69 research outputs found

    Impact of home-based management of malaria on health outcomes in Africa: a systematic review of the evidence

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    BACKGROUND: Home-based management of malaria (HMM) is promoted as a major strategy to improve prompt delivery of effective malaria treatment in Africa. HMM involves presumptively treating febrile children with pre-packaged antimalarial drugs distributed by members of the community. HMM has been implemented in several African countries, and artemisinin-based combination therapies (ACTs) will likely be introduced into these programmes on a wide scale. CASE PRESENTATIONS: The published literature was searched for studies that evaluated the health impact of community- and home-based treatment for malaria in Africa. Criteria for inclusion were: 1) the intervention consisted of antimalarial treatment administered presumptively for febrile illness; 2) the treatment was administered by local community members who had no formal education in health care; 3) measured outcomes included specific health indicators such as malaria morbidity (incidence, severity, parasite rates) and/or mortality; and 4) the study was conducted in Africa. Of 1,069 potentially relevant publications identified, only six studies, carried out over 18 years, were identified as meeting inclusion criteria. Heterogeneity of the evaluations, including variability in study design, precluded meta-analysis. DISCUSSION AND EVALUATION: All trials evaluated presumptive treatment with chloroquine and were conducted in rural areas, and most were done in settings with seasonal malaria transmission. Conclusions regarding the impact of HMM on morbidity and mortality endpoints were mixed. Two studies showed no health impact, while another showed a decrease in malaria prevalence and incidence, but no impact on mortality. One study in Burkina Faso suggested that HMM decreased the proportion of severe malaria cases, while another study from the same country showed a decrease in the risk of progression to severe malaria. Of the four studies with mortality endpoints only one from Ethiopia showed a positive impact, with a reduction in the under-5 mortality rate of 40.6% (95% CI 29.2 - 50.6). CONCLUSION: Currently the evidence base for HMM in Africa, particularly regarding use of ACTs, is narrow and priorities for further research are discussed. To optimize treatment and maximize health benefits, drug regimens and delivery strategies in HMM programmes may need to be tailored to local conditions. Additional research could help guide programme development, policy decision-making, and implementation

    The desmosome and pemphigus

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    Desmosomes are patch-like intercellular adhering junctions (“maculae adherentes”), which, in concert with the related adherens junctions, provide the mechanical strength to intercellular adhesion. Therefore, it is not surprising that desmosomes are abundant in tissues subjected to significant mechanical stress such as stratified epithelia and myocardium. Desmosomal adhesion is based on the Ca2+-dependent, homo- and heterophilic transinteraction of cadherin-type adhesion molecules. Desmosomal cadherins are anchored to the intermediate filament cytoskeleton by adaptor proteins of the armadillo and plakin families. Desmosomes are dynamic structures subjected to regulation and are therefore targets of signalling pathways, which control their molecular composition and adhesive properties. Moreover, evidence is emerging that desmosomal components themselves take part in outside-in signalling under physiologic and pathologic conditions. Disturbed desmosomal adhesion contributes to the pathogenesis of a number of diseases such as pemphigus, which is caused by autoantibodies against desmosomal cadherins. Beside pemphigus, desmosome-associated diseases are caused by other mechanisms such as genetic defects or bacterial toxins. Because most of these diseases affect the skin, desmosomes are interesting not only for cell biologists who are inspired by their complex structure and molecular composition, but also for clinical physicians who are confronted with patients suffering from severe blistering skin diseases such as pemphigus. To develop disease-specific therapeutic approaches, more insights into the molecular composition and regulation of desmosomes are required

    Sequential Soil Transport and Its Influence on the Spatial Organisation of Collective Digging in Leaf-Cutting Ants

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    The Chaco leaf-cutting ant Atta vollenweideri (Forel) inhabits large and deep subterranean nests composed of a large number of fungus and refuse chambers. The ants dispose of the excavated soil by forming small pellets that are carried to the surface. For ants in general, the organisation of underground soil transport during nest building remains completely unknown. In the laboratory, we investigated how soil pellets are formed and transported, and whether their occurrence influences the spatial organisation of collective digging. Similar to leaf transport, we discovered size matching between soil pellet mass and carrier mass. Workers observed while digging excavated pellets at a rate of 26 per hour. Each excavator deposited its pellets in an individual cluster, independently of the preferred deposition sites of other excavators. Soil pellets were transported sequentially over 2 m, and the transport involved up to 12 workers belonging to three functionally distinct groups: excavators, several short-distance carriers that dropped the collected pellets after a few centimetres, and long-distance, last carriers that reached the final deposition site. When initiating a new excavation, the proportion of long-distance carriers increased from 18% to 45% within the first five hours, and remained unchanged over more than 20 hours. Accumulated, freshly-excavated pellets significantly influenced the workers' decision where to start digging in a choice experiment. Thus, pellets temporarily accumulated as a result of their sequential transport provide cues that spatially organise collective nest excavation