24 research outputs found

    Enamel-like apatite crown covering amorphous mineral in a crayfish mandible

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    Carbonated hydroxyapatite is the mineral found in vertebrate bones and teeth, whereas invertebrates utilize calcium carbonate in their mineralized organs. In particular, stable amorphous calcium carbonate is found in many crustaceans. Here we report on an unusual, crystalline enamel-like apatite layer found in the mandibles of the arthropod Cherax quadricarinatus (freshwater crayfish). Despite their very different thermodynamic stabilities, amorphous calcium carbonate, amorphous calcium phosphate, calcite and fluorapatite coexist in well-defined functional layers in close proximity within the mandible. The softer amorphous minerals are found primarily in the bulk of the mandible whereas apatite, the harder and less soluble mineral, forms a wear-resistant, enamel-like coating of the molar tooth. Our findings suggest a unique case of convergent evolution, where similar functional challenges of mastication led to independent developments of structurally and mechanically similar, apatite-based layers in the teeth of genetically remote phyla: vertebrates and crustaceans

    Protein disorder-order interplay to guide the growth of hierarchical mineralized structures

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    A major goal in materials science is to develop bioinspired functional materials based on the precise control of molecular building blocks across length scales. Here we report a protein-mediated mineralization process that takes advantage of disorder–order interplay using elastin-like recombinamers to program organic–inorganic interactions into hierarchically ordered mineralized structures. The materials comprise elongated apatite nanocrystals that are aligned and organized into microscopic prisms, which grow together into spherulite-like structures hundreds of micrometers in diameter that come together to fill macroscopic areas. The structures can be grown over large uneven surfaces and native tissues as acid-resistant membranes or coatings with tuneable hierarchy, stiffness, and hardness. Our study represents a potential strategy for complex materials design that may open opportunities for hard tissue repair and provide insights into the role of molecular disorder in human physiology and pathology

    Effect of wear on stress distributions and potential fracture in teeth

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    Finite element analysis is conducted on a tooth model with different degrees of wear. The model is taken as a hemispherical shell (enamel) on a compliant interior (dentin). Occlusal loading is simulated by contact with a flat or curved, hard or soft, indenter. Stress redistributions indicate that development of a wear facet may enhance some near-contact fracture modes (cone-ring cracks, radial-median cracks, edge-chipping), but have little effect on far-field modes (margin cracks). Contacts on worn surfaces with small, hard food objects are likely to be most deleterious, generating local stress concentrations and thereby accelerating the wear process. More typical contacts with larger-scale soft foods are unlikely to have such adverse effects. Implications concerning dietary habits of animals is an adjunct consideration in this work