236 research outputs found

    The [α/Fe]-[Fe/H] relation in the E-MOSAICS simulations: its connection to the birth place of globular clusters and the fraction of globular cluster field stars in the bulge

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    The {\alpha}-element abundances of the globular cluster (GC) and field star populations of galaxies encode information about the formation of each of these components. We use the E-MOSAICS cosmological simulations of ~L* galaxies and their GCs to investigate the [{\alpha}/Fe]-[Fe/H] distribution of field stars and GCs in 25 Milky Way-mass galaxies. The [{\alpha}/Fe]-[Fe/H] distribution go GCs largely follows that of the field stars and can also therefore be used as tracers of the [{\alpha}/Fe]-[Fe/H] evolution of the galaxy. Due to the difference in their star formation histories, GCs associated with stellar streams (i.e. which have recently been accreted) have systematically lower [{\alpha}/Fe] at fixed [Fe/H]. Therefore, if a GC is observed to have low [{\alpha}/Fe] for its [Fe/H] there is an increased probability that this GC was accreted recently alongside a dwarf galaxy. There is a wide range of shapes for the field star [{\alpha}/Fe]-[Fe/H] distribution, with a notable subset of galaxies exhibiting bimodal distributions, in which the high [{\alpha}/Fe] sequence is mostly comprised of stars in the bulge, a high fraction of which are from disrupted GCs. We calculate the contribution of disrupted GCs to the bulge component of the 25 simulated galaxies and find values between 0.3-14 per cent, where this fraction correlates with the galaxy's formation time. The upper range of these fractions is compatible with observationally-inferred measurements for the Milky Way, suggesting that in this respect the Milky Way is not typical of L* galaxies, having experienced a phase of unusually rapid growth at early times

    The building blocks of the Milky Way halo using APOGEE and Gaia -- or -- Is the Galaxy a typical galaxy?

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    We summarise recent results from analysis of APOGEE/Gaia data for stellar populations in the Galactic halo, disk, and bulge, leading to constraints on the contribution of dwarf galaxies and globular clusters to the stellar content of the Milky Way halo. Interpretation of the extant data in light of cosmological numerical simulations suggests that the Milky Way has been subject to an unusually intense accretion history at z >~ 1.5

    The formation and assembly history of the Milky Way revealed by its globular cluster population

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    We use the age–metallicity distribution of 96 Galactic globular clusters (GCs) to infer the formation and assembly history of the Milky Way (MW), culminating in the reconstruction of its merger tree. Based on a quantitative comparison of the Galactic GC population to the 25 cosmological zoom-in simulations of MW-mass galaxies in the E-MOSAICS project, which self-consistently model the formation and evolution of GC populations in a cosmological context, we find that the MW assembled quickly for its mass, reaching {25, 50} per cent of its present-day halo mass already at z = {3, 1.5} and half of its present-day stellar mass at z = 1.2. We reconstruct the MW’s merger tree from its GC age–metallicity distribution, inferring the number of mergers as a function of mass ratio and redshift. These statistics place the MW’s assembly rate among the 72th–94th percentile of the E-MOSAICS galaxies, whereas its integrated properties (e.g. number of mergers, halo concentration) match the median of the simulations. We conclude that the MW has experienced no major mergers (mass ratios >1:4) since z ∼ 4, sharpening previous limits of z ∼ 2. We identify three massive satellite progenitors and constrain their mass growth and enrichment histories. Two are proposed to correspond to Sagittarius (a few 108 M⊙) and the GCs formerly associated with Canis Major (⁠∼109M⊙). The third satellite has no known associated relic and was likely accreted between z = 0.6 and 1.3. We name this enigmatic galaxy Kraken and propose that it is the most massive satellite (⁠M ∗ ∼2×10 9 M ⊙) ever accreted by the MW. We predict that ∼40 per cent of the Galactic GCs formed ex situ (in galaxies with masses M* = 2 × 107–2×109M⊙), with 6 ± 1 being former nuclear clusters

    High-Affinity Naloxone Binding to Filamin A Prevents Mu Opioid Receptor–Gs Coupling Underlying Opioid Tolerance and Dependence

