27 research outputs found

    Measuring socio-demographic differences in volunteers with a value-based index: illustration in a mega event

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    The phenomenon of volunteering can be analysed as a consumer experience through the concept of value as a trade-off between benefits and costs. In event volunteering, both the expected value (pre-experienced) and the perceived value (post-experienced) of volunteering can be assessed. With this purpose, an online quantitative survey is conducted with a sample of 711 volunteers in a religious mega event, with questions related to five dimensions of their experience: efficiency, social value, play, spirituality and time spent. These five scales, properly tested are used for building a multidimensional index of both the expected and perceived value of the volunteer experience. ANOVAs test show significant differences on the index in both moments upon the socio-demographic profiles: negative expectations/experience balance by age, contrasted results by sex, and more experienced volunteers being more critical with the value experienced. Implications for event managers are proposed, in line with the motivation of volunteers

    Geographic Diversity of Human-Immunodeficiency-Virus Type-1 - Serologic Reactivity to Env Epitopes and Relationship to Neutralization

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    The antibody recognition of the major neutralization epitopes of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) in 829 HIV-1-seropositive subjects from North America (106), Europe (241), Africa (342), and Asia (100) was investigated. Peptides derived from diverse published V3 loop sequences were used as antigen, and serum reactivity was detected by sensitive ELISAs. Antibody binding to peptides derived from the V3 loop sequence of HIV-1 isolates varies considerably depending on the geographic origin of the antibody and is associated with neutralization titer against homologous isolates. Serotype reactivity to peptides may be a simple and rapid approach to investigation of HIV-1 env diversity worldwide and may assist the choice of immunogen for development of future AIDS vaccines

    Allosteric activation of the RNF146 ubiquitin ligase by a poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation signal

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    Protein poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation (PARylation) has a role in diverse cellular processes such as DNA repair, transcription, Wnt signalling, and cell death. Recent studies have shown that PARylation can serve as a signal for the polyubiquitination and degradation of several crucial regulatory proteins, including Axin and 3BP2 (refs 7, 8, 9). The RING-type E3 ubiquitin ligase RNF146 (also known as Iduna) is responsible for PARylation-dependent ubiquitination (PARdU). Here we provide a structural basis for RNF146-catalysed PARdU and how PARdU specificity is achieved. First, we show that iso-ADP-ribose (iso-ADPr), the smallest internal poly(ADP-ribose) (PAR) structural unit, binds between the WWE and RING domains of RNF146 and functions as an allosteric signal that switches the RING domain from a catalytically inactive state to an active one. In the absence of PAR, the RING domain is unable to bind and activate a ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme (E2) efficiently. Binding of PAR or iso-ADPr induces a major conformational change that creates a functional RING structure. Thus, RNF146 represents a new mechanistic class of RING E3 ligases, the activities of which are regulated by non-covalent ligand binding, and that may provide a template for designing inducible protein-degradation systems. Second, we find that RNF146 directly interacts with the PAR polymerase tankyrase (TNKS). Disruption of the RNF146-TNKS interaction inhibits turnover of the substrate Axin in cells. Thus, both substrate PARylation and PARdU are catalysed by enzymes within the same protein complex, and PARdU substrate specificity may be primarily determined by the substrate-TNKS interaction. We propose that the maintenance of unliganded RNF146 in an inactive state may serve to maintain the stability of the RNF146-TNKS complex, which in turn regulates the homeostasis of PARdU activity in the cel