na manutenção da flora campestre e na conservação do solo e da vida selvagem. O potencial de produção animal de forrageiras de verão e de inverno utilizadas de modo intensivo é alto. Muitas pesquisas com pastagens devem ainda ser realizadas. O reconhecimento do papel e do potencial das pastagens é de suma importância para o desenvolvimento da pecuária de corte desse estado do Brasil