11 research outputs found

    Inclusive Jet and Hadron Suppression in a Multi-Stage Approach

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    We present a new study of jet interactions in the Quark-Gluon Plasma created in high-energy heavy-ion collisions, using a multi-stage event generator within the JETSCAPE framework. We focus on medium-induced modifications in the rate of inclusive jets and high transverse momentum (high-pTp_{\mathrm{T}}) hadrons. Scattering-induced jet energy loss is calculated in two stages: A high virtuality stage based on the MATTER model, in which scattering of highly virtual partons modifies the vacuum radiation pattern, and a second stage at lower jet virtuality based on the LBT model, in which leading partons gain and lose virtuality by scattering and radiation. Coherence effects that reduce the medium-induced emission rate in the MATTER phase are also included. The \trento\ model is used for initial conditions, and the (2+1)D VISHNU model is used for viscous hydrodynamic evolution. Jet interactions with the medium are modeled via 2-to-2 scattering with Debye screened potentials, in which the recoiling partons are tracked, hadronized, and included in the jet clustering. Holes left in the medium are also tracked and subtracted to conserve transverse momentum. Calculations of the nuclear modification factor (RAAR_{\mathrm{AA}}) for inclusive jets and high-pTp_{\mathrm{T}} hadrons are compared to experimental measurements at RHIC and the LHC. Within this framework, we find that two parameters for energy-loss, the coupling in the medium and the transition scale between the stages of jet modification, suffice to successfully describe these data at all energies, for central and semi-central collisions, without re-scaling the jet transport coefficient q^\hat{q}.Comment: 33 pages, 23 figure

    Multi-scale evolution of charmed particles in a nuclear medium

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    Parton energy-momentum exchange with the quark gluon plasma (QGP) is a multi-scale problem. In this work, we calculate the interaction of charm quarks with the QGP within the higher twist formalism at high virtuality and high energy using the MATTER model, while the low virtuality and high energy portion is treated via a (linearized) Boltzmann Transport (LBT) formalism. Coherence effect that reduces the medium-induced emission rate in the MATTER model is also taken into account. The interplay between these two formalisms is studied in detail and used to produce a good description of the D-meson and charged hadron nuclear modification factor RAA across multiple centralities. All calculations were carried out utilizing the JETSCAPE framework

    Jet quenching in a multi-stage Monte Carlo approach

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    Phenomenological Constraints on the Transport Properties of QCD Matter with Data-Driven Model Averaging

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    Using combined data from the Relativistic Heavy Ion and Large Hadron Colliders, we constrain the shear and bulk viscosities of quark-gluon plasma (QGP) at temperatures of ∼150–350  MeV. We use Bayesian inference to translate experimental and theoretical uncertainties into probabilistic constraints for the viscosities. With Bayesian model averaging we propagate an estimate of the model uncertainty generated by the transition from hydrodynamics to hadron transport in the plasma’s final evolution stage, providing the most reliable phenomenological constraints to date on the QGP viscosities