5 research outputs found

    Unsupervised record matching with noisy and incomplete data

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    We consider the problem of duplicate detection in noisy and incomplete data: given a large data set in which each record has multiple entries (attributes), detect which distinct records refer to the same real world entity. This task is complicated by noise (such as misspellings) and missing data, which can lead to records being different, despite referring to the same entity. Our method consists of three main steps: creating a similarity score between records, grouping records together into "unique entities", and refining the groups. We compare various methods for creating similarity scores between noisy records, considering different combinations of string matching, term frequency-inverse document frequency methods, and n-gram techniques. In particular, we introduce a vectorized soft term frequency-inverse document frequency method, with an optional refinement step. We also discuss two methods to deal with missing data in computing similarity scores. We test our method on the Los Angeles Police Department Field Interview Card data set, the Cora Citation Matching data set, and two sets of restaurant review data. The results show that the methods that use words as the basic units are preferable to those that use 3-grams. Moreover, in some (but certainly not all) parameter ranges soft term frequency-inverse document frequency methods can outperform the standard term frequency-inverse document frequency method. The results also confirm that our method for automatically determining the number of groups typically works well in many cases and allows for accurate results in the absence of a priori knowledge of the number of unique entities in the data set

    A Review of Unsupervised and Semi-supervised Blocking Methods for Record Linkage

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    Record linkage, referred to also as entity resolution, is a process of identifying records representing the same real-world entity (e.g. a person) across varied data sources. To reduce the computational complexity associated with record comparisons, a task referred to as blocking is commonly performed prior to the linkage process. The blocking task involves partitioning records into blocks of records and treating records from different blocks as not related to the same entity. Following this, record linkage methods are applied within each block significantly reducing the number of record comparisons. Most of the existing blocking techniques require some degree of parameter selection in order to optimise the performance for a particular dataset (e.g. attributes and blocking functions used for splitting records into blocks). Optimal parameters can be selected manually but this is expensive in terms of time and cost and assumes a domain expert to be available. Automatic supervised blocking techniques have been proposed; however, they require a set of labelled data in which the matching status of each record is known. In the majority of real-world scenarios, we do not have any information regarding the matching status of records obtained from multiple sources. Therefore, there is a demand for blocking techniques that sufficiently reduce the number of record comparisons with little to no human input or labelled data required. Given the importance of the problem, recent research efforts have seen the development of novel unsupervised and semi-supervised blocking techniques. In this chapter, we review existing blocking techniques and discuss their advantages and disadvantages. We detail other research areas that have recently arose and discuss other unresolved issues that are still to be addressed