102 research outputs found


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    Following Furtuoso and Guilhoto (2003) the GDP of the Brazilian Agribusiness is estimated to be around 27% of the Brazilian GDP in 2000, and the latest numbers show that it could be reaching 30% of the Brazilian GDP in 2003. Despite its importance for the Brazilian economy as a whole, the size of the Brazilian territory and the regional differences draws attention for the fact that the importance of the agribusiness is not uniform over the Brazilian regions, and if the agribusiness is also divided into its four components, i.e., a) inputs to agriculture; b) agriculture; c) agriculture based industry; and d) final distribution, the differences are even bigger. In this paper it is made a study of the importance of the agribusiness for the 27 states of the Brazilian economy, taking into consideration its four components. The analysis is conduct for the year of 1999 using an interregional input-output system constructed for the Brazilian economy by Guilhoto et al. (2004).

    Sectoral analysis of production structure and topography: the agricultural cooperatives in Paraná

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    In 1996, the agricultural cooperatives in Paraná were responsible for 55% of the state's agriculture GDP , and they act in the food industry. Analyze the evolution of industry structure of the state in 1990 and 1995, considering explicitly the Agricultural sector and the components of the Food Industry breakdown in Cooperative and Non-Cooperative, is the goal of this study. From the regional input-output matrices for 40 sectors , the analysis concludes that: the sectors Pulp, Paper and Printing and Textiles were key in 1990 and 1995;, the production structure of Paraná showed in a less clear way than in years 80, trend of change in the sectoral composition in favor of other sectors of manufacturing industry in the 90 years;, the technical coefficients of the agricultural cooperatives were very similar to the non-cooperative, showing the monitoring of technological evolution in the sectors in focus ; the sectors linked to the cooperatives were most impacted by the increase in final demand in relation to production, income and employment.Regional input-output, agriculture

    Economic structural change over time: Brazil and the United States compared

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    Usando as matrizes de insumo-produto para as economias do Brasil e dos Estados Unidos, este estudo comparativo tem como objetivo analisar como a estrutura produtiva de dois grandes países, com níveis diferentes de desenvolvimento, mudou através do tempo (1958-77 para os Estados Unidos e 1959-80 para o Brasil). A mudança na estrutura produtiva e decomposta em três componentes iniciais (demanda final, tecnologia, e sua interação sinergética), após o que estes componentes são divididos em mudanças que são iniciadas dentro e fora do setor. A partir destas analises e possível identificar os padrões de mudanças estruturais nas duas economias. Os resultados indicam um grande grau de semelhança nos padrões do processo de crescimento de ambos os países, com diferenças mais significantes entre setores do que entre países. A análise capaz de capturar diferenças importantes na origem das mudanças da demanda, isto e mudanças internas versus mudanças externas ao setor.Using input-output tables for the economies of Brazil and the United States, this comparative study focuses on changes in the economic structure of two large countries with different levels of development over time (1958-77 for the United States and 1959-80 for Brazil). The change in the economic structure is decomposed into three initial components (final demand, technology, and their synergistic interaction) and thereafter these components are further divided into change initiated within the sector and outside the sector. From this analysis it is possible to identify patterns of structural change in the two economies. The results indicate a rather remarkable degree of commonality in the patterns of growth processes in both countries, with more significant differences between sectors than between countries. The analysis confirmed earlier findings about the role of demand changes but was able to capture important differences in internal-to-sector versus external-to-sector sources of demand change

    Estrutura do mercado brasileiro de flores e plantas ornamentais

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    The objective of this paper is to analyze the structure of the flower and ornamental plants sector of Brazil and to verify the perspectives of its insertion in the international traded. The last years have seen efforts towards structuring the market, increasing the species and varieties mix, professionalizing the producttion chain actors and easing the access to new production technology. Starting with reference year 200, we analyzed the sector´s structure based on both the input-output theory and the matrix construction methods in order to obtain the input-output model and to calculate the multipliers, linkage indexes (Rasmussen- Hirschman and pure indexes) and influence fields. The results provided a better understanding of the impact of this sector on the Brazilian economy and an evaluation of its competitiveness and performance in the international market

