9 research outputs found

    BCL-2 family protein expression and platinum drug resistance in ovarian carcinoma

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    The expression of the BCL-2 family proteins, BCL-2, BAX, BCLXLand BAK have been determined in a panel of 12 human ovarian carcinoma cell lines encompassing a wide range in sensitivity to cisplatin. Whereas BAX, BCLXLand BAK levels did not correlate with sensitivity, there was a statistically significant inverse correlation (r = –0.81;P = 0.002) between growth inhibition by cisplatin and BCL-2 levels. In sublines possessing acquired resistance to various platinum-based drugs or across a panel of human ovarian carcinoma xenografts, there was no consistent pattern of BCL-2 expression. Two relatively sensitive lines (A2780 and CH1) have been stably transfected with bcl-2 and bclXLrespectively and two relatively resistant lines (A2780cisR and SKOV-3) stably transfected with bax. Overexpression of BCL-2 in A2780 cells led to resistance to cisplatin compared to the vector control when assayed at 48 h post-drug incubation but a significant increase in sensitivity at 96 h. Relative rates of apoptosis at 48- and 96-h post-cisplatin exposure mirrored the growth inhibition. There was no significant difference in sensitivity of the pair of lines by clonogenic assay. No significant changes in chemosensitivity to a variety of DNA-damaging or tubulin-interactive agents were observed in the remaining transfected lines. Taken together, these results suggest that, in human ovarian carcinoma cells, high BCL-2 levels (either naturally occurring or through gene transfection) confers a trend towards sensitivity not resistance to platinum drugs. © 2000 Cancer Research Campaig

    p53 overexpression is associated with cytoreduction and response to chemotherapy in ovarian cancer

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    The aim of this study was to assess the association of p53 status with primary cytoreduction, response to chemotherapy and outcome in stage III–IV primary ovarian cancer patients. Immunohistochemical analysis of p53 was performed on formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded specimens from 168 primary ovarian carcinomas by using the DO-7 monoclonal antibody. p53 nuclear positivity was found in 84 out of 162 (52%) malignant tumours. A higher percentage of p53 nuclear positivity was observed in patients with advanced stage of disease than in stage I–II (57% vs 23% respectively; P = 0.0022) and in poorly differentiated versus well/moderately differentiated tumours (59% vs 32% respectively; P = 0.0038). The multivariate analysis aimed to investigate the association of FIGO stage, grade and p53 status with primary cytoreduction in 136 stage III–IV patients showed that stage IV disease may influence the possibility to perform primary cytoreduction in ovarian cancer patients. p53-positivity also maintained a trend to be associated with poor chance of cytoreduction. In patients who underwent pathologic assessment of response, cases who did not respond to chemotherapy were much more frequently p53-positive than p53-negative (86% vs 14% respectively; P = 0.012). Moreover, patients with stage III disease and < 2-cm residual tumour were more likely to respond to treatment. In multivariate analysis, FIGO stage and p53 expression were independently correlated with pathologic response to chemotherapy. Time to progression and survival rates were shown not to be different in p53-positive versus p53-negative patients. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig