60 research outputs found

    Transcriptional Profiling of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Cells with Activating EGFR Somatic Mutations

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    Activating somatic mutations in epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) confer unique biologic features to non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) cells, but the transcriptional mediators of EGFR in this subgroup of NSCLC have not been fully elucidated.Here we used genetic and pharmacologic approaches to elucidate the transcriptomes of NSCLC cell lines. We transcriptionally profiled a panel of EGFR-mutant and -wild-type NSCLC cell lines cultured in the presence or absence of an EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitor. Hierarchical analysis revealed that the cell lines segregated on the basis of EGFR mutational status (mutant versus wild-type), and expression signatures were identified by supervised analysis that distinguished the cell lines based on mutational status (wild-type versus mutant) and type of mutation (L858R versus Delta746-750). Using an EGFR mutation-specific expression signature as a probe, we mined the gene expression profiles of two independent cohorts of NSCLC patients and found the signature in a subset. EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitor treatment regulated the expression of multiple genes, and pharmacologic inhibition of the protein products of two of them (PTGS2 and EphA2) inhibited anchorage-independent growth in EGFR-mutant NSCLC cells.We have elucidated genes not previously associated with EGFR-mutant NSCLC, two of which enhanced the clonogenicity of these cells, distinguishing these mediators from others previously shown to maintain cell survival. These findings have potential clinical relevance given the availability of pharmacologic tools to inhibit the protein products of these genes

    The significance of the complement system for the pathogenesis of age-related macular degeneration — current evidence and translation into clinical application

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    BACKGROUND: Dysregulation of the complement system has been shown to play a major role in the pathogenesis of age-related macular degeneration (AMD). METHODS: The current evidence from human studies derives from immunohistochemical and proteomic studies in donor eyes, genetic association studies, and studies of blood complement protein levels. These lines of evidence are corroborated by in vitro and animal studies. RESULTS: In AMD donor eyes, detection of complement proteins in drusen suggested local inflammatory processes involving the complement system. Moreover, higher levels of complement proteins in the Bruch's membrane/choroid complex could be detected in AMD donor eyes compared to controls. A large number of independent genetic studies have consistently confirmed the association of AMD with risk or protective variants in genes coding for complement proteins, including complement factor H (CFH), CFH-related proteins 1 and 3, factor B/C2, C3 and factor I. Another set of independent studies detected increased levels of complement activation products in plasma of AMD patients, suggesting that AMD may be a systemic disease and the macula a vulnerable anatomic site of minimal resistance to complement activation. Genotype-phenotype correlations, including the impact of genetic variants on disease progression, gene-environment and pharmacogenetic interactions, have been investigated. There is evidence that complement gene variants may be associated with the progression from early to late forms of AMD, whereas they do not appear to play a significant role when late atrophic AMD has already developed. There are indications for an interaction between genetic variants and supplementation and dietary factors. Also, there is some evidence that variants in the CFH gene influence treatment effects in patients with neovascular AMD. CONCLUSIONS: Such data suggest that the complement system may have a significant role for developing new prophylactic and therapeutic interventions in AMD. In fact, several compounds acting on the complement pathway are currently in clinical trials. Therapeutics that modulate the complement system need to balance inhibition with preservation of sufficient functional activity in order to maintain adequate immune responses and tissue homeostasis. Specifically, targeting the dysfunction appears more adequate than a global suppression of complement activation in chronic diseases such as AMD

    Increased expression of EphA7 correlates with adverse outcome in primary and recurrent glioblastoma multiforme patients

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Malignant gliomas are lethal cancers, highly dependent on angiogenesis and treatment options and prognosis still remain poor for patients with recurrent glioblastoma multiforme (GBM). Ephs and ephrins have many well-defined functions during embryonic development of central nervous system such as axon mapping, neural crest cell migration, hindbrain segmentation and synapse formation as well as physiological and abnormal angiogenesis. Accumulating evidence indicates that Eph and ephrins are frequently overexpressed in different tumor types including GBM. However, their role in tumorigenesis remains controversial, as both tumor growth promoter and suppressor potential have been ascribed to Eph and ephrins while the function of EphA7 in GBM pathogenesis remains largely unknown.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In this study, we investigated the immunohistochemical expression of EphA7 in a series of 32 primary and recurrent GBM and correlated it with clinical pathological parameters and patient outcome. In addition, intratumor microvascular density (MVD) was quantified by immunostaining for endothelial cell marker von Willebrand factor (vWF).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Overexpression of EphA7 protein was predictive of the adverse outcome in GBM patients, independent of MVD expression (p = 0.02). Moreover, high density of MVD as well as higher EphA7 expression predicted the disease outcome more accurately than EphA7 variable alone (p = 0.01). There was no correlation between MVD and overall survival or recurrence-free survival (p > 0.05). However, a statistically significant correlation between lower MVD and tumor recurrence was observed (p = 0.003).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The immunohistochemical assessment of tissue EphA7 provides important prognostic information in GBM and would justify its use as surrogate marker to screen patients for tyrosine kinase inhibitor therapy.</p

    Diagnostic thinking and information used in clinical decision-making: a qualitative study of expert and student dental clinicians

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>It is uncertain whether the range and frequency of Diagnostic Thinking Processes (DTP) and pieces of information (concepts) involved in dental restorative treatment planning are different between students and expert clinicians.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We video-recorded dental visits with one standardized patient. Clinicians were subsequently interviewed and their cognitive strategies explored using guide questions; interviews were also recorded. Both visit and interview were content-analyzed, following the Gale and Marsden model for clinical decision-making. Limited tests used to contrast data were t, χ<sup>2</sup>, and Fisher's. Scott's π was used to determine inter-coder reliability.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Fifteen dentists and 17 senior dental students participated in visits lasting 32.0 minutes (± 12.9) among experts, and 29.9 ± 7.1 among students; contact time with patient was 26.4 ± 13.9 minutes (experts), and 22.2 ± 7.5 (students). The time elapsed between the first and the last instances of the clinician looking in the mouth was similar between experts and students. Ninety eight types of pieces of information were used in combinations with 12 DTPs. The main differences found in DTP utilization had dentists conducting diagnostic interpretations of findings with sufficient certainty to be considered definitive twice as often as students. Students resorted more often to more general or clarifying enquiry in their search for information than dentists.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Differences in diagnostic strategies and concepts existed within clearly delimited types of cognitive processes; such processes were largely compatible with the analytic and (in particular) non-analytic approaches to clinical decision-making identified in the medical field. Because we were focused on a clinical presentation primarily made up of non-emergency treatment needs, use of other DTPs and concepts might occur when clinicians evaluate emergency treatment needs, complex rehabilitative cases, and/or medically compromised patients.</p

    A Model of Mindful Parenting: Implications for Parent–Child Relationships and Prevention Research

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    This paper introduces a model of “mindful parenting” as a framework whereby parents intentionally bring moment-to-moment awareness to the parent–child relationship. This is done by developing the qualities of listening with full attention when interacting with their children, cultivating emotional awareness and self-regulation in parenting, and bringing compassion and nonjudgmental acceptance to their parenting interactions. First, we briefly outline the theoretical and empirical literature on mindfulness and mindfulness-based interventions. Next, we present an operational definition of mindful parenting as an extension of mindfulness to the social context of parent–child relationships. We discuss the implications of mindful parenting for the quality of parent–child relationships, particularly across the transition to adolescence, and we review the literature on the application of mindfulness in parenting interventions. We close with a synopsis of our own efforts to integrate mindfulness-based intervention techniques and mindful parenting into a well-established, evidence-based family prevention program and our recommendations for future research on mindful parenting interventions

    Genome analysis of a major urban malaria vector mosquito, Anopheles stephensi

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    Considering Soil Potassium Pools with Dissimilar Plant Availability

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    Soil potassium (K) has traditionally been portrayed as residing in four functional pools: solution K, exchangeable K, interlayer (sometimes referred to as “fixed” or “nonexchangeable”) K, and structural K in primary minerals. However, this four-pool model and associated terminology have created confusion in understanding the dynamics of K supply to plants and the fate of K returned to the soil in fertilizers, residues, or waste products. This chapter presents an alternative framework to depict soil K pools. The framework distinguishes between micas and feldspars as K-bearing primary minerals, based on the presence of K in interlayer positions or three-dimensional framework structures, respectively; identifies a pool of K in neoformed secondary minerals that can include fertilizer reaction products; and replaces the “exchangeable” K pool with a pool defined as “surface-adsorbed” K, identifying where the K is located and the mechanism by which it is held rather than identification based on particular soil testing procedures. In this chapter, we discuss these K pools and their behavior in relation to plant K acquisition and soil K dynamics