1,125 research outputs found
Partículas superparamagnéticas ultrapequeñas de óxido de hierro para aplicaciones biomédicas
Las partículas superparamagnéticas ultrapequeñas de óxido de hierro (USPIO) tienen una enorme utilidad enBiomedicina como agentes de contraste en resonancia magnética de imagen o como sistemas transportadores defármacos, entre otras aplicaciones. La naturaleza del recubrimiento de los núcleos inorgánicos de las partículasUSPIO determina su estabilidad in vitro y su comportamiento in vivo, siendo especialmente importantes sus propiedadesfi sicoquímicas, en concreto el tamaño, la carga superfi cial y la densidad del recubrimiento. Las pequeñasdimensiones de las partículas USPIO hace difícil una caracterización fi sicoquímica completa, la cuál es de sumaimportancia para poder mejorar su estabilidad y comportamiento in vivo. Esta revisión se centra en las técnicasinstrumentales utilizadas en el análisis de los núcleos magnéticos y de sus recubrimientos orgánicos
Determination of the stability of Kollicoat MAE 30D by means of differential scanning calorimetry
Se estudia la estabilidad de Kollicoat MAE 30D mediante determinaciones calorimétricas y microscópicas. Se estudianlos efectos que producen pH, temperatura y agitación sobre las propiedades fi sicoquímicas de las partículas deeste latex comercial. Se comprueba que el factor que mas infl uencia ejerce es el pH, siendo máxima la estabilidad apH ácidos, y modifi cándose con un decrecimiento de la misma, a partir de pH 6. Se determina la forma y tamañode partícula mediante medidas microfotográfi cas de SEM, realizando el recuento de 200 partículas de una muestradel latex previamente desecado. Se comprueba que la dispersión acuosa de Kollicoat MAE 30 D a su pH natural(2.5), da lugar a una población de partículas con un diámetro medio de 1.56 nm.The stability of Kollicoat MAE 30 D was studied with differential scanning calorimetric, and scanning electronmicroscopy. We investigated the effects of pH, temperature and shaking on physicochemical properties of the latexparticles. Stability of the polymer as most strongly affected by pH; hence, we conclude that the stability of this latexreaches a maximum at acid pH values, where as stability is lost to pH 6.The particle shape and the mean diameter were determined by means of SEM microphotographs on 200 particles in asample of dry latex. The aqueous Kollicoat MAE 30 D dispersion, at its natural pH (2.5), presented one population ofparticles with a mean diameter of 1.56 nm
Improvement of the drug therapy results in patients with high blood pressure at a community pharmacy
En el presente trabajo se analizan las consecuencias de la actividad asistencial del farmacéutico en un grupo depacientes hipertensos de una ofi cina de farmacia. Se han estudiado los diferentes Problemas Relacionados con laMedicación (PRM) que podrían dar lugar a la aparición de Resultados Negativos asociados a la Medicación (RNM),clasifi cándolos y relacionándolos con las cualidades de necesidad, efectividad y seguridad de la farmacoterapia. Laincidencia de la vía de comunicación utilizada en la intervención (farmacéutico-paciente o farmacéutico-pacientemédico)sobre el resultado fi nal de ésta fue investigada, observándose un mejor resultado si se requería la colaboracióndel médico. En este estudio se ha puesto de manifi esto la necesidad de solucionar determinadas trabas quedifi cultan la mejor aplicación del servicio de seguimiento farmacoterapéutico a los pacientes y la inclusión de unmayor número de personas en éste.In the present work, the consequences of the sanitary assistance activity of the pharmacist in a group of patientswith high blood pressure are analyzed. The Drug Related Problems (DRP), detected in these patients at a communitypharmacy, that could generate Negative Results Associated to the Medication (NRM) were studied, carrying out aclassifi cation with respect to the pharmacotherapy qualities of necessity, effectiveness and security. The impact ofthe communication channel used in the intervention (pharmacist-patient or pharmacist-patient-doctor) in its fi nalresult was also studied. Better result was obtained when the collaboration with the doctor was selected. This studyalso remarks the need to overcome some barriers that hinders a better application of this pharmacotherapeuticmonitoring service and a greater integration of patients
The pharmacist future and the family medicine cabinet: learning to make health education