    Estrutura do mercado brasileiro de flores e plantas ornamentais

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    The objective of this paper is to analyze the structure of the flower and ornamental plants sector of Brazil and to verify the perspectives of its insertion in the international traded. The last years have seen efforts towards structuring the market, increasing the species and varieties mix, professionalizing the producttion chain actors and easing the access to new production technology. Starting with reference year 200, we analyzed the sector´s structure based on both the input-output theory and the matrix construction methods in order to obtain the input-output model and to calculate the multipliers, linkage indexes (Rasmussen- Hirschman and pure indexes) and influence fields. The results provided a better understanding of the impact of this sector on the Brazilian economy and an evaluation of its competitiveness and performance in the international market

    Impactos da substituição de importações de produtos agrícolas e agroindustriais na economia brasileira

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    Due to its natural resources, the Brazilian economy has been able, at the same time, to provide the needs of the internal market of agricultural an agroindustrial products as well as of playing a major role in the international market for some agricultural and agroindustrial products. However, it can be observed a negative surplus in the trade balance of some agricultural products. This paper evaluates the impacts that a supposed process of import substitution of agricultural and agroindustrials products would have in the Brazilian economy. To do so, it is made use of the input-output theory, where the imports of the above products are now being considered as domestic products. In this procedure, it was implicitly assumed that there would be some kind of compensatory policy to allow for the domestic sectors to supply the imported products at the same price level as in the international market and that there would not be retaliations in the international market. The impacts are measured by applying different kinds approaches, e.g., multipliers, forward and backward linkages, and field-of-influence, to the observed and modified input-output systems. The results show gains for the economy as a whole, without significant changes in the productive structure. The Textile sector would be the one to respond more positively to the policy being proposed here


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    This work quantifies the CO2 emissions from energy use of natural gas, alcohol and oil derived products at a regional level and evaluates the impacts of eventual policies for emissions control. The results pointed the connection between the activity level and the emissions of CO2 for each energy input considered for the six regions detailing the portion of the total emissions caused by final demand, interindustry consumption and household consumption. The model was also used to make simulations in order to evaluate the economic effects of a hypothetic control on emissions.

    Employment generation in Brazilian coffee regions

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    Due to the specific characteristics of coffee production on each of the main Brazilian states producers of arabica (Coffea arabica) and robusta coffee (Coffea canephora), a better understanding of the structural links between production and industrialization of coffee on those states and the national economy can provide subsides for implementation of public policies, essential to plan the coffee production and increase the sector competitiveness. Therefore, this study analyzed the employment generation in production and coffee industrialization in the major Brazilian production regions, based on an inter-regional input-output model, with seven regions, which represent the main coffee-producing states - Minas Gerais, Espirito Santo, São Paulo, Paraná, Bahia and Other States - with 44 sectors each, in a system of 308 sectors. The results indicated that the production of robusta coffee is the sector that generates more employments (total) per currency unit, and that arabica production sector is the fourth largest generator of employments, among the 44 sectors considered for the country. The results for each state emphasized the importance of farming and coffee industry for national and state economies.Coffee; Coffee Production; Input-Output

    O impacto da globalização na indústria têxtil, 1990 a 1999

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    The economic liberalization and globalization process, started in the 90s, brought a strong impact on the Brazilian economy. Between 1988 and 1993, was held an extensive process of liberalization, gradually reducing the degree of protection of local industry. It is in this context that originates the restructuring of the Brazilian textile sector, very fragile with strong competition from imported products, due to the outdated technology of the industrial park, and the lack of competitiveness, arising in part due to tariff protection. Thus, using the methodology of input-output matrix, this paper analyzes the behavior of the Textile Industry in respect the impact of imports, and the issue of jobs in this sector during the nineties. It aims to present its direct and indirect coefficients, and how much import and employment come from the endogenization household consumption. The results indicate a decrease in import multipliers and an increase in employment multipliers