6,895 research outputs found

    The association of up-regulation of FGF3 and hepatocellular carcinoma metastasis and recurrence

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    The Grassmannian and the Twistor String: Connecting All Trees in N=4 SYM

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    We present a new, explicit formula for all tree-level amplitudes in N=4 super Yang-Mills. The formula is written as a certain contour integral of the connected prescription of Witten's twistor string, expressed in link variables. A very simple deformation of the integrand gives directly the Grassmannian integrand proposed by Arkani-Hamed et al. together with the explicit contour of integration. The integral is derived by iteratively adding particles to the Grassmannian integral, one particle at a time, and makes manifest both parity and soft limits. The formula is shown to be related to those given by Dolan and Goddard, and generalizes the results of earlier work for NMHV and N^2MHV to all N^(k-2)MHV tree amplitudes in N=4 super Yang-Mills.Comment: 26 page

    Arabidopsis thaliana VDAC2 involvement in salt stress response pathway

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    Soil salinity seriously affects plants distribution and yield, while salt stress induces SOS genes, and voltage-dependent anion channels (VDAC) and a mitochondrial porin, are induced too. In this paper, phenotypes of AtVDAC2 transgenic lines and wild type (RLD) were analyzed. It was found that AtVDAC2 over-expressing transgenic plants were more sensitive to NaCl, and produced more H2O2 in the NaCl treatment. Also, to find the inner reason, the salt overly sensitive gene 3 (SOS3) expression level was changed with the expression of AtVDAC2. So, it was conjectured that the signal of salt stress response was first sent to AtVDAC2, then AtVDAC2 expression improved, leading to the down-stream signals changes, such as accumulation of H2O2 and improved expression of SOS3. So, it was found that in the over-expression of transgenic lines with AtVDAC2 up-regulation, SOS3 expression increased significantly, and in the inhibited-expressing lines, it was vice versa. In summary, AtVDAC2 was involved in salt stress signaling pathway, and it regulated SOS3 gene expression.Key words: Arabidopsis thaliana, voltage-dependent anion channels (VDAC), salt stress, signaling pathway

    The association of cytoplasmic overexpression of cyclin d1 and tumor metastasis in Hepatocellular Carcinoma

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    Heterogenous expression of beta-catenin, p16, e-cadherin, and c-myc in multi-stage colorectal carcinogenesis detected by tissue microarray

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    Thermodynamic Properties of Holographic Multiquark and the Multiquark Star

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    We study thermodynamic properties of the multiquark nuclear matter. The dependence of the equation of state on the colour charges is explored both analytically and numerically in the limits where the baryon density is small and large at fixed temperature between the gluon deconfinement and chiral symmetry restoration. The gravitational stability of the hypothetical multiquark stars are discussed using the Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff equation. Since the equations of state of the multiquarks can be well approximated by different power laws for small and large density, the content of the multiquark stars has the core and crust structure. We found that most of the mass of the star comes from the crust region where the density is relatively small. The mass limit of the multiquark star is determined as well as its relation to the star radius. For typical energy density scale of 10GeV/fm310\text{GeV}/\text{fm}^{3}, the converging mass and radius of the hypothetical multiquark star in the limit of large central density are approximately solar mass and 15-27 km. The adiabatic index and sound speed distributions of the multiquark matter in the star are also calculated and discussed. The sound speed never exceeds the speed of light and the multiquark matters are thus compressible even at high density and pressure.Comment: 27 pages, 17 figures, 1 table, JHEP versio

    Activation of Human Stearoyl-Coenzyme A Desaturase 1 Contributes to the Lipogenic Effect of PXR in HepG2 Cells