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    Ultra-low-dose opioid antagonists enhance opioid analgesia and reduce analgesic tolerance and dependence by preventing a G protein coupling switch (Gi/o to Gs) by the mu opioid receptor (MOR), although the binding site of such ultra-low-dose opioid antagonists was previously unknown. Here we show that with approximately 200-fold higher affinity than for the mu opioid receptor, naloxone binds a pentapeptide segment of the scaffolding protein filamin A, known to interact with the mu opioid receptor, to disrupt its chronic opioid-induced Gs coupling. Naloxone binding to filamin A is demonstrated by the absence of [3H]-and FITC-naloxone binding in the melanoma M2 cell line that does not contain filamin or MOR, contrasting with strong [3H]naloxone binding to its filamin A-transfected subclone A7 or to immunopurified filamin A. Naloxone binding to A7 cells was displaced by naltrexone but not by morphine, indicating a target distinct from opioid receptors and perhaps unique to naloxone and its analogs. The intracellular location of this binding site was confirmed by FITC-NLX binding in intact A7 cells. Overlapping peptide fragments from c-terminal filamin A revealed filamin A2561-2565 as the binding site, and an alanine scan of this pentapeptide revealed an essential mid-point lysine. Finally, in organotypic striatal slice cultures, peptide fragments containing filamin A2561-2565 abolished the prevention by 10 pM naloxone of both the chronic morphine-induced mu opioid receptor–Gs coupling and the downstream cAMP excitatory signal. These results establish filamin A as the target for ultra-low-dose opioid antagonists previously shown to enhance opioid analgesia and to prevent opioid tolerance and dependence

    Formation histories of stars, clusters and globular clusters in the E-MOSAICS simulations

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    The formation histories of globular clusters (GCs) are a key diagnostic for understanding their relation to the evolution of the Universe through cosmic time. We use the suite of 25 cosmological zoom-in simulations of present-day Milky Way-mass galaxies from the E-MOSAICS project to study the formation histories of stars, clusters, and GCs, and how these are affected by the environmental dependence of the cluster formation physics. We find that the median lookback time of GC formation in these galaxies is 10.73 {\sim}10.73~Gyr (z=2.1z=2.1), roughly 2.5 2.5~Gyr earlier than that of the field stars (8.34 {\sim}8.34~Gyr or z=1.1z=1.1). The epoch of peak GC formation is mainly determined by the time evolution of the maximum cluster mass, which depends on the galactic environment and largely increases with the gas pressure. Different metallicity subpopulations of stars, clusters and GCs present overlapping formation histories, implying that star and cluster formation represent continuous processes. The metal-poor GCs (2.5<[Fe/H]<1.5-2.5<[\rm Fe/H]<-1.5) of our galaxies are older than the metal-rich GC subpopulation (1.0<[Fe/H]<0.5-1.0<[\rm Fe/H]<-0.5), forming 12.13 12.13~Gyr and 10.15 10.15~Gyr ago (z=3.7z=3.7 and z=1.8z=1.8), respectively. The median ages of GCs are found to decrease gradually with increasing metallicity, which suggests different GC metallicity subpopulations do not form independently and their spatial and kinematic distributions are the result of their evolution in the context of hierarchical galaxy formation and evolution. We predict that proto-GC formation is most prevalent at 2z32\lesssim z \lesssim 3, which could be tested with observations of lensed galaxies using JWST

    Linking globular cluster formation at low and high redshift through the age-metallicity relation in E-MOSAICS

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    We set out to compare the age–metallicity relation (AMR) of massive clusters from Magellanic Cloud mass galaxies in the E-MOSAICS suite of numerical cosmological simulations with an amalgamation of observational data of massive clusters in the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds (LMC/SMC). We aim to test if: (i) star cluster formation proceeds according to universal physical processes, suggestive of a common formation mechanism for young-massive clusters (YMCs), intermediate-age clusters (IACs), and ancient globular clusters (GCs); (ii) massive clusters of all ages trace a continuous AMR; and (iii) the AMRs of smaller mass galaxies show a shallower relation when compared to more massive galaxies. Our results show that, within the uncertainties, the predicted AMRs of L/SMC-mass galaxies with similar star formation histories to the L/SMC follow the same relation as observations. We also find that the metallicity at which the AMR saturates increases with galaxy mass, which is also found for the field star AMRs. This suggests that relatively low-metallicity clusters can still form in dwarfs galaxies. Given our results, we suggest that ancient GCs share their formation mechanism with IACs and YMCs, in which GCs are the result of a universal process of star cluster formation during the early episodes of star formation in their host galaxies

    Predicting accreted satellite galaxy masses and accretion redshifts based on globular cluster orbits in the E-MOSAICS simulations

