1,571 research outputs found

    Neurological Impacts of Covid-19 and Worldwide Scientific Production about the Subject: A Bibliometric Analysis

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    Introduction: The novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) was first reported by officials in Wuhan City, in December 2019. It has rapidly spread with confirmed cases in almost every country across the world and has caused a global public health crisis.¹ The epidemiological update of the World Health Organization on9th March 2021 showed that over 2.7 million new cases were reported. In this article, a biblometrical analysis of trending topics and what is being researched regarding COVID-19 and its neurological involvement is done. Methods: This research was conducted on the Web of Science Core Collection (WoS). For research in WoS, keywords in English were used, according to DeCS - Descriptors in Health Sciences. The search strategy with Boolean operators was: TS = (SARS-CoV-2 OR COVID-19) AND TS=(Neurologic Findings OR Neurology OR Neurologic Manifestations). Results: In total, 392 scientific productions were identified and included in this bibliometric analysis. The studies were publishedin the period between March 2020 and March 2021, with records prevalent in the themes of clinical neurology (n=234) and neurosciences (n=134), as well as several other areas. The thirty studies collected a total of 3395 citations, with variations from 1433 to 26 and average of 113 citations per study. All werepublished in 2020, with bigger prevalence in July (nine articles) and June (six articles). Conclusion: It is expected that this bibliometric survey will serve as a manner of presenting the main topics of study within neurology before COVID-19, in addition providing guidance for future research.

    The view of teachers on bullying and implications for nursing

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    Objetivo: Compreender o bullying escolar, na perspectiva dos professores, e refletir sobre as possíveis ações da área da saúde em seu enfrentamento. Para tanto, tomaram- se por base as diretrizes do Programa Saúde na Escola, dos Ministérios da Saúde e da Educação. Método: Estudo de caso qualitativo, realizado com professores de uma escola pública de Minas Gerais. Foram utilizados grupos focais na coleta de dados e o material empírico foi decodificado a partir de técnica de análise temática de conteúdo, resultando em uma categoria analítica: concepções e experiências de professores diante do bullying. Resultados: Foram identificadas percepções pontuais sobre o fenômeno e utilização de recursos de intervenção pouco eficazes. No plano interpretativo, problematizaram-se as contribuições da saúde e da enfermagem no redimensionamento das intervenções e no processo de formação continuada dos professores. Conclusão: Os resultados apontam para a construção de práticas intersetoriais para o enfrentamento do bullying.To understand school bullying from the perspective of teachers and reflect about the possible actions of the health area when coping with it. The guidelines of the School Health Program of the Ministries of Health and Education were used to reach that purpose. Method: A qualitative study carried out with teachers of a public school in Minas Gerais. Focus groups were used to collect data and the empirical material was decoded from thematic analysis of content, resulting in an analytical category: conceptions and experiences of teachers on bullying. Results: Specific perceptions about the phenomenon and the use of ineffective intervention resources were identified. In the interpretive plan were problematized the health and nursing contributions with resizing the interventions and the continuing training process of teachers. Conclusion: The results point to the construction of intersectoral practices forcoping with bullying.Objetivo: Comprender el bullying escolar desde la perspectiva de los profesores, y reflexionar sobre las posibles acciones del área de salud en su enfrentamiento. Tomando como base los lineamientos del Programa de Salud Escolar, de los Ministerios de Salud y de Educación. Método: Estudio de caso cualitativo realizado con los profesores de una escuela pública en Minas Gerais. Para la recolección de datos se utilizaron grupos focales y el material empírico fue decodificado a partir de la técnica de análisis temático de contenido, dando lugar a una categoría analítica: concepciones y experiencias de los profesores sobre el acoso escolar. Resultados: Se identificaron percepciones específicas sobre el fenómeno y la utilización de recursos ineficaces de intervención. En el plano interpretativo, se problematizaron las contribuciones de la salud y de la enfermería en el redimensionamiento de las intervenciones y en el proceso de formación continua de los profesores. Conclusión: Los resultados apuntan a la construcción de prácticas intersectoriales para el enfrentamiento del bullying.CIEC - Centro de Investigação em Estudos da Criança, UM (UI 317 da FCT