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    The pregnane X receptor (PXR) was previously known as a xenobiotic receptor. Several recent studies suggested that PXR also played an important role in lipid homeostasis but the underlying mechanism remains to be clearly defined. In this study, we found that rifampicin, an agonist of human PXR, induced lipid accumulation in HepG2 cells. Lipid analysis showed the total cholesterol level increased. However, the free cholesterol and triglyceride levels were not changed. Treatment of HepG2 cells with rifampicin induced the expression of the free fatty acid transporter CD36 and ABCG1, as well as several lipogenic enzymes, including stearoyl-CoA desaturase-1 (SCD1), long chain free fatty acid elongase (FAE), and lecithin-cholesterol acyltransferase (LCAT), while the expression of acyl:cholesterol acetyltransferase(ACAT1) was not affected. Moreover, in PXR over-expressing HepG2 cells (HepG2-PXR), the SCD1 expression was significantly higher than in HepG2-Vector cells, even in the absence of rifampicin. Down-regulation of PXR by shRNA abolished the rifampicin-induced SCD1 gene expression in HepG2 cells. Promoter analysis showed that the human SCD1 gene promoter is activated by PXR and a novel DR-7 type PXR response element (PXRE) response element was located at -338 bp of the SCD1 gene promoter. Taken together, these results indicated that PXR activation promoted lipid synthesis in HepG2 cells and SCD1 is a novel PXR target gene. © 2013 Zhang et al

    Regulation of the flowering time of Arabidopsis thaliana by thylakoid ascorbate peroxidase

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    Flowering time of higher plants is precisely controlled by various exogenous and endogenous factors. Recent researches implied that H2O2 is a potential flowering initiation factor. In order to confirm this hypothesis, thylakoid ascorbate peroxidase (tAPX) overexpressing Arabidopsis, the mutant line containing a T-DNA insertion and the wild type have been analyzed in this study, since APX was an important enzyme scavenging H2O2 in plant cells. It was found that during the vegetative growth stage there was no phenotypic difference among the three lines under common conditions, but 3,3’-diaminobenzidinetetrahydrochloride (DAB) staining showed that the endogenous H2O2 content varied: the mutant line had the highest content; the wild type took the second place, while the tAPX-overexpressing line had the lowest H2O2 content. This trend was in accordance with the bolting and flowering time during the following reproductive growth stage: the mutant bolted and flowered first, followed by the wild type, and the overexpressing line bolted and flowered last. This correlation confirmed the previous hypothesis that “H2O2 is a possible factor in flowering induction”.Keywords: Ascorbate peroxidase, Arabidopsis thaliana, flowering time, hydrogen peroxide

    The effect of cigarette price increase on the cigarette consumption in Taiwan: evidence from the National Health Interview Surveys on cigarette consumption

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    BACKGROUND: This study uses cigarette price elasticity to evaluate the effect of a new excise tax increase on cigarette consumption and to investigate responses from various types of smokers. METHODS: Our sample consisted of current smokers between 17 and 69 years old interviewed during an annual face-to-face survey conducted by Taiwan National Health Research Institutes between 2000 to 2003. We used Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) procedure to estimate double logarithmic function of cigarette demand and cigarette price elasticity. RESULTS: In 2002, after Taiwan had enacted the new tax scheme, cigarette price elasticity in Taiwan was found to be -0.5274. The new tax scheme brought about an average annual 13.27 packs/person (10.5%) reduction in cigarette consumption. Using the cigarette price elasticity estimate from -0.309 in 2003, we calculated that if the Health and Welfare Tax were increased by another NT$ 3 per pack and cigarette producers shifted this increase to the consumers, cigarette consumption would be reduced by 2.47 packs/person (2.2%). The value of the estimated cigarette price elasticity is smaller than one, meaning that the tax will not only reduce cigarette consumption but it will also generate additional tax revenues. Male smokers who had no income or who smoked light cigarettes were found to be more responsive to changes in cigarette price. CONCLUSIONS: An additional tax added to the cost of cigarettes would bring about a reduction in cigarette consumption and increased tax revenues. It would also help reduce incidents smoking-related illnesses. The additional tax revenues generated by the tax increase could be used to offset the current financial deficiency of Taiwan's National Health Insurance program and provide better public services