107 research outputs found

    Alternative mRNA Editing in Trypanosomes Is Extensive and May Contribute to Mitochondrial Protein Diversity

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    The editing of trypanosome mitochondrial mRNAs produces transcripts necessary for mitochondrial functions including electron transport and oxidative phosphorylation. Precursor-mRNAs are often extensively edited by specific uridine insertion or deletion that is directed by small guide RNAs (gRNAs). Recently, it has been shown that cytochrome c oxidase subunit III (COXIII) mRNAs can be alternatively edited to encode a novel mitochondrial membrane protein composed of a unique hydrophilic N-terminal sequence of unknown function and the C-terminal hydrophobic segment of COXIII. To extend the analysis of alternative editing in Trypanosoma brucei we have constructed libraries with over 1100 full-length mitochondrial cDNAs and the sequences of over 1200 gRNA genes. Using this data, we show that alternative editing of COXIII, ATPase subunit 6 (A6), and NADH dehydrogenase subunits 7, 8 and 9 (ND7, 8, 9) mRNAs can produce novel open reading frames (ORFs). Several gRNAs potentially responsible for the alternative editing of these mRNAs were also identified. These findings show that alternative editing of mitochondrial mRNAs is common in T. brucei and expands the diversity of mitochondrial proteins in these organisms

    Psychiatry out-of-hours: a focus group study of GPs' experiences in Norwegian casualty clinics

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    Background: For Norwegian general practitioners (GPs), acute treatment of mental illness and substance abuse are among the most commonly experienced emergency situations in out-of-hours primary healthcare. The largest share of acute referrals to emergency psychiatric wards occurs out-of-hours, and out-of-hours services are responsible for a disproportionately high share of compulsory referrals. Concerns exist regarding the quality of mental healthcare provided in the out-of-hours setting. The aim of this study was to explore which challenges GPs experience when providing emergency care out-of-hours to patients presenting problems related to mental illness or substance abuse. Methods: We conducted a qualitative study based on two individual interviews and six focus groups with purposively sampled GPs (totally 45 participants). The interviews were analysed successively in an editing style, using a thematic approach based on methodological descriptions by Charmaz and Malterud. Results: Safety and uncertainty were the dominating themes in the discussions. The threat to personal safety due to unpredictable patient behaviour was a central concern, and present security precautions in the out-of-hours services were questioned. The GPs expressed high levels of uncertainty in their work with patients presenting problems related to mental illness or substance abuse. The complexity of the problems presented, shortage of time, limited access to reliable information and limited range of interventions available during out-of-hours contributed to this uncertainty. Perceived access to second opinion seemed to have a major impact on subjectively experienced work stress. Conclusions: The GPs experienced out-of-hours psychiatry as a field with high levels of uncertainty and limited support to help them meet the experienced challenges. This might influence the quality of care provided. If the current organisation of emergency mental healthcare is to be kept, we need to provide GPs with a better support framework out-of-hours

    Graft healing in anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction

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    Successful anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction with a tendon graft necessitates solid healing of the tendon graft in the bone tunnel. Improvement of graft healing to bone is crucial for facilitating an early and aggressive rehabilitation and ensuring rapid return to pre-injury levels activity. Tendon graft healing in a bone tunnel requires bone ingrowth into the tendon. Indirect Sharpey fiber formation and direct fibrocartilage fixation confer different anchorage strength and interface properties at the tendon-bone interface. For enhancing tendon graft-to-bone healing, we introduce a strategy that includes the use of periosteum, hydrogel supplemented with periosteal progenitor cells and bone morphogenetic protein-2, and a periosteal progenitor cell sheet. Future studies include the use of cytokines, gene therapy, stem cells, platelet-rich plasma, and mechanical stress for tendon-to-bone healing. These strategies are currently under investigation, and will be applied in the clinical setting in the near future

    Functional tissue engineering of ligament healing

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    Ligaments and tendons are dense connective tissues that are important in transmitting forces and facilitate joint articulation in the musculoskeletal system. Their injury frequency is high especially for those that are functional important, like the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) and medial collateral ligament (MCL) of the knee as well as the glenohumeral ligaments and the rotator cuff tendons of the shoulder. Because the healing responses are different in these ligaments and tendons after injury, the consequences and treatments are tissue- and site-specific. In this review, we will elaborate on the injuries of the knee ligaments as well as using functional tissue engineering (FTE) approaches to improve their healing. Specifically, the ACL of knee has limited capability to heal, and results of non-surgical management of its midsubstance rupture have been poor. Consequently, surgical reconstruction of the ACL is regularly performed to gain knee stability. However, the long-term results are not satisfactory besides the numerous complications accompanied with the surgeries. With the rapid development of FTE, there is a renewed interest in revisiting ACL healing. Approaches such as using growth factors, stem cells and scaffolds have been widely investigated. In this article, the biology of normal and healing ligaments is first reviewed, followed by a discussion on the issues related to the treatment of ACL injuries. Afterwards, current promising FTE methods are presented for the treatment of ligament injuries, including the use of growth factors, gene delivery, and cell therapy with a particular emphasis on the use of ECM bioscaffolds. The challenging areas are listed in the future direction that suggests where collection of energy could be placed in order to restore the injured ligaments and tendons structurally and functionally

    Ecological drivers of plant diversity patterns in remnants coastal sand dune ecosystems along the northern Adriatic coastline

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    Coastal sand dunes represent one of the most fragile ecosystems in the Mediterranean basin. These habitats naturally suffer the action of several limiting factors such as sand burial, marine aerosol and low soil fertility; on the other hand, they often host species of high conservation value. Over the last decades, they have also experienced a high level of biological invasion. In this study, we sampled psammophilous vegetation in two sites in the northern Adriatic coast belonging to the Natura 2000 network to describe diversity patterns and to identify the main ecological drivers of species diversity. Plant species richness and their abundance were assessed in each plot. Differences in species composition for native and alien species were compared via PERMANOVA analysis. Species complementarity was explored by partitioning beta diversity in its spatial components (richness and replacement). A Generalized Linear Model was also computed to assess the main environmental factors that may promote invasiveness in these ecosystems. For the investigated area, our results highlight the strong differentiation in community composition both in alien and native species: in particular alien species showed on average a lower complementarity among habitats compared to native species. Specifically, communities seem to be more diversified when larger spatial scales were considered. Beta diversity in both groups appears to be more dominated by the richness component with respect to the replacement component. Furthermore, in these habitats, the occurrence of alien species was shown to be related to geomorphological predictors more than climatic variables