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    The ages and metallicities of globular clusters (GCs) are known to be powerful tracers of the properties of their progenitor galaxies, enabling their use in determining the merger histories of galaxies. However, while useful in separating GCs into individual accretion events, the orbits of GC groups themselves have received less attention as probes of their progenitor galaxy properties. In this work, we use simulations of galaxies and their GC systems from the E-MOSAICS project to explore how the present-day orbital properties of GCs are related to the properties of their progenitor galaxies. We find that the orbits of GCs deposited by accretion events are sensitive to the mass and merger redshift of the satellite galaxy. Earlier mergers and larger galaxy masses deposit GCs at smaller median apocentres and lower total orbital energy. The orbital properties of accreted groups of GCs can therefore be used to infer the properties of their progenitor galaxy, though there exists a degeneracy between galaxy mass and accretion time. Combining GC orbits with other tracers (GC ages, metallicities) will help to break the galaxy mass/accretion time degeneracy, enabling stronger constraints on the properties of their progenitor galaxy. In situ GCs generally orbit at lower energies (small apocentres) than accreted GCs, however they exhibit a large tail to high energies and even retrograde orbits (relative to the present-day disc), showing significant overlap with accreted GCs. Applying the results to Milky Way GCs groups suggests a merger redshift z1.5z \sim 1.5 for the Gaia Sausage/Enceladus and z>2z>2 for the `low-energy'/Kraken group, adding further evidence that the Milky Way had two significant mergers in its past

    The kinematics of globular cluster populations in the E-MOSAICS simulations and their implications for the assembly history of the Milky Way

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    We present a detailed comparison of the Milky Way (MW) globular cluster (GC) kinematics with the 25 Milky Way-mass cosmological simulations from the E-MOSAICS project. While the MW falls within the kinematic distribution of GCs spanned by the simulations, the relative kinematics of its metal-rich ([Fe/H]>1.2[\rm{Fe/H}]>-1.2) versus metal-poor ([Fe/H]8kpc[\rm{Fe/H}]8\rm{kpc}) populations are atypical for its mass. To understand the origins of these features, we perform a comprehensive statistical analysis of the simulations, and find 18 correlations describing the assembly of LL^* galaxies and their dark matter haloes based on their GC population kinematics. The correlations arise because the orbital distributions of accreted and in-situ GCs depend on the masses and accretion redshifts of accreted satellites, driven by the combined effects of dynamical fraction, tidal stripping, and dynamical heating. Because the kinematics of in-situ/accreted GCs are broadly traced by the metal-rich/metal-poor and inner/outer populations, the observed GC kinematics are a sensitive probe of galaxy assembly. We predict that relative to the population of LL^* galaxies, the MW assembled its dark matter and stellar mass rapidly through a combination of in-situ star formation, more than a dozen low-mass mergers, and 1.4±1.21.4\pm1.2 early (z=3.1±1.3z=3.1\pm1.3) major merger. The rapid assembly period ended early, limiting the fraction of accreted stars. We conclude by providing detailed quantitative predictions for the assembly history of the MW

    The mass fraction of halo stars contributed by the disruption of globular clusters in the E-MOSAICS simulations

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    Globular clusters (GCs) have been posited, alongside dwarf galaxies, as significant contributors to the field stellar population of the Galactic halo. In order to quantify their contribution, we examine the fraction of halo stars formed in stellar clusters in the suite of 25 present-day Milky Way-mass cosmological zoom simulations from the E-MOSAICS project. We find that a median of 2.32.3 and 0.30.3 per cent of the mass in halo field stars formed in clusters and GCs, defined as clusters more massive than 5×1035\times 10^3 and 105 M10^5~M_{\odot}, respectively, with the 2525-7575th percentiles spanning 1.91.9-3.03.0 and 0.20.2-0.50.5 per cent being caused by differences in the assembly histories of the host galaxies. Under the extreme assumption that no stellar cluster survives to the present day, the mass fractions increase to a median of 5.95.9 and 1.81.8 per cent. These small fractions indicate that the disruption of GCs plays a sub-dominant role in the build-up of the stellar halo. We also determine the contributed halo mass fraction that would present signatures of light-element abundance variations considered to be unique to GCs, and find that clusters and GCs would contribute a median of 1.11.1 and 0.20.2 per cent, respectively. We estimate the contributed fraction of GC stars to the Milky Way halo, based on recent surveys, and find upper limits of 22-55 per cent (significantly lower than previous estimates), suggesting that models other than those invoking strong mass loss are required to describe the formation of chemically enriched stellar populations in GCs