La utilización de medicamentos es un hecho más que habitual en toda unidad familiar que conlleva la preparación de un botiquín en el hogar. Es frecuente que este botiquín crezca como consecuencia de la tendencia a la acumulación de medicamentos por parte de sus usuarios. Esto hace que pueda ser utilizado incorrectamente, desembocando en consecuencias negativas para la salud del paciente. Se ha realizado una actividad de formación y concienciación entre los estudiantes de la asignatura Farmacia Clínica de último curso de la Licenciatura en Farmacia por la Universidad de Granada sobre los botiquines de uso familiar y los métodos de eliminación de medicamentos caducados o residuos de estos. Así, el futuro profesional farmacéutico ha podido con esta actividad de educación sanitaria, reflexionar sobre la importancia que tiene conocer el estado de los botiquines caseros y la necesidad de realizar una frecuente revisión de estos. Esta actividad ha logrado además concienciarles sobre la importancia que tiene la supervisión de los botiquines de farmacias comunitarias. Al finalizar este estudio, el 94 % de los alumnos consideraban que el farmacéutico debe desempeñar un papel fundamental en el asesoramiento e información al paciente sobre su botiquín y en la adecuada eliminación de los residuos generados por la utilización de medicamentos. De esta manera, se ha logrado que el futuro farmacéutico se conciencie sobre la importancia sanitaria de las actividades de educación para la salud.The use of drugs is a more common occurrence in any family unit involves the preparation of a medicine cabinet at home. Often this kit to grow as a result of the tendency to accumulation of drugs by their users. This means it can be misused, resulting in negative health consequences patient. It has done a training and awareness among students of the subject Clinical Pharmacy final year of the Bachelor of Pharmacy from the University of Granada on kits for family use and disposal methods of expired drugs or residues of these. Thus, the pharmaceutical professional future has been with this activity health education, reflect on the importance of the status of home medicine cabinets and the need for frequent revision of these. This activity has also made them aware of the importance of monitoring kits community pharmacies. Upon completion of this study, 94% of students felt that the pharmacist should play a key role in advising and patient information on your medicine cabinet and proper disposal of waste generated by the use of drugs. In this way, it has made the future pharmacist raise awareness of the importance of health education activities for health
Assessing the brain through the eye: New ways to explore hepatic encephalopathy
Minimal hepatic encephalopathy (mHE) has been shown to affect daily functioning, quality of life, driving and overall mortality. However, little is known about treating or diagnosing early impairments in mHE. We studied one of its precipitating factors, portal hypertension which is driving the inflammatory process behind mHE. The purpose was to describe an indirect diagnostic method able to detect the pathology at early stages based on the study of the vascularization and mast cells conjunctival hyperplasia as secondary inflammatory response associated to portal hypertension. Finally, we correlated the presence of histological changes in the eye in mHE with deficits in behavioral task acquisition.Rats were trained on a stimulus-response task and a spatial working memory task using the Morris water maze. Two groups of animals were used: a SHAM (sham-operated) group (n=10) and a portal hypertension (HT) group (n=10). The triple portal vein ligation method was used to create an animal model of mHE. Latencies to reach the platform, number of glial fibrillary acidic protein-immunoreactive astrocytes (GFAP-IR), mast cell expression and presence/absence of blood and lymphatic vessels were examined.There were differences in stimulus-response behavioral performance, with a deficit in the acquisition in the HT group. However, no differences between groups were found on the spatial working memory task. At the same time, differences between groups were found in the GFAP-IR density, which was lower in the HT group, and in the number of mast cells and the presence of vessels, which were higher in the HT group.In this study, we provide the first preliminary insight into the validity of exploring the eye as a possible tool to assess the diagnosis of mHE conditions
Detection of possible undiagnosed cases of diabetes in customers at a community pharmacy
