9 research outputs found

    Perceptions of patients and health professionals about the quality of care provided to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients].

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    Objetivo: Explorar la percepción y el conocimiento de pacientes y profesionales sanitarios sobre factores que influyen en la calidad de los cuidados prestados en atención primaria (AP) a personas con enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica (EPOC). Objetivo Explorar la percepción y el conocimiento de pacientes y profesionales sanitarios sobre factores que influyen en la calidad de los cuidados prestados en atención primaria (AP) a personas con enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica (EPOC). Diseño Estudio cualitativo realizado entre febrero y marzo de 2010. Emplazamiento Centros de salud urbanos. Participantes Profesionales médicos y de enfermería de AP y pacientes con EPOC. Métodos Muestreo intencional no probabilístico con criterios de representatividad del discurso. Se realizaron 2 entrevistas grupales y 6 individuales. Las entrevistas fueron grabadas, transcritas literalmente e interpretadas mediante el análisis social del discurso. Resultados Los pacientes no identifican bien la sintomatología ni asumen la importancia de la EPOC hasta estadios avanzados. La falta de conocimiento sobre la evolución de la enfermedad y el impacto en la calidad de vida dificulta la adopción de los cambios necesarios. Los profesionales refieren problemas con la realización de espirometrías. Entre los médicos se identifica escepticismo respecto a la efectividad de las intervenciones dirigidas al cambio de conductas. Como factores organizativos destacan la existencia de Guías de Práctica Clínica (GPC), la coordinación entre profesionales y el alineamiento de prioridades entre gestores y profesionales. Conclusiones Los factores identificados sugieren la posibilidad de mejorar la asistencia sanitaria, adecuando la comunicación con los pacientes para motivarlos a adoptar las modificaciones conductuales necesarias y mejorar la adherencia a los tratamientos. Para ello puede mejorarse la concienciación y la formación de los profesionales, la coordinación asistencial, la implementación de GPC y la utilización de indicadores en un proceso de evaluación de la calidad. Objective To explore the understanding and knowledge of patients and health professionals about factors that influence the quality of care provided in Primary Care to people with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). Design Qualitative study performed between February and March 2010. Location Primary Care Centers. Participants Medical and nursing professionals and patients with COPD. Methods Non-probabilistic intentional sampling with representation criterion of the discourse. Two group (focus group) and 6 individual interviews were performed. The interviews were recorded, literally transcribed and interpreted by social discourse analysis. Results Patients neither identify properly the symptomatology nor they assume the COPD importance until advanced states. The lacks of knowledge about the evolution of the disease and the impact on quality of life hinders the necessary changes. Professionals reports problems with performing spirometry. Among doctors, scepticism regarding to the effectiveness of the interventions aimed at change of behaviour is identified. The existence of Clinical Guides, the improvement of the coordination between professionals and the alignment of priorities between managers and professionals stand out as organizational factors. Conclusions The identified factors suggest the possibility of improving the health care through improved communication to motivate them to take the recommended changes and to increase the adherence to treatments. To this effect, the awareness and training of professionals, the healthcare coordination, the implementation of Clinical Guides and the use of indicators in a process of quality assessment

    Polypharmacy Patterns: Unravelling Systematic Associations between Prescribed Medications

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    OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to demonstrate the existence of systematic associations in drug prescription that lead to the establishment of patterns of polypharmacy, and the clinical interpretation of the associations found in each pattern. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted based on information obtained from electronic medical records and the primary care pharmacy database in 2008. An exploratory factor analysis of drug dispensing information regarding 79,089 adult patients was performed to identify the patterns of polypharmacy. The analysis was stratified by age and sex. RESULTS: Seven patterns of polypharmacy were identified, which may be classified depending on the type of disease they are intended to treat: cardiovascular, depression-anxiety, acute respiratory infection (ARI), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), rhinitis-asthma, pain, and menopause. Some of these patterns revealed a clear clinical consistency and included drugs that are prescribed together for the same clinical indication (i.e., ARI and COPD patterns). Other patterns were more complex but also clinically consistent: in the cardiovascular pattern, drugs for the treatment of known risk factors—such as hypertension or dyslipidemia—were combined with other medications for the treatment of diabetes or established cardiovascular pathology (e.g., antiplatelet agents). Almost all of the patterns included drugs for preventing or treating potential side effects of other drugs in the same pattern. CONCLUSIONS: The present study demonstrated the existence of non-random associations in drug prescription, resulting in patterns of polypharmacy that are sound from the pharmacological and clinical viewpoints and that exist in a significant proportion of the population. This finding necessitates future longitudinal studies to confirm some of the proposed causal associations. The information discovered would further the development and/or adaptation of clinical patient guidelines to patients with multimorbidity who are taking multiple drugs

    esults from a prospective observational study of men with premature ejaculation treated with dapoxetine or alternative care: the PAUSE study.

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    Elective Cancer Surgery in COVID-19–Free Surgical Pathways During the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic: An International, Multicenter, Comparative Cohort Study

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