Entre el 28 de marzo y el 28 de junio de 2005 se desarrolló una campaña de detección de posibles diabéticos nodiagnosticados, de excelente aceptación y repercusión entre los usuarios de una ofi cina de farmacia. El Test deRiesgo de Diabetes de la American Diabetes Association (ADA) fue utilizado en la selección de las personas que sesometerían a una determinación de glucemia capilar en ayunas, mediante metodología basada en reacciones colorimétricas.Una puntuación de diez puntos o más en este test, fue el requisito preciso para ello. El 53,0 % de lostest obtuvieron una puntuación igual o superior a diez y el 36,4 % de las determinaciones de glucemia realizadasdieron un resultado mayor o igual a 110 mg/dL, de lo que se deduce la utilidad del test ADA en el enriquecimientode la muestra objeto de estudio. Las personas con estos valores elevados de glucemia, fueron remitidas al médicopara su valoración.As part of a localised health care initiative, a campaign for the detection of possible undiagnosed cases of diabeteswas carried out from the 28th of March to the 28th of June 2005, at a local community pharmacy, giving good resultsand a high level of acceptance from pharmacy customers. The diabetes risk test proposed by the American DiabetesAssociation (ADA) was used in the selection process of persons for blood glucose testing under conditions of previousfasting (8-10 hrs). The ADA test is based on a points scoring system, in which a score of 10 points is considered ascause for recommendation for blood glucose testing. The methodology used for the determination of blood glucoselevels in this research was that based on colorimetric reactions. In the ADA test, 53.0% of cases scored ten points orover, while 36.4% of blood glucose determinations resulted in levels equal to or over 110 mg/dL, thus indicating theusefulness of this tool for the purposes of research. Persons with such high levels of blood glucose were referred to aphysician for analysis
DR_SEQAN: a PC/Windows-based software to evaluate drug resistance using human immunodeficiency virus type 1 genotypes
BACKGROUND: Genotypic assays based on DNA sequencing of part or the whole reverse transcriptase (RT)- and protease (PR)-coding regions of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) genome have become part of the routine clinical management of HIV-infected individuals. However, the results are difficult to interpret due to complex interactions between mutations found in viral genes. RESULTS: DR_SEQAN is a tool to analyze RT and PR sequences. The program output includes a list containing all of the amino acid changes found in the query sequence in comparison with the sequence of a wild-type HIV-1 strain. Translation of codons containing nucleotide mixtures can result in potential ambiguities or heterogeneities in the amino acid sequence. The program identifies all possible combinations of 2 or 3 amino acids that derive from translation of triplets containing nucleotide mixtures. In addition, when ambiguities affect codons relevant for drug resistance, DR_SEQAN allows the user to select the appropriate mutation to be considered by the program's drug resistance interpretation algorithm. Resistance is predicted using a rule-based algorithm, whose efficiency and accuracy has been tested with a large set of drug susceptibility data. Drug resistance predictions given by DR_SEQAN were consistent with phenotypic data and coherent with predictions provided by other publicly available algorithms. In addition, the program output provides two tables showing published drug susceptibility data and references for mutations and combinations of mutations found in the analyzed sequence. These data are retrieved from an integrated relational database, implemented in Microsoft Access, which includes two sets of non-redundant core tables (one for combinations of mutations in the PR and the other for combinations in the RT). CONCLUSION: DR_SEQAN is an easy to use off-line application that provides expert advice on HIV genotypic resistance interpretation. It is coded in Visual Basic for use in PC/Windows-based platforms. The program is freely available under the General Public License. The program (including the integrated database), documentation and a sample sequence can be downloaded fro
Loss of Developmental Diapause as Prerequisite for Social Evolution in Bees
Diapause is a physiological arrest of development ahead of adverse environmental conditions and is a critical phase of the life cycle of many insects. In bees, diapause has been reported in species from all seven taxonomic families. However, they exhibit a variety of diapause strategies. These different strategies are of particular interest since shifts in the phase of the insect life cycle in which diapause occurs have been hypothesized to promote the evolution of sociality. Here we provide a comprehensive evaluation of this hypothesis with phylogenetic analysis and ancestral state reconstruction (ASR) of the ecological and evolutionary factors associated with diapause phase. We find that social lifestyle, latitude and voltinism are significant predictors of the life stage in which diapause occurs. ASR revealed that the most recent common ancestor of all bees likely exhibited developmental diapause and shifts to adult, reproductive, or no diapause have occurred in the ancestors of lineages in which social behaviour has evolved. These results provide fresh insight regarding the role of diapause as a prerequisite for the evolution of sociality in bees
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